Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Bloodsucker clans

Handles everything related to clans. the entire idea of datumizing this came to me in a dream.


blood_drink_typeHow we will drink blood using Feed.
bloodsuckerdatumThe bloodsucker datum that owns this clan. Use this over 'source', because while it's the same thing, this is more consistent (and used for deletion).
clan_objectiveThe clan objective that is required to greentext.
control_typeThe clan's manipulation specialty.
descriptionDescription of what the clan is, given when joining and through your antag UI.
frenzy_stun_immuneWhether they become entirely stun immune when entering Frenzy.
join_descriptionDescription shown when trying to join the clan.
join_iconThe icon of the radial icon to join this clan.
join_icon_stateSame as join_icon, but the state
joinable_clanWhether the clan can be joined by players. FALSE for flavortext-only clans.
nameThe name of the clan we're in.
rank_up_typeHow the Bloodsucker ranks up, if they do.


get_clanlegacy code support
handle_clan_lifeCalled during Bloodsucker's LifeTick args: bloodsuckerdatum - the antagonist datum of the Bloodsucker running this.
on_exit_torporCalled when a Bloodsucker exits Torpor args: source - the Bloodsucker exiting Torpor
on_favorite_vassalCalled when we are successfully turn a Vassal into a Favorite Vassal args: bloodsuckerdatum - antagonist datum of the Bloodsucker who turned them into a Vassal. vassaldatum - the antagonist datum of the Vassal being offered up.
on_final_deathCalled when a Bloodsucker enters Final Death args: source - the Bloodsucker exiting Torpor
on_offer_favoriteCalled when we are trying to turn someone into a Favorite Vassal args: bloodsuckerdatum - the antagonist datum of the Bloodsucker performing this. vassaldatum - the antagonist datum of the Vassal being offered up.
on_spend_rankCalled when a Bloodsucker successfully starts spending their Rank args: bloodsuckerdatum - the antagonist datum of the Bloodsucker running this. target - The Vassal (if any) we are upgrading. cost_rank - TRUE/FALSE on whether this will cost us a rank when we go through with it. blood_cost - A number saying how much it costs to rank up ask - If they want to automatically spend the rest of their ranks
on_vassal_madeCalled when a Bloodsucker successfully Vassalizes someone. args: bloodsuckerdatum - the antagonist datum of the Bloodsucker running this.

Var Details


How we will drink blood using Feed.


The bloodsucker datum that owns this clan. Use this over 'source', because while it's the same thing, this is more consistent (and used for deletion).


The clan objective that is required to greentext.


The clan's manipulation specialty.


Description of what the clan is, given when joining and through your antag UI.


Whether they become entirely stun immune when entering Frenzy.


Description shown when trying to join the clan.


The icon of the radial icon to join this clan.


Same as join_icon, but the state


Whether the clan can be joined by players. FALSE for flavortext-only clans.


The name of the clan we're in.


How the Bloodsucker ranks up, if they do.

Proc Details


legacy code support


Called during Bloodsucker's LifeTick args: bloodsuckerdatum - the antagonist datum of the Bloodsucker running this.


Called when a Bloodsucker exits Torpor args: source - the Bloodsucker exiting Torpor


Called when we are successfully turn a Vassal into a Favorite Vassal args: bloodsuckerdatum - antagonist datum of the Bloodsucker who turned them into a Vassal. vassaldatum - the antagonist datum of the Vassal being offered up.


Called when a Bloodsucker enters Final Death args: source - the Bloodsucker exiting Torpor


Called when we are trying to turn someone into a Favorite Vassal args: bloodsuckerdatum - the antagonist datum of the Bloodsucker performing this. vassaldatum - the antagonist datum of the Vassal being offered up.


Called when a Bloodsucker successfully starts spending their Rank args: bloodsuckerdatum - the antagonist datum of the Bloodsucker running this. target - The Vassal (if any) we are upgrading. cost_rank - TRUE/FALSE on whether this will cost us a rank when we go through with it. blood_cost - A number saying how much it costs to rank up ask - If they want to automatically spend the rest of their ranks


Called when a Bloodsucker successfully Vassalizes someone. args: bloodsuckerdatum - the antagonist datum of the Bloodsucker running this.