Debug class

Vars | |
class_color | The color of their aura outline |
description | Class short description |
learned_abilities | Abilities the darkspawn has learned from the psi_web |
long_description | Class long description. This will be shown in TGUI to explain to players with more depth of what to expect from the class |
name | Class name |
owner | The darkspawn who this class belongs to |
specialization_flag | The flag of the classtype. Used to determine which psi_web options are available to the class |
starting_abilities | Abilities our class will start with. Granted to the owning darkspawn on initialization |
Var Details

The color of their aura outline

Class short description

Abilities the darkspawn has learned from the psi_web

Class long description. This will be shown in TGUI to explain to players with more depth of what to expect from the class

Class name

The darkspawn who this class belongs to

The flag of the classtype. Used to determine which psi_web options are available to the class

Abilities our class will start with. Granted to the owning darkspawn on initialization