Vampiric Gift

Vars | |
active | If the Power is currently active. |
active_background_icon_state | Background icon when the Power is active. |
additional_text | If the Power has any additional descriptions coming from either 3rd partys or the power itself |
ascended_power | Path to the ascended version of the power. For Lasombra bloodsucker powers |
base_background_icon_state | Background icon when the Power is NOT active. |
bloodcost | The cost to ACTIVATE this Power |
bloodsuckerdatum_power | The owner's stored Bloodsucker datum |
check_flags | Requirement flags for checks |
constant_bloodcost | The cost to MAINTAIN this Power - Only used for Constant Cost Powers |
cooldown_time | Cooldown you'll have to wait between each use, decreases depending on level. |
level_current | Can increase to yield new abilities - Each Power ranks up each Rank |
power_explanation | The text that appears when using the help verb, meant to explain how the Power changes when ranking up. |
power_flags | The effects on this Power (Toggled/Single Use/Static Cooldown) |
purchase_flags | Who can purchase the Power |
Procs | |
CanUse | Checks if the Power is available to use. |
ContinueActive | Checks to make sure this power can stay active |
StartCooldown | NOTE: With this formula, you'll hit half cooldown at level 8 for that power. |
process | Used by powers that are continuously active (That have BP_AM_TOGGLE flag) |
remove_after_use | Used to unlearn Single-Use Powers |
upgrade_power | Called when the Power is upgraded. |
Var Details

If the Power is currently active.

Background icon when the Power is active.

If the Power has any additional descriptions coming from either 3rd partys or the power itself

Path to the ascended version of the power. For Lasombra bloodsucker powers

Background icon when the Power is NOT active.

The cost to ACTIVATE this Power

The owner's stored Bloodsucker datum

Requirement flags for checks

The cost to MAINTAIN this Power - Only used for Constant Cost Powers

Cooldown you'll have to wait between each use, decreases depending on level.

Can increase to yield new abilities - Each Power ranks up each Rank

The text that appears when using the help verb, meant to explain how the Power changes when ranking up.

The effects on this Power (Toggled/Single Use/Static Cooldown)

Who can purchase the Power
Proc Details
Checks if the Power is available to use.
Checks to make sure this power can stay active
NOTE: With this formula, you'll hit half cooldown at level 8 for that power.
Used by powers that are continuously active (That have BP_AM_TOGGLE flag)
Used to unlearn Single-Use Powers
Called when the Power is upgraded.