
SCHOOL_UNSET | Unset / default / "not actually magic" school. |
SCHOOL_HOLY | Holy school (chaplain magic) |
SCHOOL_PSYCHIC | Psychic school. Not true magic, but psychic spells only benefit themselves. |
SCHOOL_MIME | Mime... school? Mime magic. It counts |
SCHOOL_RESTORATION | Restoration school, which is mostly healing stuff |
SCHOOL_EVOCATION | Evocation school, usually involves killing or destroy stuff, usually out of thin air |
SCHOOL_TRANSMUTATION | School of transforming stuff into other stuff |
SCHOOL_TRANSLOCATION | School of transolcation, usually movement spells |
SCHOOL_CONJURATION | Conjuration spells summon items / mobs / etc somehow |
SCHOOL_NECROMANCY | Necromancy spells, usually involves soul / evil / bad stuff |
SCHOOL_FORBIDDEN | Other forbidden magics, such as heretic spells |
SCHOOL_SANGUINE | Blood magic, involves vampirism, draining blood, etc. |
INVOCATION_NONE | Allows being able to cast the spell without saying or doing anything. |
INVOCATION_SHOUT | Forces the wizard to shout the invocation to cast the spell. |
INVOCATION_WHISPER | Forces the wizard to whisper the invocation to cast the spell. |
INVOCATION_EMOTE | Forces the wizard to emote to cast the spell. |
SPELL_REQUIRES_WIZARD_GARB | Whether the spell requires wizard clothes to cast. |
SPELL_REQUIRES_HUMAN | Whether the spell can only be cast by humans (mob type, not species). SPELL_REQUIRES_WIZARD_GARB comes with this flag implied, as carbons and below can't wear clothes. |
SPELL_CASTABLE_AS_BRAIN | Whether the spell can be cast by mobs who are brains / mmis. When applying, bear in mind most spells will not function for brains out of the box. |
SPELL_CASTABLE_WHILE_PHASED | Whether the spell can be cast while phased, such as blood crawling, ethereal jaunting or using rod form. |
SPELL_REQUIRES_NO_ANTIMAGIC | Whether the spell can be cast while the user has antimagic on them that corresponds to the spell's own antimagic flags. |
SPELL_REQUIRES_STATION | Whether the spell requires being on the station z-level to be cast. |
SPELL_REQUIRES_MIND | Whether the spell must be cast by someone with a mind datum. |
SPELL_REQUIRES_MIME_VOW | Whether the spell requires the caster have a mime vow (mindless mobs will succeed this check regardless). |
SPELL_CASTABLE_WITHOUT_INVOCATION | Whether the spell can be cast, even if the caster is unable to speak the invocation (effectively making the invocation flavor, instead of required). |
TELEPORT_SPELL_SKIP_SPACE | Whether the teleport spell skips over space turfs |
TELEPORT_SPELL_SKIP_DENSE | Whether the teleport spell skips over dense turfs |
TELEPORT_SPELL_SKIP_BLOCKED | Whether the teleport spell skips over blocked turfs |
MAGIC_RESISTANCE | Default magic resistance that blocks normal magic (wizard, spells, magical staff projectiles) |
MAGIC_RESISTANCE_MIND | Tinfoil hat magic resistance that blocks mental magic (telepathy / mind links, mind curses, abductors, darkspawns) |
MAGIC_RESISTANCE_HOLY | Holy magic resistance that blocks unholy magic (revenant, vampire, voice of god) |
is_jaunting | Checks if our mob is jaunting actively (within a phased mob object) Used in jaunting spells specifically to determine whether they should be entering or exiting jaunt |
Define Details
Forces the wizard to emote to cast the spell.
Allows being able to cast the spell without saying or doing anything.
Forces the wizard to shout the invocation to cast the spell.
Forces the wizard to whisper the invocation to cast the spell.
Default magic resistance that blocks normal magic (wizard, spells, magical staff projectiles)
Holy magic resistance that blocks unholy magic (revenant, vampire, voice of god)
Tinfoil hat magic resistance that blocks mental magic (telepathy / mind links, mind curses, abductors, darkspawns)
Conjuration spells summon items / mobs / etc somehow
Evocation school, usually involves killing or destroy stuff, usually out of thin air
Other forbidden magics, such as heretic spells
Holy school (chaplain magic)
Mime... school? Mime magic. It counts
Necromancy spells, usually involves soul / evil / bad stuff
Psychic school. Not true magic, but psychic spells only benefit themselves.
Restoration school, which is mostly healing stuff
Blood magic, involves vampirism, draining blood, etc.
School of transolcation, usually movement spells
School of transforming stuff into other stuff
Unset / default / "not actually magic" school.
Whether the spell can be cast by mobs who are brains / mmis. When applying, bear in mind most spells will not function for brains out of the box.
Whether the spell can be cast while phased, such as blood crawling, ethereal jaunting or using rod form.
Whether the spell can be cast, even if the caster is unable to speak the invocation (effectively making the invocation flavor, instead of required).
Whether the spell can only be cast by humans (mob type, not species). SPELL_REQUIRES_WIZARD_GARB comes with this flag implied, as carbons and below can't wear clothes.
Whether the spell requires the caster have a mime vow (mindless mobs will succeed this check regardless).
Whether the spell must be cast by someone with a mind datum.
Whether the spell can be cast while the user has antimagic on them that corresponds to the spell's own antimagic flags.
Whether the spell requires being on the station z-level to be cast.
Whether the spell requires wizard clothes to cast.
Whether the teleport spell skips over blocked turfs
Whether the teleport spell skips over dense turfs
Whether the teleport spell skips over space turfs
Checks if our mob is jaunting actively (within a phased mob object) Used in jaunting spells specifically to determine whether they should be entering or exiting jaunt
If you want to use this in non-jaunt related code, it is preferable to instead check for trait TRAIT_MAGICALLY_PHASED instead of using this as it encompasses more states in which a mob may be "incorporeal from magic"