
/obj/effect/particle_effect/fluid/smoke | A fluid which spreads through the air affecting every mob it engulfs. |
/datum/effect_system/fluid_spread/smoke | A factory which produces clouds of smoke. |
/datum/effect_system/fluid_spread/smoke/transparent | Same as the base type, but the smoke produced is not opaque |
/obj/effect/particle_effect/fluid/smoke/transparent | Same as the base type, but is not opaque. |
/obj/effect/particle_effect/fluid/smoke/trail | Special smoke used for the RCS thruster |
/proc/do_smoke | A helper proc used to spawn small puffs of smoke. |
/obj/effect/particle_effect/fluid/smoke/quick | Smoke that dissipates as quickly as possible. |
/datum/effect_system/fluid_spread/smoke/quick | A factory which produces smoke that dissipates as quickly as possible. |
/obj/effect/particle_effect/fluid/smoke/bad | Smoke that makes you cough and reduces the power of lasers. |
/datum/effect_system/fluid_spread/smoke/bad | A factory which produces smoke that makes you cough. |
/obj/effect/particle_effect/fluid/smoke/bad/green | Green smoke that makes you cough. |
/datum/effect_system/fluid_spread/smoke/bad/green | A factory which produces green smoke that makes you cough. |
/obj/effect/particle_effect/fluid/smoke/bad/black | Black smoke that makes you cough. (Actually dark grey) |
/datum/effect_system/fluid_spread/smoke/bad/black | A factory which produces black smoke that makes you cough. |
/obj/effect/particle_effect/fluid/smoke/freezing | Light blue, transparent smoke which is usually paired with a blast that chills every turf in the area. |
/datum/effect_system/fluid_spread/smoke/freezing | A factory which produces light blue, transparent smoke and a blast that chills every turf in the area. |
/datum/effect_system/fluid_spread/smoke/freezing/decon | A variant of the base freezing smoke formerly used by the vent decontamination event. |
/obj/effect/particle_effect/fluid/smoke/sleeping | Smoke which knocks you out if you breathe it in. |
/datum/effect_system/fluid_spread/smoke/sleeping | A factory which produces sleeping smoke. |
/obj/effect/particle_effect/fluid/smoke/chem | Smoke which contains reagents which it applies to everything it comes into contact with. |
/datum/effect_system/fluid_spread/smoke/chem | A factory which produces clouds of chemical bearing smoke. |
/obj/effect/particle_effect/fluid/smoke/chem/quick | A version of chemical smoke with a very short lifespan. |