
ACCESS_COMMAND | Command General Access, used for accessing the doors to the bridge, the communications console, and the general access that Tablet/Computer Programs check for "heads". |
ACCESS_AI_MASTER | Access to critical-to-function AI rooms and equipment such as the AI Core, AI Upload, AI mini-sat maintenance, turret controls, and foam dispensers. |
ACCESS_AI_SAT | Access to non-critical rooms in the mini-sat the AI usually resides in. Given to Network Admins to let them do maintenance on the AI. |
ACCESS_TELEPORTER | Access to the Teleporter Room, and some cargo crates. |
ACCESS_EVA | Access to the EVA Storage Room, and some cargo crates. |
ACCESS_VAULT | Access to the vault on the station, for accessing the station's budget, the nuke core, or the Ore Silo. |
ACCESS_RC_ANNOUNCE | Access to make an announcement through the Requests Console found in an office. |
ACCESS_KEYCARD_AUTH | Access used for events (Red Alert, BSA, Emergency Maintenance) which require at least two people to swipe at the same time to authorize it |
ACCESS_PERSONAL_LOCKERS | Access used to override "personal control" on all personal lockers, meaning you are able to open any of those lockers/wardrobes. |
ACCESS_CHANGE_IDS | Access used for Access-Changing Programs, this one will unlock all options that can be ever given via that program. |
ACCESS_CAPTAIN | Access used for the Captain's personal quarters in mapping, the spare ID cabinet, and the antique gun (but only on gamma alert or above). |
ACCESS_SECURITY | Security's General Access, armaments vendor, security lockers, and other secure gear. Applied to things to Officers and Wardens should access, but never Lawyers or Detectives. |
ACCESS_SEC_BASIC | Access to the front doors of the Brig, the "secure" portion of the Courtroom, and department outposts. Given to Lawyers, Heads of Staff, and Detectives. |
ACCESS_BRIG | Access to brig cells, brig timers, permabrig, gulag, gulag teleporter, gulag shuttle, prisoner management console, and some security cargo crates. |
ACCESS_ARMORY | Access to the armory, security incinerator (when present), and the execution/re-education chamber. |
ACCESS_DETECTIVE | Access for the Detective, their office, and medical data console. Always mixed with ACCESS_SECURITY in the security office/delivery windoor, and the arrivals and departure sec checkpoints. |
ACCESS_BRIG_PHYS | Access for the Brig Physician and their locker, also used for the Brig Infirmary doors. |
ACCESS_WEAPONS_PERMIT | The "Weapons Permit" Access, or the one that lets you walk past secbots without them charging at you as you hold your weaponry. |
ACCESS_HOS | Access used for the Head of Security's personal quarters in mapping, as well as other HoS-related things. |
ACCESS_ENGINEERING | Engineering General Access, grants access to the standard parts of Engineering and the Engine Room. |
ACCESS_ATMOSPHERICS | Access to Atmospherics Sections of the Engineering Department, as well as air alarms. |
ACCESS_MAINT_TUNNELS | Access to all maintenance tunnels on the station. This overrides any "departmental maintenance" access, this has free roaming range everywhere. |
ACCESS_EXTERNAL_AIRLOCKS | Access to all external "space facing" airlocks on the station. Used such that people don't easily "jump ship", or restict free ingress/egress to only a few points on the station. |
ACCESS_ENGINE_EQUIP | Access to get into APCs, engineering equipment lockers, typically mapped in for key power rooms across the station, engineering vending machines, emitters, and some other stuff. |
ACCESS_CONSTRUCTION | Access to "construction" areas of the station. However, in mapping, it's also used to get access to the front door and lathe room of the engineering department. |
ACCESS_TECH_STORAGE | Access to the Tech Storage room, containing lots of machine boards and other miscellaneous engineering gear. |
ACCESS_SECURE_TECH | Access to the Secure Tech Storage room, containing unreplaceable high-value machine boards. |
ACCESS_TCOMMS | Access to the Telecomms Server Room, traffic control console, machinery, and tablets. |
ACCESS_TCOMMS_ADMIN | Access needed to view message logs recorded on the message monitor console in Telecomms. |
ACCESS_AUX_BASE | Access to the Auxiliary Base Room, as well as the ability to launch it. |
ACCESS_CE | Access for the Chief Engineer's office, as well as some other CE-related things. |
ACCESS_MEDICAL | General access to Medbay, like the front doors, the treatment center, the medical records console, defibrillator mounts, and more. |
ACCESS_SURGERY | Access to the surgery rooms, as well as the equipment and buttons there. |
ACCESS_PARAMEDIC | Access to the Paramedic Staging Area. |
ACCESS_MORGUE | Access to the Morgue. |
ACCESS_CHEMISTRY | Access to the chemistry lab, or the smaller room in medical with the multiple chem dispensers and pill pressers. The Chemist's main position. |
ACCESS_CLONING | Access to the cloning lab, usually adjacent to the genetics lab. Given to Medical Doctors so they can't also enter Genetics. |
ACCESS_VIROLOGY | Access to the Virology portion of the medical department, as well as the virology crate. |
ACCESS_PSYCHOLOGY | Access to the Psychologist's office. |
ACCESS_CMO | Access for the Chief Medical Officer's personal quarters in mapping, as well as some other CMO-related things. |
ACCESS_CARGO | General access needed to enter Cargo, allows entry into the Cargo Office and Mail/Delivery Office. |
ACCESS_CARGO_BAY | Access to the Cargo Bay and Warehouse. Separated from the above to prevent miners processing cargo. |
ACCESS_MINING | Access to the "on-station" Mining Portion of the Cargo Department. |
ACCESS_MINING_STATION | Access to the "off-station" Mining Station, which contains gear dedicated for miners to do their job best, as well as seek shelter from the inhospitable elements. |
ACCESS_QM | Access for the Quartermaster's personal quarters in mapping, as well as some other QM-related things. |
ACCESS_SCIENCE | General access for Science, allows for entry to the general hallways of Science, as well as the main lathe room. |
ACCESS_RESEARCH | Access needed to research tech nodes at R&D consoles. May also be needed to access some scientific equipment. |
ACCESS_TOXINS | Access to the Toxins Mixing Lab and Toxins Test Area equipment. |
ACCESS_TOXINS_STORAGE | Access to the Toxins Storage Room, where all of the bomb-making gases are stored. |
ACCESS_EXPERIMENTATION | Access to the Experimentation Lab, containing the E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR. Uses of this access is set to change in the future. |
ACCESS_GENETICS | Access to the Genetics division of Science. |
ACCESS_ROBOTICS | Access to the Robotics division of Science, as well as opening up silicon cyborgs and other simple robots. |
ACCESS_ROBO_CONTROL | Access to the Robotics division of Science, as well as opening up silicon cyborgs and other simple robots. |
ACCESS_XENOBIOLOGY | Access to the Xenobiology division of Science. |
ACCESS_RND_SERVERS | Access to the research Server Room, containing the important R&D research servers and AI networking machines. |
ACCESS_RD | Access for the Research Director's personal quarters in mapping, the R&D server room, as well as some other RD-related things. |
ACCESS_SERVICE | General access for Service, allows for entry to the Service Hallway. |
ACCESS_THEATRE | Access to the Theatre, as well as other vending machines related to the theatre. Sometimes also used as the "clown's" access in code. |
ACCESS_CHAPEL_OFFICE | Access to the Chaplain's office. |
ACCESS_CREMATORIUM | Access to the chapel's crematorium. |
ACCESS_LIBRARY | Access to the curator's private rooms in the Library and the trophy display cases, as well as access both into and out of the Library via Maintenance. |
ACCESS_BAR | Access to the Bar, the Bar's Backroom, the bar sign, the bar robot portal, and the bar's vending machines. Some other bar-things too. |
ACCESS_KITCHEN | Access to the Kitchen, the Kitchen's Coldroom, the kitchen's vending machines, and the food robot portal. Some other chef-things too. |
ACCESS_HYDROPONICS | Access to the Botany Division of the station and some other Botanist things. |
ACCESS_JANITOR | Access to the Janitor's room, and some tablet apps for control of the station's janitorial equipment. |
ACCESS_LAWYER | Access to the Lawyer's office. |
ACCESS_CLERK | Access to the Gift Shop's back doors. |
ACCESS_HOP | Access used for the Head of Personnel's personal quarters in mapping, as well as the security console and other HoP-related things. |
ACCESS_CENT_GENERAL | General facilities. Centcom ferry. |
ACCESS_CENT_SPECOPS | Special Ops. Captain's display case, Marauder/Seraph mechs, . Remind me to separate to captain, centcom, and syndicate mech access later -SonofSpace |
ACCESS_INACCESSIBLE | For things that aren't ever supposed to be accessed |
LOG_ID_ACCESS_CHANGE | Logging define for ID card access changes |
Define Details
Access to critical-to-function AI rooms and equipment such as the AI Core, AI Upload, AI mini-sat maintenance, turret controls, and foam dispensers.
Access to non-critical rooms in the mini-sat the AI usually resides in. Given to Network Admins to let them do maintenance on the AI.
- END ACCESS IDS - - - /// A list of access levels that, when added to an ID card, will warn admins.
Access to the armory, security incinerator (when present), and the execution/re-education chamber.
Access to Atmospherics Sections of the Engineering Department, as well as air alarms.
Access to the Auxiliary Base Room, as well as the ability to launch it.
Access to the Bar, the Bar's Backroom, the bar sign, the bar robot portal, and the bar's vending machines. Some other bar-things too.
Access to brig cells, brig timers, permabrig, gulag, gulag teleporter, gulag shuttle, prisoner management console, and some security cargo crates.
Access for the Brig Physician and their locker, also used for the Brig Infirmary doors.
Access used for the Captain's personal quarters in mapping, the spare ID cabinet, and the antique gun (but only on gamma alert or above).
General access needed to enter Cargo, allows entry into the Cargo Office and Mail/Delivery Office.
Access to the Cargo Bay and Warehouse. Separated from the above to prevent miners processing cargo.
Access for the Chief Engineer's office, as well as some other CE-related things.
General facilities. Centcom ferry.
Special Ops. Captain's display case, Marauder/Seraph mechs, . Remind me to separate to captain, centcom, and syndicate mech access later -SonofSpace
Access used for Access-Changing Programs, this one will unlock all options that can be ever given via that program.
Access to the Chaplain's office.
Access to the chemistry lab, or the smaller room in medical with the multiple chem dispensers and pill pressers. The Chemist's main position.
Access to the Gift Shop's back doors.
Access to the cloning lab, usually adjacent to the genetics lab. Given to Medical Doctors so they can't also enter Genetics.
Access for the Chief Medical Officer's personal quarters in mapping, as well as some other CMO-related things.
Command General Access, used for accessing the doors to the bridge, the communications console, and the general access that Tablet/Computer Programs check for "heads".
Access to "construction" areas of the station. However, in mapping, it's also used to get access to the front door and lathe room of the engineering department.
Access to the chapel's crematorium.
Access for the Detective, their office, and medical data console. Always mixed with ACCESS_SECURITY in the security office/delivery windoor, and the arrivals and departure sec checkpoints.
Engineering General Access, grants access to the standard parts of Engineering and the Engine Room.
Access to get into APCs, engineering equipment lockers, typically mapped in for key power rooms across the station, engineering vending machines, emitters, and some other stuff.
Access to the EVA Storage Room, and some cargo crates.
Access to the Experimentation Lab, containing the E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR. Uses of this access is set to change in the future.
Access to all external "space facing" airlocks on the station. Used such that people don't easily "jump ship", or restict free ingress/egress to only a few points on the station.
Access to the Genetics division of Science.
Access used for the Head of Personnel's personal quarters in mapping, as well as the security console and other HoP-related things.
Access used for the Head of Security's personal quarters in mapping, as well as other HoS-related things.
Access to the Botany Division of the station and some other Botanist things.
For things that aren't ever supposed to be accessed
Access to the Janitor's room, and some tablet apps for control of the station's janitorial equipment.
Access used for events (Red Alert, BSA, Emergency Maintenance) which require at least two people to swipe at the same time to authorize it
Access to the Kitchen, the Kitchen's Coldroom, the kitchen's vending machines, and the food robot portal. Some other chef-things too.
Access to the Lawyer's office.
Access to the curator's private rooms in the Library and the trophy display cases, as well as access both into and out of the Library via Maintenance.
Access to all maintenance tunnels on the station. This overrides any "departmental maintenance" access, this has free roaming range everywhere.
General access to Medbay, like the front doors, the treatment center, the medical records console, defibrillator mounts, and more.
Access to the "on-station" Mining Portion of the Cargo Department.
Access to the "off-station" Mining Station, which contains gear dedicated for miners to do their job best, as well as seek shelter from the inhospitable elements.
Access to the Morgue.
Access to the Paramedic Staging Area.
Access used to override "personal control" on all personal lockers, meaning you are able to open any of those lockers/wardrobes.
Access to the Psychologist's office.
Access for the Quartermaster's personal quarters in mapping, as well as some other QM-related things.
Access to make an announcement through the Requests Console found in an office.
Access for the Research Director's personal quarters in mapping, the R&D server room, as well as some other RD-related things.
Access needed to research tech nodes at R&D consoles. May also be needed to access some scientific equipment.
Access to the research Server Room, containing the important R&D research servers and AI networking machines.
Access to the Robotics division of Science, as well as opening up silicon cyborgs and other simple robots.
Access to the Robotics division of Science, as well as opening up silicon cyborgs and other simple robots.
General access for Science, allows for entry to the general hallways of Science, as well as the main lathe room.
Access to the Secure Tech Storage room, containing unreplaceable high-value machine boards.
Security's General Access, armaments vendor, security lockers, and other secure gear. Applied to things to Officers and Wardens should access, but never Lawyers or Detectives.
Access to the front doors of the Brig, the "secure" portion of the Courtroom, and department outposts. Given to Lawyers, Heads of Staff, and Detectives.
General access for Service, allows for entry to the Service Hallway.
Access to the surgery rooms, as well as the equipment and buttons there.
Access to the Telecomms Server Room, traffic control console, machinery, and tablets.
Access needed to view message logs recorded on the message monitor console in Telecomms.
Access to the Tech Storage room, containing lots of machine boards and other miscellaneous engineering gear.
Access to the Teleporter Room, and some cargo crates.
Access to the Theatre, as well as other vending machines related to the theatre. Sometimes also used as the "clown's" access in code.
Access to the Toxins Mixing Lab and Toxins Test Area equipment.
Access to the Toxins Storage Room, where all of the bomb-making gases are stored.
Access to the vault on the station, for accessing the station's budget, the nuke core, or the Ore Silo.
Access to the Virology portion of the medical department, as well as the virology crate.
The "Weapons Permit" Access, or the one that lets you walk past secbots without them charging at you as you hold your weaponry.
Access to the Xenobiology division of Science.
Logging define for ID card access changes