ALL_CARDINALS | All the cardinal direction bitflags. |
ON_BORDER_1 | item has priority to check when entering or leaving |
HEAR_1 | This flag is what recursive_hear_check() uses to determine wether to add an item to the hearer list or not. |
CHECK_RICOCHET_1 | Projectiels will check ricochet on things impacted that have this. |
HOLOGRAM_1 | specifies that this atom is a hologram that isnt real |
INITIALIZED_1 | Whether /atom/Initialize(mapload) has already run for the object |
ADMIN_SPAWNED_1 | was this spawned by an admin? used for stat tracking stuff. |
NODECONSTRUCT_1 | For machines and structures that should not break into parts, eg, holodeck stuff |
PREVENT_CLICK_UNDER_1 | Prevent clicking things below it on the same turf eg. doors/ fulltile windows |
IS_PLAYER_COLORABLE_1 | Can players recolor this in-game via vendors (and maybe more if support is added)? |
CAN_BE_DIRTY_1 | If a turf can be made dirty at roundstart. This is also used in areas. |
HTML_USE_INITAL_ICON_1 | Should we use the initial icon for display? Mostly used by overlay only objects |
CONDUCT_1 | conducts electricity (metal etc.) |
PREVENT_CONTENTS_EXPLOSION_1 | should not get harmed if this gets caught by an explosion? |
RAD_PROTECT_CONTENTS_1 | should the contents of this atom be acted upon |
RAD_NO_CONTAMINATE_1 | should this object be allowed to be contaminated |
RAD_CONTAIN_CONTENTS | Prevents most radiation on this turf from leaving it |
IS_SPINNING_1 | Is the thing currently spinning? |
DECAL_INIT_UPDATE_EXPERIENCED_1 | If this atom has experienced a decal element "init finished" sourced appearance update We use this to ensure stacked decals don't double up appearance updates for no rasin Flag as an optimization, don't make this a trait without profiling Yes I know this is a stupid flag, no you can't take him from me |
NOJAUNT | If a turf cant be jaunted through. |
UNUSED_RESERVATION_TURF | If a turf is an usused reservation turf awaiting assignment |
RESERVATION_TURF | If a turf is a reserved turf |
NO_LAVA_GEN | Blocks lava rivers being generated on the turf |
NO_RUINS | Blocks ruins spawning on the turf |
NO_RUST | Blocks this turf from being rusted |
IS_SOLID | Is this turf is "solid". Space and lava aren't for instance |
NO_CLEARING | This turf will never be cleared away by other objects on Initialize. |
BLOBS_ALLOWED | If blobs can spawn there and if it counts towards their score. |
CAVES_ALLOWED | If mining tunnel generation is allowed in this area |
FLORA_ALLOWED | If flora are allowed to spawn in this area randomly through tunnel generation |
MOB_SPAWN_ALLOWED | If mobs can be spawned by natural random generation |
MEGAFAUNA_SPAWN_ALLOWED | If megafauna can be spawned by natural random generation |
NOTELEPORT | Are you forbidden from teleporting to the area? (centcom, mobs, wizard, hand teleporter) |
EVENT_PROTECTED | Protected from certain events |
UPDATE_NAME | Update the atom's name |
UPDATE_DESC | Update the atom's desc |
UPDATE_ICON_STATE | Update the atom's icon state |
UPDATE_OVERLAYS | Update the atom's overlays |
UPDATE_GREYSCALE | Update the atom's greyscaling |
UPDATE_SMOOTHING | Update the atom's smoothing. (More accurately, queue it for an update) |
UPDATE_ICON | Update the atom's icon |
PHASING | When moving, will Bump()/Cross()/Uncross() everything, but won't be stopped. |
UPSIDE_DOWN | The mob is walking on the ceiling. Or is generally just, upside down. |
MOVETYPES_NOT_TOUCHING_GROUND | Combination flag for movetypes which, for all intents and purposes, mean the mob is not touching the ground |
FIRE_PROOF | 100% immune to fire damage (but not necessarily to lava or heat) |
UNACIDABLE | acid can't even appear on it, let alone melt it. |
ACID_PROOF | acid stuck on it doesn't melt it. |
INDESTRUCTIBLE | doesn't take damage |
FREEZE_PROOF | can't be frozen |
MOBILITY_MOVE | can move |
MOBILITY_STAND | can, and is, standing up |
MOBILITY_PICKUP | can pickup items |
MOBILITY_USE | can hold and use items |
MOBILITY_UI | can use interfaces like machinery |
MOBILITY_STORAGE | can use storage item |
MOBILITY_PULL | can pull things |
ISDIAGONALDIR | Returns true if the dir is diagonal, false otherwise |
NSCOMPONENT | True if the dir is north or south, false therwise |
EWCOMPONENT | True if the dir is east/west, false otherwise |
NSDIRFLIP | Flips the dir for north/south directions |
EWDIRFLIP | Flips the dir for east/west directions |
DIRFLIP | Turns the dir by 180 degrees |
MAX_BITFLAG_DIGITS | 33554431 (2^24 - 1) is the maximum value our bitflags can reach. |
IGNORE_USER_LOC_CHANGE | Can do the action even if mob moves location |
IGNORE_TARGET_LOC_CHANGE | Can do the action even if the target moves location |
IGNORE_HELD_ITEM | Can do the action even if the item is no longer being held |
IGNORE_INCAPACITATED | Can do the action even if the mob is incapacitated (ex. handcuffed) |
IGNORE_SLOWDOWNS | Used to prevent important slowdowns from being abused by drugs like kronkaine |
IGNORE_SKILL_DELAY | Used to keep the skill indicator icon without using the built-in delay modifier |
Define Details
acid stuck on it doesn't melt it.
was this spawned by an admin? used for stat tracking stuff.
All the cardinal direction bitflags.
If blobs can spawn there and if it counts towards their score.
If a turf can be made dirty at roundstart. This is also used in areas.
If mining tunnel generation is allowed in this area
Projectiels will check ricochet on things impacted that have this.
conducts electricity (metal etc.)
If this atom has experienced a decal element "init finished" sourced appearance update We use this to ensure stacked decals don't double up appearance updates for no rasin Flag as an optimization, don't make this a trait without profiling Yes I know this is a stupid flag, no you can't take him from me
Turns the dir by 180 degrees
Protected from certain events
True if the dir is east/west, false otherwise
Flips the dir for east/west directions
100% immune to fire damage (but not necessarily to lava or heat)
If flora are allowed to spawn in this area randomly through tunnel generation
can't be frozen
This flag is what recursive_hear_check() uses to determine wether to add an item to the hearer list or not.
specifies that this atom is a hologram that isnt real
Should we use the initial icon for display? Mostly used by overlay only objects
Can do the action even if the item is no longer being held
Can do the action even if the mob is incapacitated (ex. handcuffed)
Used to keep the skill indicator icon without using the built-in delay modifier
Used to prevent important slowdowns from being abused by drugs like kronkaine
Can do the action even if the target moves location
Can do the action even if mob moves location
doesn't take damage
Whether /atom/Initialize(mapload) has already run for the object
Returns true if the dir is diagonal, false otherwise
Can players recolor this in-game via vendors (and maybe more if support is added)?
Is this turf is "solid". Space and lava aren't for instance
Is the thing currently spinning?
33554431 (2^24 - 1) is the maximum value our bitflags can reach.
If megafauna can be spawned by natural random generation
can move
can pickup items
can pull things
can, and is, standing up
can use storage item
can use interfaces like machinery
can hold and use items
If mobs can be spawned by natural random generation
Combination flag for movetypes which, for all intents and purposes, mean the mob is not touching the ground
For machines and structures that should not break into parts, eg, holodeck stuff
If a turf cant be jaunted through.
Are you forbidden from teleporting to the area? (centcom, mobs, wizard, hand teleporter)
This turf will never be cleared away by other objects on Initialize.
Blocks lava rivers being generated on the turf
Blocks ruins spawning on the turf
Blocks this turf from being rusted
True if the dir is north or south, false therwise
Flips the dir for north/south directions
item has priority to check when entering or leaving
When moving, will Bump()/Cross()/Uncross() everything, but won't be stopped.
Prevent clicking things below it on the same turf eg. doors/ fulltile windows
should not get harmed if this gets caught by an explosion?
Prevents most radiation on this turf from leaving it
should this object be allowed to be contaminated
should the contents of this atom be acted upon
If a turf is a reserved turf
acid can't even appear on it, let alone melt it.
If a turf is an usused reservation turf awaiting assignment
Update the atom's desc
Update the atom's greyscaling
Update the atom's icon
Update the atom's icon state
Update the atom's name
Update the atom's overlays
Update the atom's smoothing. (More accurately, queue it for an update)
The mob is walking on the ceiling. Or is generally just, upside down.