Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Regenerator component

A mob with this component will regenerate its health over time, as long as it has not received damage in the last X seconds. Taking any damage will reset this cooldown.


health_per_secondHealth to regenerate per second
ignore_damage_typesList of damage types we don't care about, in case you want to only remove this with fire damage or something
outline_colourColour of regeneration animation, or none if you don't want one
regeneration_delayYou will only regain health if you haven't been hurt for this many seconds
regeneration_start_timerWhen this timer completes we start restoring health, it is a timer rather than a cooldown so we can do something on its completion


on_take_damageWhen you take damage, reset the cooldown and start processing
start_regeneratingStart processing health regeneration, and show animation if provided

Var Details


Health to regenerate per second


List of damage types we don't care about, in case you want to only remove this with fire damage or something


Colour of regeneration animation, or none if you don't want one


You will only regain health if you haven't been hurt for this many seconds


When this timer completes we start restoring health, it is a timer rather than a cooldown so we can do something on its completion

Proc Details


When you take damage, reset the cooldown and start processing


Start processing health regeneration, and show animation if provided