
SEETHROUGH_PLANE | Slightly above the game plane but does not catch mouse clicks. Useful for certain visuals that should be clicked through, like seethrough trees |
LIGHTING_PLANE | Normal 1 per turf dynamic lighting underlays |
O_LIGHTING_VISUAL_PLANE | Lighting objects that are "free floating" |
EMISSIVE_RENDER_PLATE | This plane masks out lighting to create an "emissive" effect, ie for glowing lights in otherwise dark areas. |
LIGHT_MASK_PLANE | Masks the lighting plane with turfs, so we never light up the void Failing that, masks emissives and the overlay lighting plane |
ABOVE_LIGHTING_PLANE | Things that should render ignoring lighting |
PIPECRAWL_IMAGES_PLANE | ---------------- MISC ----------------------- Pipecrawling images |
HIGH_GAME_PLANE | Anything that wants to be part of the game plane, but also wants to draw above literally everything else |
RUNECHAT_PLANE | --------------- FULLSCREEN RUNECHAT BUBBLES ------------ Popup Chat Messages |
BALLOON_CHAT_PLANE | Plane for balloon text (text that fades up) |
SPLASHSCREEN_PLANE | Plane of the "splash" icon used that shows on the lobby screen |
RENDER_PLANE_GAME_MASKED | If fov is enabled we'll draw game to this and do shit to it |
RENDER_PLANE_GAME_UNMASKED | The bit of the game plane that is let alone is sent here |
ESCAPE_MENU_PLANE | Plane related to the menu when pressing Escape. Needed so that we can apply a blur effect to EVERYTHING, and guarantee we are above all UI. |
PLANE_RANGE | The range unique planes can be in Try and keep this to a nice whole number, so it's easy to look at a plane var and know what's going on |
CATWALK_LAYER | catwalk overlay of /turf/open/floor/plating/catwalk_floor |
WATER_LEVEL_LAYER | Anything below this layer is to be considered completely (visually) under water by the immerse layer. |
WATER_VISUAL_OVERLAY_LAYER | The layer of the visual overlay used in the submerge element. The vis overlay inherits the planes of the movables it's attached to (that also have KEEP_TOGETHER added) We just have to make sure the visual overlay is rendered above all the other overlays of those movables. |
LIGHTING_MASK_LAYER | Typically overlays, that "hide" portions of the turf underlay layer I'm allotting 100 z levels before this breaks. That'll never happen --Lemon |
LIGHTING_PRIMARY_LAYER | Misc things that draw on the turf lighting plane Space, solar beams, etc |
LIGHTING_ABOVE_ALL | Stuff that needs to draw above everything else on this plane |
EMISSIVE_LAYER_UNBLOCKABLE | The layer you should use if you really don't want an emissive overlay to be blocked. |
FLASH_LAYER | --------------- FULLSCREEN IMAGES ------------ |
TYPING_LAYER | --------------- FULLSCREEN RUNECHAT BUBBLES ------------ Bubble for typing indicators |
RADIAL_CONTENT_LAYER | 1000 is an unimportant number, it's just to normalize copied layers |
SCREENTIP_LAYER | Layer for screentips |
TUTORIAL_INSTRUCTIONS_LAYER | Layer for tutorial instructions |
LIGHT_DEBUG_LAYER | Layer for light overlays |
LOBBY_BELOW_MENU_LAYER | Layer for lobby menu collapse button |
LOBBY_MENU_LAYER | Layer for lobby menu background image and main buttons (Join/Ready, Observe, Charater Prefs) |
LOBBY_SHUTTER_LAYER | Layer for lobby menu shutter, which covers up the menu to collapse/expand it |
LOBBY_BOTTOM_BUTTON_LAYER | Layer for lobby menu buttons that are hanging away from and lower than the main panel |
CINEMATIC_LAYER | cinematics are "below" the splash screen |
PLANE_MASTERS_GAME | Plane master controller keys |
PLANE_CRITICAL_DISPLAY | This plane master will not go away if its layer is culled. useful for preserving effects |
PLANE_CRITICAL_NO_RELAY | This plane master will temporarially remove relays to all other planes Allows us to retain the effects of a plane while cutting off the changes it makes |
PLANE_CRITICAL_CUT_RENDER | We assume this plane master has a render target starting with *, it'll be removed, forcing it to render in place |
MULTIZ_PERFORMANCE_DISABLE | A value of /datum/preference/numeric/multiz_performance that disables the option |
MAX_EXPECTED_Z_DEPTH | We expect at most 3 layers of multiz Increment this define if you make a huge map. We unit test for it too just to make it easy for you If you modify this, you'll need to modify the tsx file too |
Define Details
Things that should render ignoring lighting
Plane for balloon text (text that fades up)
AI Camera Static
catwalk overlay of /turf/open/floor/plating/catwalk_floor
cinematics are "below" the splash screen
The layer you should use if you really don't want an emissive overlay to be blocked.
This plane masks out lighting to create an "emissive" effect, ie for glowing lights in otherwise dark areas.
Plane related to the menu when pressing Escape. Needed so that we can apply a blur effect to EVERYTHING, and guarantee we are above all UI.
--------------- FULLSCREEN IMAGES ------------
Anything that wants to be part of the game plane, but also wants to draw above literally everything else
Stuff that needs to draw above everything else on this plane
Typically overlays, that "hide" portions of the turf underlay layer I'm allotting 100 z levels before this breaks. That'll never happen --Lemon
Normal 1 per turf dynamic lighting underlays
Misc things that draw on the turf lighting plane Space, solar beams, etc
Layer for light overlays
Masks the lighting plane with turfs, so we never light up the void Failing that, masks emissives and the overlay lighting plane
Layer for lobby menu collapse button
Layer for lobby menu buttons that are hanging away from and lower than the main panel
Layer for lobby menu background image and main buttons (Join/Ready, Observe, Charater Prefs)
Layer for lobby menu shutter, which covers up the menu to collapse/expand it
We expect at most 3 layers of multiz Increment this define if you make a huge map. We unit test for it too just to make it easy for you If you modify this, you'll need to modify the tsx file too
A value of /datum/preference/numeric/multiz_performance that disables the option
Lighting objects that are "free floating"
---------------- MISC ----------------------- Pipecrawling images
We assume this plane master has a render target starting with *, it'll be removed, forcing it to render in place
This plane master will not go away if its layer is culled. useful for preserving effects
This plane master will temporarially remove relays to all other planes Allows us to retain the effects of a plane while cutting off the changes it makes
Plane master controller keys
The range unique planes can be in Try and keep this to a nice whole number, so it's easy to look at a plane var and know what's going on
1000 is an unimportant number, it's just to normalize copied layers
If fov is enabled we'll draw game to this and do shit to it
The bit of the game plane that is let alone is sent here
--------------- FULLSCREEN RUNECHAT BUBBLES ------------ Popup Chat Messages
Layer for screentips
Slightly above the game plane but does not catch mouse clicks. Useful for certain visuals that should be clicked through, like seethrough trees
Plane of the "splash" icon used that shows on the lobby screen
Layer for tutorial instructions
--------------- FULLSCREEN RUNECHAT BUBBLES ------------ Bubble for typing indicators
Anything below this layer is to be considered completely (visually) under water by the immerse layer.
The layer of the visual overlay used in the submerge element. The vis overlay inherits the planes of the movables it's attached to (that also have KEEP_TOGETHER added) We just have to make sure the visual overlay is rendered above all the other overlays of those movables.