
/obj/item/organ/cyberimp/leg/galosh | Water no-slip functionally identical to galoshes |
/obj/item/organ/cyberimp/leg/noslip | full noslip for antag stuff |
/obj/item/organ/cyberimp/leg/clownshoes | Clown shoes implant, functions much like how the shoes work, but without being able to turn them off |
/obj/item/organ/cyberimp/leg/jumpboots | Functions just like the miner's jumpboots |
/datum/action/cooldown/boost | also literally used for the jumpboots themselves |
/obj/item/organ/cyberimp/leg/wheelies | functions like the wicked sick wheelies |
/obj/item/organ/cyberimp/leg/airshoes | functions like the traitor item, airshoes, by well known "coder" Lazenn |
/obj/item/organ/cyberimp/leg/magboot | different scooter, should probably rewrite the wheelies one so this can just be a subtype at some point |