Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


AI_TEMPERATURE_MULTIPLIERAll AI machinery heat production is multiplied by this value
AI_TEMP_LIMITTemperature limit of all AI machinery
AI_BLACKBOX_LIFETIMEHow long the AI can stay in the black-box before it's fully destroyed
AI_BLACKBOX_PROCESSING_REQUIREMENTHow much CPU we need to use to revive the AI
MAX_AI_DATA_CORE_TICKSHow many ticks can an AI data core store? When this amount of ticks have passed while it's in an INVALID state it can no longer be used by an AI
AI_DATA_CORE_POWER_USAGEHow much power does the AI date core use while being in a valid state. This is also the base heat output. (Divide by heat capacity to get actual temperature increase)
MAX_AI_SERVER_CABINET_TICKSHow many ticks can a server cabinet store. If it reaches 0 the resources will no longer be available.
AI_DOWNLOAD_PER_PROCESSHow much is the AI download progress increased by per tick? Multiplied by a modifer on the AI if they have upgraded. Need to reach 100 to be downloaded
AI_CAMERA_MEMORY_TICKSCheck for tracked individual coming into view every X ticks
AI_RESEARCH_PER_CPUHow many AI research points does 1 THz generate?

Define Details


How long the AI can stay in the black-box before it's fully destroyed


How much CPU we need to use to revive the AI


Check for tracked individual coming into view every X ticks


How much power does the AI date core use while being in a valid state. This is also the base heat output. (Divide by heat capacity to get actual temperature increase)


How much is the AI download progress increased by per tick? Multiplied by a modifer on the AI if they have upgraded. Need to reach 100 to be downloaded


How many AI research points does 1 THz generate?


All AI machinery heat production is multiplied by this value


Temperature limit of all AI machinery


How many ticks can an AI data core store? When this amount of ticks have passed while it's in an INVALID state it can no longer be used by an AI


How many ticks can a server cabinet store. If it reaches 0 the resources will no longer be available.