Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



HolderThe telecomms server that is running the code.
readyBoolean on whether it's ready to run code.


CompileCompile a raw block of text.
RunCurrent allowed span classes
garbage_collectSet ourselves to Garbage Collect.

Var Details


The telecomms server that is running the code.


Boolean on whether it's ready to run code.

Proc Details


Compile a raw block of text.


Current allowed span classes

Language bitflags (Following comment written 26 Jan 2019) So, language doesn't work with bitflags anymore But having them be bitflags inside of NTSL makes more sense in its context So, when we get the signal back from NTSL, if the language has been altered, we'll set it to a new language datum, based on the bitflag the guy used.

However, I think the signal can only have one language So, the lowest bit set within $language overrides any higher ones that are set.

Executes the Compiled code on an incoming signal.


Set ourselves to Garbage Collect.