
DELAY_TO_GLIDE_SIZE | Broken down, here's what this does: divides the world icon_size (32) by delay divided by ticklag to get the number of pixels something should be moving each tick. The division result is given a min value of 1 to prevent obscenely slow glide sizes from being set Then that's multiplied by the global glide size multiplier. 1.25 by default feels pretty close to spot on. This is just to try to get byond to behave. The whole result is then clamped to within the range above. Not very readable but it works |
CURRENTLY_Z_FALLING | currently_z_moving defines. Higher numbers mean higher priority. This one is for falling down open space from stuff such as deleted tile, pit grate... |
CURRENTLY_Z_MOVING_GENERIC | currently_z_moving is set to this in zMove() if 0. |
CURRENTLY_Z_FALLING_FROM_MOVE | This one is for falling down open space from movement. |
CURRENTLY_Z_ASCENDING | This one is for going upstairs. |
FALL_INTERCEPTED | possible bitflag return values of [atom/proc/intercept_zImpact] calls Stops the movable from falling further and crashing on the ground. Example: stairs. |
FALL_NO_MESSAGE | Suppresses the "[movable] falls through [old_turf]" message because it'd make little sense in certain contexts like climbing stairs. |
FALL_STOP_INTERCEPTING | Used when the whole intercept_zImpact forvar loop should be stopped. For example: when someone falls into the supermatter and becomes dust. |
FALL_RETAIN_PULL | Used when the grip on a pulled object shouldn't be broken. |
ZMOVE_CHECK_PULLING | Runs check_pulling() by the end of [/atom/movable/proc/zMove] for every movable that's pulling something. Should be kept enabled unless you know what you are doing. |
ZMOVE_CHECK_PULLEDBY | Checks if pulledby is nearby. if not, stop being pulled. |
ZMOVE_FALL_CHECKS | flags for different checks done in /atom/movable/proc/can_z_move. Should be self-explainatory. |
ZMOVE_IGNORE_OBSTACLES | Doesn't call zPassIn() and zPassOut() |
ZMOVE_FEEDBACK | Gives players chat feedbacks if they're unable to move through z levels. |
ZMOVE_ALLOW_BUCKLED | Whether we check the movable (if it exists) the living mob is buckled on or not. |
ZMOVE_VENTCRAWLING | If the movable is actually ventcrawling vertically. |
ZMOVE_INCLUDE_PULLED | Includes movables that're either pulled by the source or mobs buckled to it in the list of moving movables. |
ZMOVE_ALLOW_ANCHORED | Skips check for whether the moving atom is anchored or not. |
ZMOVE_FLIGHT_FLAGS | Flags used in "Move Upwards" and "Move Downwards" verbs. |
ZMOVE_STAIRS_FLAGS | Used when walking upstairs |
ZMOVE_FALL_FLAGS | Used for falling down open space. |
Define Details
This one is for going upstairs.
currently_z_moving defines. Higher numbers mean higher priority. This one is for falling down open space from stuff such as deleted tile, pit grate...
This one is for falling down open space from movement.
currently_z_moving is set to this in zMove() if 0.
Broken down, here's what this does: divides the world icon_size (32) by delay divided by ticklag to get the number of pixels something should be moving each tick. The division result is given a min value of 1 to prevent obscenely slow glide sizes from being set Then that's multiplied by the global glide size multiplier. 1.25 by default feels pretty close to spot on. This is just to try to get byond to behave. The whole result is then clamped to within the range above. Not very readable but it works
possible bitflag return values of [atom/proc/intercept_zImpact] calls Stops the movable from falling further and crashing on the ground. Example: stairs.
Suppresses the "[movable] falls through [old_turf]" message because it'd make little sense in certain contexts like climbing stairs.
Used when the grip on a pulled object shouldn't be broken.
Used when the whole intercept_zImpact forvar loop should be stopped. For example: when someone falls into the supermatter and becomes dust.
Skips check for whether the moving atom is anchored or not.
Whether we check the movable (if it exists) the living mob is buckled on or not.
Checks if pulledby is nearby. if not, stop being pulled.
Runs check_pulling() by the end of [/atom/movable/proc/zMove] for every movable that's pulling something. Should be kept enabled unless you know what you are doing.
flags for different checks done in /atom/movable/proc/can_z_move. Should be self-explainatory.
Used for falling down open space.
Gives players chat feedbacks if they're unable to move through z levels.
Flags used in "Move Upwards" and "Move Downwards" verbs.
Doesn't call zPassIn() and zPassOut()
Includes movables that're either pulled by the source or mobs buckled to it in the list of moving movables.
Used when walking upstairs
If the movable is actually ventcrawling vertically.