/proc/check_zone |
Convert a PRECISE ZONE into the BODY_ZONE |
/proc/ran_zone |
Return the zone or randomly, another valid zone |
/proc/above_neck |
Would this zone be above the neck |
/proc/stars |
Convert random parts of a passed in message to stars |
/proc/slur |
Makes you speak like you're drunk |
/proc/cultslur |
Makes you talk like you got cult stunned, which is slurring but with some dark messages |
/proc/stutter |
Adds stuttering to the message passed in |
/proc/derpspeech |
Convert a message to derpy speak |
/proc/Gibberish |
Turn text into complete gibberish! |
/proc/shake_camera |
Shake the camera of the person viewing the mob SO REAL! |
/proc/findname |
Find if the message has the real name of any user mob in the mob_list |
/proc/is_blind |
Checks if passed through item is blind |
/proc/is_special_character |
Is this mob special to the gamemode? |
/proc/notify_ghosts |
Fancy notifications for ghosts |
/proc/item_heal_robotic |
Heal a robotic body part on a mob |
/proc/IsAdminGhost |
Is the passed in mob an admin ghost |
/proc/offer_control |
Offer control of the passed in mob to dead player |
/proc/get_player_client |
Returns a client from a mob, mind or client |