Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Blood Crawl

Blood Crawl

Lets the caster enter and exit pools of blood.


blood_radiusThe radius around us that we look for blood in
enter_blood_timeThe time it takes to enter blood
equip_blood_handsIf TRUE, we equip "blood crawl" hands to the jaunter to prevent using items
exit_blood_timeThe time it takes to exit blood


do_bloodcrawlAttempts to enter or exit the passed blood pool. Returns TRUE if we successfully entered or exited said pool, FALSE otherwise
exit_blood_effectAdds an coloring effect to mobs which exit blood crawl.
find_nearby_bloodReturns a nearby blood decal, or null if there aren't any
try_enter_jauntAttempts to enter the passed blood pool. If forced is TRUE, it will override enter_blood_time.
try_exit_jauntAttempts to Exit the passed blood pool. If forced is TRUE, it will override exit_blood_time, and if we're currently consuming someone.

Var Details


The radius around us that we look for blood in


The time it takes to enter blood


If TRUE, we equip "blood crawl" hands to the jaunter to prevent using items


The time it takes to exit blood

Proc Details


Attempts to enter or exit the passed blood pool. Returns TRUE if we successfully entered or exited said pool, FALSE otherwise


Adds an coloring effect to mobs which exit blood crawl.


Returns a nearby blood decal, or null if there aren't any


Attempts to enter the passed blood pool. If forced is TRUE, it will override enter_blood_time.


Attempts to Exit the passed blood pool. If forced is TRUE, it will override exit_blood_time, and if we're currently consuming someone.