Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Cone spells

Cone spells shoot off as a cone from the caster.


cone_levelsThis controls how many levels the cone has. Increase this value to make a bigger cone.
respect_densityThis value determines if the cone penetrates walls.


calculate_cone_shapeThis proc adjusts the cones width depending on the level.
do_cone_effectsThis proc does obj, mob and turf cone effects on all targets in the passed list.
do_mob_cone_effectThis proc deterimines how the spell will affect mobs.
do_obj_cone_effectThis proc deterimines how the spell will affect objects.
do_turf_cone_effectThis proc deterimines how the spell will affect turfs.
get_cone_turfsThis proc creates a list of turfs that are hit by the cone.

Var Details


This controls how many levels the cone has. Increase this value to make a bigger cone.


This value determines if the cone penetrates walls.

Proc Details


This proc adjusts the cones width depending on the level.


This proc does obj, mob and turf cone effects on all targets in the passed list.


This proc deterimines how the spell will affect mobs.


This proc deterimines how the spell will affect objects.


This proc deterimines how the spell will affect turfs.


This proc creates a list of turfs that are hit by the cone.