
CULT_POLL_WAIT | Time before being allowed to select a new cult leader again |
GET_ERROR_ROOM | Returns either the error landmark or the location of the room. Needless to say, if this is used, it means things have gone awry. |
/proc/get_open_turf_in_dir | Returns the open turf next to the center in a specific direction |
/proc/get_adjacent_open_turfs | Returns a list with all the adjacent open turfs. Clears the list of nulls in the end. |
/proc/get_bbox_of_atoms | Get a bounding box of a list of atoms. |
/proc/circle_range_turfs | Returns a list of turfs around a center based on RANGE_TURFS() |
/proc/recursive_organ_check | |
/proc/add_image_to_client | Adds an image to a client's .images . Useful as a callback. |
/proc/add_image_to_clients | Like add_image_to_client, but will add the image from a list of clients |
/proc/remove_image_from_client | Removes an image from a client's .images . Useful as a callback. |
/proc/remove_image_from_clients | Like remove_image_from_client, but will remove the image from a list of clients |
/proc/flick_overlay_global | Add an image to a list of clients and calls a proc to remove it after a duration |
/atom/movable/flick_visual | Helper atom that copies an appearance and exists for a period |
/proc/pollGhostCandidates | Poll all ghosts for looking for a candidate |
/proc/pollMentorGhostCandidates | Poll all mentor ghosts for looking for a candidate |
/proc/pollCandidates | Poll all in the group for a candidate |
/proc/pollCandidatesForMob | Poll ghosts to take control of a mob |
/proc/pollMentorCandidatesForMob | Poll mentor ghosts to take control of a mob |
/proc/pollCandidatesForMobs | Poll ghosts to take control of a mob |
/proc/_addtimer_here | For legacy procs using addtimer in callbacks. Don't use this. |
Define Details
Time before being allowed to select a new cult leader again
Returns either the error landmark or the location of the room. Needless to say, if this is used, it means things have gone awry.