
A spell that iterates over atoms near the caster and casts a spell on them. Calls cast_on_thing_in_aoe on all atoms returned by get_things_to_cast_on by default.
Vars | |
aoe_radius | The radius of the aoe. |
max_targets | The max amount of targets we can affect via our AOE. 0 = unlimited |
Procs | |
cast_on_thing_in_aoe | Actually cause effects on the thing in our aoe. Override this for your spell! Not cast(). |
get_things_to_cast_on | Gets a list of atoms around [center] that are within range and affected by our aoe. |
Var Details

The radius of the aoe.

The max amount of targets we can affect via our AOE. 0 = unlimited
Proc Details
Actually cause effects on the thing in our aoe. Override this for your spell! Not cast().
- victim - the atom being affected by our aoe
- caster - the mob who cast the aoe
Gets a list of atoms around [center] that are within range and affected by our aoe.