
UNREADIED_PLAYER_MULTIPLIER | An unreadied player counts for this much compared to a readied one |
OBSERVER_PLAYER_MULTIPLIER | An observer player counts this much compared to a readied one |
BLOB_REROLL_TIME | blob gets a free reroll every X time |
BLOB_ATTACK_REFUND | blob refunds this much if it attacks and doesn't spread |
BLOB_FORCE_PLACEMENT | Forces the blob to place the core where they currently are, ignoring any checks. |
BLOB_NORMAL_PLACEMENT | Normal blob placement, does the regular checks to make sure the blob isn't placing itself in an invalid location |
BLOB_RANDOM_PLACEMENT | Selects a random location for the blob to be placed. |
ANTAGONIST_PREVIEW_ICON_SIZE | The dimensions of the antagonist preview icon. Will be scaled to this size. |
TELECRYSTALS_DEFAULT | How many telecrystals a normal traitor starts with |
TELECRYSTALS_PRELOADED_IMPLANT | How many telecrystals mapper/admin only "precharged" uplink implant |
UPLINK_IMPLANT_TELECRYSTAL_COST | The normal cost of an uplink implant; used for calcuating how many TC to charge someone if they get a free implant through choice or because they have nothing else that supports an implant. |
HIJACK_NEUTRAL | Does not stop hijacking but itself won't hijack |
HIJACK_HIJACKER | Needs to be present for shuttle to be hijacked |
HIJACK_PREVENT | Prevents hijacking same way as non-antags |
IS_BLOODSUCKER | Whether a mob is a Bloodsucker |
IS_VASSAL | Whether a mob is a Vassal |
IS_FAVORITE_VASSAL | Whether a mob is a Favorite Vassal |
IS_REVENGE_VASSAL | Whether a mob is a Revenge Vassal |
IS_MONSTERHUNTER | Whether a mob is a Monster Hunter |
WIZARD_LOADOUT_CLASSIC | The Classic Wizard wizard loadout. |
WIZARD_LOADOUT_MJOLNIR | Mjolnir's Power wizard loadout. |
WIZARD_LOADOUT_WIZARMY | Fantastical Army wizard loadout. |
WIZARD_LOADOUT_SOULTAP | Soul Tapper wizard loadout. |
ALL_WIZARD_LOADOUTS | Convenient list of all wizard loadouts for unit testing. |
LOG_SPELL_TYPE | Used in logging spells for roundend results |
IS_TRAITOR | Checks if the given mob is a traitor |
IS_CULTIST | Checks if the given mob is a blood cultist |
IS_NUKE_OP | Checks if the given mob is a nuclear operative |
IS_HERETIC | Checks if the given mob is a heretic. |
IS_HERETIC_MONSTER | Check if the given mob is a heretic monster. |
IS_HERETIC_OR_MONSTER | Checks if the given mob is either a heretic or a heretic monster. |
IS_WIZARD | Checks if the given mob is a wizard |
IS_DEVIL | Checks if the given mob is a devil |
IS_REVOLUTIONARY | Checks if the given mob is a revolutionary. Will return TRUE for rev heads as well. |
IS_HEAD_REVOLUTIONARY | Checks if the given mob is a head revolutionary. |
IS_MALF_AI | Checks if the given mob is a malf ai. |
IS_INFECTED | Checks if the given mob is infected. |
IS_CHANGELING | Checks if the given mob is a changeling |
IS_VAMPIRE | Checks if the given mob is a vampire |
Define Details
Convenient list of all wizard loadouts for unit testing.
The dimensions of the antagonist preview icon. Will be scaled to this size.
blob refunds this much if it attacks and doesn't spread
Forces the blob to place the core where they currently are, ignoring any checks.
Normal blob placement, does the regular checks to make sure the blob isn't placing itself in an invalid location
Selects a random location for the blob to be placed.
blob gets a free reroll every X time
Needs to be present for shuttle to be hijacked
Does not stop hijacking but itself won't hijack
Prevents hijacking same way as non-antags
Whether a mob is a Bloodsucker
Checks if the given mob is a changeling
Checks if the given mob is a blood cultist
Checks if the given mob is a devil
Whether a mob is a Favorite Vassal
Checks if the given mob is a head revolutionary.
Checks if the given mob is a heretic.
Check if the given mob is a heretic monster.
Checks if the given mob is either a heretic or a heretic monster.
Checks if the given mob is infected.
Checks if the given mob is a malf ai.
Whether a mob is a Monster Hunter
Checks if the given mob is a nuclear operative
Whether a mob is a Revenge Vassal
Checks if the given mob is a revolutionary. Will return TRUE for rev heads as well.
Checks if the given mob is a traitor
Checks if the given mob is a vampire
Whether a mob is a Vassal
Checks if the given mob is a wizard
Used in logging spells for roundend results
An observer player counts this much compared to a readied one
How many telecrystals a normal traitor starts with
How many telecrystals mapper/admin only "precharged" uplink implant
An unreadied player counts for this much compared to a readied one
The normal cost of an uplink implant; used for calcuating how many TC to charge someone if they get a free implant through choice or because they have nothing else that supports an implant.
The Classic Wizard wizard loadout.
Mjolnir's Power wizard loadout.
Soul Tapper wizard loadout.
Fantastical Army wizard loadout.