Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details

Global Variables


GPS_listGlobal GPS_list. All GPS components get saved in here for easy reference.
accents_name2fileKeys are the names of the accents, values are the name of their .json file.
accents_name2regexesHolds some complex data regarding accents
accents_namesList of all accents
admin_statetgui state: admin_state
admin_trait_name_mapvalue -> trait name, generated as needed for adminning.
all_clockwork_mobsAll clockwork SERVANTS (not creatures) in existence
all_clockwork_objectsAll clockwork items, structures, and effects in existence
all_ongoing_hallucinationsA global list of all ongoing hallucinations, primarily for easy access to be able to stop (delete) hallucinations.
all_scripturea list containing scripture instances; not used to track existing scripture
allowed_custom_spansSpan classes that players are allowed to set in a radio transmission.
allowed_translationsLanguage datums that players are allowed to translate to in a radio transmission. This is fucking broken.
always_statetgui state: always_state
announcer_keysGlobal list of all of our announcer keys.
antag_token_usersAmount of time in time units they selected
application_scripture_unlockedIf script scripture is available
areasJust a list of all the area objects in the game Note, areas can have duplicate types
areas_by_typeAn association from typepath to area instance. Only includes areas with unique set.
ark_of_the_clockwork_justiciarThe Ark on the Reebe z-level
awaydestinationsAway missions
base_starlight_colorThe base color of light space emits
brazil_receptionteleport receive spots for heretic sacrifices
bubblegum_deadCheck for arena shuttle, if the bubblegum has died this round
cached_mapsList of all the maps that have been cached for /proc/load_map
cached_storage_typecachesAlmost 100% of the time the lists passed into set_holdable are reused for each instance of the component Just fucking cache it 4head Yes I could generalize this, but I don't want anyone else using it. in fact, DO NOT COPY THIS If you find yourself needing this pattern, you're likely better off using static typecaches I'm not because I do not trust implementers of the storage component to use them, BUT IF I FIND YOU USING THIS PATTERN IN YOUR CODE I WILL BREAK YOU ACROSS MY KNEES ~Lemon
cachedbooksSaved books from the DB
changeling_team_objective_typeIf this is not null, we hand our this objective to all lings
chasm_fallen_mobsGlobal list needed to let fishermen with a rescue hook fish fallen mobs from any place
checkoutsBooks that are currently checked out
city_of_cogs_spawnsAnyone entering the City of Cogs spawns here
clockwork_construction_valueThe total value of all structures built by the clockwork cult
clockwork_gateway_activatedif a gateway to the celestial derelict has ever been successfully activated
clockwork_hardmode_activeOnce the cult converts 20% of the station's population, their basic teleport gains a heavy penalty on non-clockwork tiles
clockwork_powerHow many joules of power are globally available to the clockwork cult
clockwork_vitalityHow much Vitality is stored, total
conscious_statetgui state: conscious_state
contained_statetgui state: contained_state
deep_inventory_statetgui state: deep_inventory_state
default_statetgui state: default_state
department_security_spawnslist of all department security spawns
donator_gearThis file contains any "special" / unique donator items which are ckey locked.
dummySaveSave file used in icon2base64. Used for converting icons to base64.
duplicate_forbidden_varsList of all vars that will not be copied over when using duplicate_object()
em_block_colorA globaly cached version of EM_BLOCK_COLOR for quick access.
em_mask_matrixA globaly cached version of EM_MASK_MATRIX for quick access.
emissive_colorA globaly cached version of EMISSIVE_COLOR for quick access.
event_groupsAn associative list of singleton event groups, in the format of [type] = instance.
features_block_lengthsThe same rules of the above also apply here, with the exception that this is for the unique_features string variable (commonly abbreviated with uf) and its blocks. Both ui and uf have a standard block length of 3 ASCII characters.
features_by_speciesAn assoc list of species types to their features (from get_features())
fire_appearancesGlobal list that containes cached fire overlays for mobs
focused_testsA list of every test that is currently focused. Use the PERFORM_ALL_TESTS macro instead.
gas_recipe_metaGlobal list of recipes for atmospheric machines to use
generic_event_spawnsList of generic landmarks placed around the map where there are likely to be players and are identifiable at a glance - Such as public hallways, department rooms, head of staff offices, and non-generic maintenance locations
greyscale_menu_statetgui state: greyscale menu
hands_statetgui state: hands_state
hardcoded_gasesthe main four gases, which were at one time hardcoded
has_antagonist_hudsAll active /datum/atom_hud/alternate_appearance/basic/has_antagonist instances
hfr_fuels_listGlobal list of recipes for atmospheric machines to use
huds_by_categorygets filled by each /datum/atom_hud/New(). associative list of the form: list(hud category = list(all global atom huds that use that category))
human_adjacent_statetgui state: human_adjacent_state
icon_dimensionsCache of the width and height of icon files, to avoid repeating the same expensive operation
identity_block_lengthsSome identity blocks (basically pieces of the unique_identity string variable of the dna datum, commonly abbreviated with ui) may have a length that differ from standard length of 3 ASCII characters. This list is necessary for these non-standard blocks to work, as well as the entire unique identity string. Should you add a new ui block which size differ from the standard (again, 3 ASCII characters), like for example, a color, please do not forget to also include it in this list in the following format: "[dna block number]" = dna block size, Failure to do that may result in bugs. Thanks.
inventory_statetgui state: inventory_state
jobspawn_overridesAssoc list of "job titles" to "job landmarks" These will take precedence over normal job spawnpoints if created, essentially allowing a user to override generic job spawnpoints with a specific one
landmarks_listlist of all landmarks created
language_menu_statetgui state: language_menu_state
lavasafetiesLAVA list of typepaths that if they're on the same tile as lava will prevent the damage
liquid_debug_colorsPROPER GROUPING
map_reportsGlobal list of map report datums
marker_beacon_colorsMarker Beacons
master_particle_infoThis was ported from Mojave but its literally just goons system so adding the proper licenses.
megafauna_spawn_listGlobal list of megafauna spawns on cave gen
narcd_underagesunderages who have been reported to security for trying to buy things they shouldn't, so they can't spam
never_statetgui state: never_state
nonreactive_gasesGasses that are unable to react amongst themselves
not_incapacitated_statetgui state: not_incapacitated_state
not_incapacitated_turf_statetgui state: not_incapacitated_turf_state
notcontained_statetgui state: notcontained_state
observer_statetgui state: observer_state
permissions_statetgui state: admin_state
physical_obscured_statetgui state: physical_obscured_state
physical_statetgui state: physical_state
picture_log_directoryPicture logging
pillars_by_zList of z pillars (datums placed in the bottom left of XbyX squares that control transparency in that space) The pillars are stored in triple depth lists indexed by (world_size % pillar_size) + 1 They are created at transparent turf request, and deleted when no turfs remain
pipe_color_nameNames shown in the examine for every colored atmos component
pipe_colors_orderedList that sorts the colors and is used for setting up the pipes layer so that they overlap correctly
pipe_paint_colorsAll colors available to pipes and atmos components
poi_listlist of all anti-magic collars the prisoner console can track and lock/unlock
preference_entriesAn assoc list list of types to instantiated /datum/preference instances
preference_entries_by_keyAn assoc list of preference entries by their savefile_key
random_hallucination_weighted_listGlobal weighted list of all hallucinations that can show up randomly.
ratvar_approachesThe servants can choose to "herald" Ratvar, permanently buffing them but announcing their presence to the crew.
ratvar_awakensIf Ratvar has been summoned; not a boolean, for proper handling of multiple Ratvars
reality_smash_trackWe want reality_smash_tracker to exist only once and be accesable from anywhere.
req_console_assistanceRequests Console
required_map_itemsGlobal assoc list of required mapping items, [item typepath] to [required item datum].
script_scripture_unlockedIf script scripture is available, through converting at least one crewmember
see_through_mapsglobal statics for the see_through_component coordinate maps For ease of use, include a comment in the shape of the coordinate map, where O is nothing, X is a hidden tile and A is the object List-coordinate layout is list(relative_x, relative_y, relative_z) Turf finding algorithm needs the z and you can totally use it, but I can't think of any reason to ever do it Also it'd be really cool if you could keep the list-coordinates in here represent their actual relative coords, dont use tabs though since their spacing can differ
self_statetgui state: self_state
servant_spawnsServants of Ratvar spawn here
servant_spawns_scarabsServants of Ratvar spawn here
sortedAreasUsed by jump-to-area etc. Updated by area/updateName() If this is null, it needs to be recalculated. Use get_sorted_areas() as a getter please
special_radio_keysThis is the list of all keys that are not techincially "radios" but use radio prefixes like :g and .b
special_rolesThis list is used to keep track of which antag ROLE defines correlate to which antag Yes, this is hardcoded, but it's faster to access than checking literally every single antag typepath for it's antag flag
starlight_colorThe color of light space is currently emitting
starlight_objectsList of plane offset + 1 -> object to display to use Fills with offsets as they are generated Holds a list of objects that represent starlight. The idea is to render_source them So modifying starlight requires touching only one place (NOTE: this doesn't work for the area overlays) In order to modify them you need to use set_starlight. Areas don't work with render sources it looks like
starlight_overlaysList of plane offset + 1 -> mutable appearance to use Fills with offsets as they are generated They mirror their appearance from the starlight objects, which lets us save time updating them
starlight_powerThe power of the light space is throwin out
starlight_rangeThe range of the light space is displaying
start_landmarks_listlist of all job spawn points created
stationroom_landmarkslist of all spawns for stationrooms
teleportlocsA list of teleport locations
total_uf_len_by_blockDitto but for unique features. Used by the datum/dna/set_uni_feature_block and datum/dna/get_uni_feature_block procs.
total_ui_len_by_blockA list of numbers that keeps track of where ui blocks start in the unique_identity string variable of the dna datum. Commonly used by the datum/dna/set_uni_identity_block and datum/dna/get_uni_identity_block procs.
trait_name_mapvalue -> trait name, generated on use from trait_by_type global
traitor_backstoriesAssociative list of /datum/traitor_backstory path strings to datums
traitor_factions_to_datumAssociative list of /datum/traitor_faction keys to datums
typecache_holodeck_linked_floorcheck_oktypecache for turfs that should be considered ok during floorchecks. A linked turf being anything not in this typecache will cause the holodeck to perform an emergency shutdown.
unit_test_mapping_logsWhen unit testing, all logs sent to log_mapping are stored here and retrieved in log_mapping unit test.
wizard_spellbook_purchases_by_keyGlobal assoc list. [ckey] = [spellbook entry type]
z_statetgui state: z_state

Var Details


Global GPS_list. All GPS components get saved in here for easy reference.


Keys are the names of the accents, values are the name of their .json file.


Holds some complex data regarding accents


List of all accents






tgui state: admin_state

Checks that the user is an admin, end-of-story.

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


value -> trait name, generated as needed for adminning.


All clockwork SERVANTS (not creatures) in existence


All clockwork items, structures, and effects in existence


A global list of all ongoing hallucinations, primarily for easy access to be able to stop (delete) hallucinations.


a list containing scripture instances; not used to track existing scripture


Span classes that players are allowed to set in a radio transmission.


Language datums that players are allowed to translate to in a radio transmission. This is fucking broken.


tgui state: always_state

Always grants the user UI_INTERACTIVE. Period.

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


Global list of all of our announcer keys.


Amount of time in time units they selected


If script scripture is available


Just a list of all the area objects in the game Note, areas can have duplicate types


An association from typepath to area instance. Only includes areas with unique set.


The Ark on the Reebe z-level


Away missions


The base color of light space emits


teleport receive spots for heretic sacrifices


Check for arena shuttle, if the bubblegum has died this round


List of all the maps that have been cached for /proc/load_map


Almost 100% of the time the lists passed into set_holdable are reused for each instance of the component Just fucking cache it 4head Yes I could generalize this, but I don't want anyone else using it. in fact, DO NOT COPY THIS If you find yourself needing this pattern, you're likely better off using static typecaches I'm not because I do not trust implementers of the storage component to use them, BUT IF I FIND YOU USING THIS PATTERN IN YOUR CODE I WILL BREAK YOU ACROSS MY KNEES ~Lemon


Saved books from the DB


If this is not null, we hand our this objective to all lings


Global list needed to let fishermen with a rescue hook fish fallen mobs from any place


Books that are currently checked out


Anyone entering the City of Cogs spawns here


The total value of all structures built by the clockwork cult


if a gateway to the celestial derelict has ever been successfully activated


Once the cult converts 20% of the station's population, their basic teleport gains a heavy penalty on non-clockwork tiles


How many joules of power are globally available to the clockwork cult


How much Vitality is stored, total


tgui state: conscious_state

Only checks if the user is conscious.

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


tgui state: contained_state

Checks that the user is inside the src_object.

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


tgui state: deep_inventory_state

Checks that the src_object is in the user's deep (backpack, box, toolbox, etc) inventory.

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


tgui state: default_state

Checks a number of things -- mostly physical distance for humans and view for robots.

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


list of all department security spawns


This file contains any "special" / unique donator items which are ckey locked.

To create a new unique donator item, create a new datum/donator_item

@version 1.0 @author Kmc2000


Save file used in icon2base64. Used for converting icons to base64.


List of all vars that will not be copied over when using duplicate_object()


A globaly cached version of EM_BLOCK_COLOR for quick access.


A globaly cached version of EM_MASK_MATRIX for quick access.


A globaly cached version of EMISSIVE_COLOR for quick access.


An associative list of singleton event groups, in the format of [type] = instance.


The same rules of the above also apply here, with the exception that this is for the unique_features string variable (commonly abbreviated with uf) and its blocks. Both ui and uf have a standard block length of 3 ASCII characters.


An assoc list of species types to their features (from get_features())


Global list that containes cached fire overlays for mobs


A list of every test that is currently focused. Use the PERFORM_ALL_TESTS macro instead.


Global list of recipes for atmospheric machines to use


List of generic landmarks placed around the map where there are likely to be players and are identifiable at a glance - Such as public hallways, department rooms, head of staff offices, and non-generic maintenance locations


tgui state: greyscale menu

Checks that the target var of the greyscale menu meets the default can_use_topic criteria


tgui state: hands_state

Checks that the src_object is in the user's hands.

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


the main four gases, which were at one time hardcoded


All active /datum/atom_hud/alternate_appearance/basic/has_antagonist instances


Global list of recipes for atmospheric machines to use


gets filled by each /datum/atom_hud/New(). associative list of the form: list(hud category = list(all global atom huds that use that category))


tgui state: human_adjacent_state

In addition to default checks, only allows interaction for a human adjacent user.

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


Cache of the width and height of icon files, to avoid repeating the same expensive operation


Some identity blocks (basically pieces of the unique_identity string variable of the dna datum, commonly abbreviated with ui) may have a length that differ from standard length of 3 ASCII characters. This list is necessary for these non-standard blocks to work, as well as the entire unique identity string. Should you add a new ui block which size differ from the standard (again, 3 ASCII characters), like for example, a color, please do not forget to also include it in this list in the following format: "[dna block number]" = dna block size, Failure to do that may result in bugs. Thanks.


tgui state: inventory_state

Checks that the src_object is in the user's top-level (hand, ear, pocket, belt, etc) inventory.

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


Assoc list of "job titles" to "job landmarks" These will take precedence over normal job spawnpoints if created, essentially allowing a user to override generic job spawnpoints with a specific one


list of all landmarks created


tgui state: language_menu_state

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


LAVA list of typepaths that if they're on the same tile as lava will prevent the damage




Global list of map report datums


Marker Beacons


This was ported from Mojave but its literally just goons system so adding the proper licenses.


Global list of megafauna spawns on cave gen


underages who have been reported to security for trying to buy things they shouldn't, so they can't spam


tgui state: never_state

Always closes the UI, no matter what. See the ui_state in religious_tool.dm to see an example


Gasses that are unable to react amongst themselves


tgui state: not_incapacitated_state

Checks that the user isn't incapacitated

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


tgui state: not_incapacitated_turf_state

Checks that the user isn't incapacitated and that their loc is a turf


tgui state: notcontained_state

Checks that the user is not inside src_object, and then makes the default checks.

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


tgui state: observer_state

Checks that the user is an observer/ghost.

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


tgui state: admin_state

Checks that the user is an admin, end-of-story.

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


tgui state: physical_obscured_state

Short-circuits the default state to only check physical distance, being in view doesn't matter


tgui state: physical_state

Short-circuits the default state to only check physical distance.

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


Picture logging


List of z pillars (datums placed in the bottom left of XbyX squares that control transparency in that space) The pillars are stored in triple depth lists indexed by (world_size % pillar_size) + 1 They are created at transparent turf request, and deleted when no turfs remain


Names shown in the examine for every colored atmos component


List that sorts the colors and is used for setting up the pipes layer so that they overlap correctly


All colors available to pipes and atmos components


list of all anti-magic collars the prisoner console can track and lock/unlock


An assoc list list of types to instantiated /datum/preference instances


An assoc list of preference entries by their savefile_key


Global weighted list of all hallucinations that can show up randomly.


The servants can choose to "herald" Ratvar, permanently buffing them but announcing their presence to the crew.


If Ratvar has been summoned; not a boolean, for proper handling of multiple Ratvars


We want reality_smash_tracker to exist only once and be accesable from anywhere.


Requests Console

Originally written by errorage, updated by: Carn, needs more work though. I just added some security fixes


Global assoc list of required mapping items, [item typepath] to [required item datum].


If script scripture is available, through converting at least one crewmember


global statics for the see_through_component coordinate maps For ease of use, include a comment in the shape of the coordinate map, where O is nothing, X is a hidden tile and A is the object List-coordinate layout is list(relative_x, relative_y, relative_z) Turf finding algorithm needs the z and you can totally use it, but I can't think of any reason to ever do it Also it'd be really cool if you could keep the list-coordinates in here represent their actual relative coords, dont use tabs though since their spacing can differ


tgui state: self_state

Only checks that the user and src_object are the same.

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


Servants of Ratvar spawn here


Servants of Ratvar spawn here


Used by jump-to-area etc. Updated by area/updateName() If this is null, it needs to be recalculated. Use get_sorted_areas() as a getter please


This is the list of all keys that are not techincially "radios" but use radio prefixes like :g and .b


This list is used to keep track of which antag ROLE defines correlate to which antag Yes, this is hardcoded, but it's faster to access than checking literally every single antag typepath for it's antag flag

This is used in multiple ways -What antags show up under "Antagonist Positions" for the ban panel (sql_ban_system.dm) -Access the min_account_age variable of the antag datum for use determining if an account is old enough to play an antag

An antag should be on this list if it does at least one of these things -Has a significant round impact -Should be possible to ban players from playing


The color of light space is currently emitting


List of plane offset + 1 -> object to display to use Fills with offsets as they are generated Holds a list of objects that represent starlight. The idea is to render_source them So modifying starlight requires touching only one place (NOTE: this doesn't work for the area overlays) In order to modify them you need to use set_starlight. Areas don't work with render sources it looks like


List of plane offset + 1 -> mutable appearance to use Fills with offsets as they are generated They mirror their appearance from the starlight objects, which lets us save time updating them


The power of the light space is throwin out


The range of the light space is displaying


list of all job spawn points created


list of all spawns for stationrooms


A list of teleport locations

Adding a wizard area teleport list because motherfucking lag -- Urist I am far too lazy to make it a proper list of areas so I'll just make it run the usual telepot routine at the start of the game


Ditto but for unique features. Used by the datum/dna/set_uni_feature_block and datum/dna/get_uni_feature_block procs.


A list of numbers that keeps track of where ui blocks start in the unique_identity string variable of the dna datum. Commonly used by the datum/dna/set_uni_identity_block and datum/dna/get_uni_identity_block procs.


value -> trait name, generated on use from trait_by_type global


Associative list of /datum/traitor_backstory path strings to datums


Associative list of /datum/traitor_faction keys to datums


typecache for turfs that should be considered ok during floorchecks. A linked turf being anything not in this typecache will cause the holodeck to perform an emergency shutdown.


When unit testing, all logs sent to log_mapping are stored here and retrieved in log_mapping unit test.


Global assoc list. [ckey] = [spellbook entry type]


tgui state: z_state

Only checks that the Z-level of the user and src_object are the same.

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT