
Vars | |
all_bloodsucker_powers | Static typecache of all bloodsucker powers. |
altar_uses | How many times have we used a blood altar |
blood_display | Blood display HUD |
bloodsucker_blood_volume | How much blood we have, starting off at default blood levels. |
bloodsucker_name | Used for assigning your name |
bloodsucker_reputation | Used for assigning your reputation |
bloodsucker_spam_healing | Timer between alerts for Healing messages |
bloodsucker_spam_sol_burn | Timer between alerts for Burn messages |
bloodsucker_title | Used for assigning your title |
bloodsucker_traits | Default Bloodsucker traits |
broke_masquerade | Have we been broken the Masquerade? |
clanpoints | How many clan points you have -> Used in clans in order to assert certain limits // Upgrades and stuff |
clanprogress | How much progress have you done on your clan |
frenzied | If we are currently in a Frenzy |
frenzygrab | Frenzy Grab Martial art given to Bloodsuckers in a Frenzy |
has_task | If we have a task assigned |
humanity_lost | Amount of Humanity lost |
masquerade_infractions | How many Masquerade Infractions do we have? |
max_blood_volume | How much blood we can have at once, increases per level. |
powers | ALL Powers currently owned |
special_vassals | Special vassals I own, to not have double of the same type. |
sunlight_display | Sunlight timer HUD |
vamprank_display | Vampire level display HUD |
vassal_banned_antags | Antagonists that cannot be Vassalized no matter what |
vassals | Vassals under my control. Periodically remove the dead ones. |
Procs | |
AddBloodVolume | |
AmValidAntag | Checks if the target has antag datums and, if so, are they allowed to be Vassalized, or not, or banned. Args: target - The person we check for antag datums. |
BuyPower | Buying powers |
DisableAllPowers | Disables all powers, accounting for torpor |
FinalDeath | Gibs the Bloodsucker, roundremoving them. |
HandleDeath | FINAL DEATH |
HandleHealing | |
LifeTick | Runs from COMSIG_LIVING_LIFE, handles Bloodsucker constant proccesses. |
SelectFirstName | Names |
antag_listing_name | Name shown on antag list |
antag_listing_status | Whatever interesting things happened to the antag admins should know about Include additional information about antag in this part |
apply_innate_effects | Apply innate effects is everything given to the mob When a body is tranferred, this is called on the new mob while on_gain is called ONCE per ANTAG, this is called ONCE per BODY. |
break_masquerade | When a Bloodsucker breaks the Masquerade, they get their HUD icon changed. |
can_make_vassal | |
check_cancel_sunlight | End Sol, if you're the last Bloodsucker |
check_end_torpor | Are we entering Torpor via Sol/Death? Then entering it isnt optional! Checks - Not daylight & Has more than 10 Brute/Burn & not already in Torpor |
check_limbs | Checks if you're in a coffin here, additionally checks for Torpor right below it. |
check_start_sunlight | |
clear_powers_and_stats | Give Bloodsucker Traits No Skittish "People" allowed Clear Disabilities & Organs ##clear_power_and_stats() |
fix_masquerade | This is admin-only of reverting a broken masquerade. |
free_all_vassals | When a Bloodsucker gets FinalDeath, all Vassals are freed - This is a Bloodsucker proc, not a Vassal one. |
get_flavor | Evaluates the conditions of the bloodsucker at the end of each round to pick a flavor message to add |
give_masquerade_infraction | Stats |
handle_feeding | mult: SILENT feed is 1/3 the amount |
handle_sol | Cycle through all vamp antags and check if they're inside a closet. |
make_vassal | First will check if the target can be turned into a Vassal, if so then it will turn them into one, log it, sync their minds, then updates the Rank Args: conversion_target - The person converted. |
on_body_transfer | End Sunlight? (if last Vamp) |
on_gain | Called when you get the antag datum, called only ONCE per antagonist. |
on_removal | Called by the remove_antag_datum() and remove_all_antag_datums() mind procs for the antag datum to handle its own removal and deletion. |
on_sol_end | Called when Sol first ends. |
remove_innate_effects | Remove innate effects is everything given to the mob When a body is tranferred, this is called on the new mob while on_removal is called ONCE per ANTAG, this is called ONCE per BODY. |
remove_vassal | Called by FreeAllVassals() |
sol_near_start | Called when Sol is near starting. |
sol_rank_up | |
update_blood | Makes your blood_volume look like your bloodsucker blood, unless you're Masquerading. |
update_hud | Update Blood Counter + Rank Counter |
Var Details

Static typecache of all bloodsucker powers.

How many times have we used a blood altar

Blood display HUD

How much blood we have, starting off at default blood levels.

Used for assigning your name

Used for assigning your reputation

Timer between alerts for Healing messages

Timer between alerts for Burn messages

Used for assigning your title

Default Bloodsucker traits

Have we been broken the Masquerade?

How many clan points you have -> Used in clans in order to assert certain limits // Upgrades and stuff

How much progress have you done on your clan

If we are currently in a Frenzy

Frenzy Grab Martial art given to Bloodsuckers in a Frenzy

If we have a task assigned

Amount of Humanity lost

How many Masquerade Infractions do we have?

How much blood we can have at once, increases per level.

ALL Powers currently owned

Special vassals I own, to not have double of the same type.

Sunlight timer HUD

Vampire level display HUD

Antagonists that cannot be Vassalized no matter what

Vassals under my control. Periodically remove the dead ones.
Proc Details
Checks if the target has antag datums and, if so, are they allowed to be Vassalized, or not, or banned. Args: target - The person we check for antag datums.
Buying powers
Disables all powers, accounting for torpor
Gibs the Bloodsucker, roundremoving them.
Constantly runs on Bloodsucker's LifeTick, and is increased by being in Torpor/Coffins
Runs from COMSIG_LIVING_LIFE, handles Bloodsucker constant proccesses.
Name shown on antag list
Whatever interesting things happened to the antag admins should know about Include additional information about antag in this part
Apply innate effects is everything given to the mob When a body is tranferred, this is called on the new mob while on_gain is called ONCE per ANTAG, this is called ONCE per BODY.
When a Bloodsucker breaks the Masquerade, they get their HUD icon changed.
Checks if the person is allowed to turn into the Bloodsucker's Vassal, ensuring they are a player and valid. If they are a Vassal themselves, will check if their master has broken the Masquerade, to steal them. Args: conversion_target - Person being vassalized
End Sol, if you're the last Bloodsucker
Are we entering Torpor via Sol/Death? Then entering it isnt optional! Checks - Not daylight & Has more than 10 Brute/Burn & not already in Torpor
Checks if you're in a coffin here, additionally checks for Torpor right below it.
Torpor is what deals with the Bloodsucker falling asleep, their healing, the effects, ect. This is basically what Sol is meant to do to them, but they can also trigger it manually if they wish to heal, as Burn is only healed through Torpor. You cannot manually exit Torpor, it is instead entered/exited by:
Torpor is triggered by:
- Being in a Coffin while Sol is on, dealt with by Sol
- Entering a Coffin with more than 10 combined Brute/Burn damage, dealt with by /closet/crate/coffin/close() []
- Death, dealt with by /HandleDeath() Torpor is ended by:
- Having less than 10 Brute damage while OUTSIDE of your Coffin while it isnt Sol.
- Having less than 10 Brute & Burn Combined while INSIDE of your Coffin while it isnt Sol.
- Sol being over, dealt with by /sunlight/process() []
Sol is the sunlight, during this period, all Bloodsuckers must be in their coffin, else they burn. Start Sol, called when someone is assigned Bloodsucker
Give Bloodsucker Traits No Skittish "People" allowed Clear Disabilities & Organs ##clear_power_and_stats()
Removes all Bloodsucker related Powers/Stats changes, setting them back to pre-Bloodsucker Order of steps and reason why: Remove clan - Clans like Nosferatu give Powers on removal, we have to make sure this is given before removing Powers. Powers - Remove all Powers, so things like Masquerade are off. Species traits, Traits, MaxHealth, Language - Misc stuff, has no priority. Organs - At the bottom to ensure everything that changes them has reverted themselves already. Update Sight - Done after Eyes are regenerated.
This is admin-only of reverting a broken masquerade.
When a Bloodsucker gets FinalDeath, all Vassals are freed - This is a Bloodsucker proc, not a Vassal one.
Evaluates the conditions of the bloodsucker at the end of each round to pick a flavor message to add
mult: SILENT feed is 1/3 the amount
Cycle through all vamp antags and check if they're inside a closet.
First will check if the target can be turned into a Vassal, if so then it will turn them into one, log it, sync their minds, then updates the Rank Args: conversion_target - The person converted.
End Sunlight? (if last Vamp)
Called when you get the antag datum, called only ONCE per antagonist.
Called by the remove_antag_datum() and remove_all_antag_datums() mind procs for the antag datum to handle its own removal and deletion.
Called when Sol first ends.
Remove innate effects is everything given to the mob When a body is tranferred, this is called on the new mob while on_removal is called ONCE per ANTAG, this is called ONCE per BODY.
Called by FreeAllVassals()
Called when Sol is near starting.
This is used for dealing with the Vampire Clan. This handles Sol for Bloodsuckers, making sure to not have several. None of this should appear in game, we are using it JUST for Sol. All Bloodsuckers should have their individual report. Ranks the Bloodsucker up, called by Sol.
Makes your blood_volume look like your bloodsucker blood, unless you're Masquerading.
Update Blood Counter + Rank Counter