
Vars | |
allow_pop_scaling | Whether we allow pop scaling. This is configured by config, or the storyteller UI |
current_players | Associative list of current players, in order: living players, living antagonists, dead players and observers. |
current_pop_scale_multipliers | Associative list of active multipliers from pop scale penalty. |
current_roundstart_event | What is our currently desired/selected roundstart event |
event_frequency_multiplier | Event frequency multiplier, it exists because wizard, eugh. |
event_pools | Associative list of control events by their track category. Compiled in Init |
event_track_points | Associative list of even track points. |
event_tracks | List of our event tracks for fast access during for loops. |
forced_next_events | Associative list of tracks to forced event controls. For admins to force events (though they can still invoke them freely outside of the track system) |
halted_storyteller | Whether the storyteller has been halted |
last_point_gains | Last point amount gained of each track. Those are recorded for purposes of estimating how long until next event. |
next_storyteller_process | Next process for our storyteller. The wait time is STORYTELLER_WAIT_TIME |
panel_page | Page of the UI panel. |
point_gain_multipliers | Configurable multipliers for point gain over time. |
point_thresholds | Point thresholds at which the events are supposed to be rolled, it is also the base cost for events. |
pop_scale_penalties | Associative list of pop scale penalties. |
pop_scale_thresholds | Associative list of pop scale thresholds. |
ready_players | Ready players for roundstart events. |
roundstart_antag_minds | List of new player minds we currently want to give our roundstart antag to |
roundstart_event_view | Whether we are viewing the roundstart events or not |
roundstart_point_multipliers | Configurable multipliers for roundstart points. |
scheduled_events | Events that we have scheduled to run in the nearby future |
secret_storyteller | Is storyteller secret or not |
selected_storyteller | Result of the storyteller vote/pick. Defaults to the guide. |
statistics_track_page | Current preview page for the statistics UI. |
storyteller | Our storyteller. They progresses our trackboards and picks out events |
storytellers | List of all the storytellers. Populated at init. Associative from type |
title_icon | The name of the icon shown during credit roll (only set if the roundstart antag has an icon) |
uncategorized | List of all uncategorized events, because they were wizard or holiday events |
Procs | |
Topic | Create event info and stats table |
TriggerEvent | If the bounds are equal, we'd be dividing by zero or worse, if upper is smaller than lower, we'd be increasing the factor, just make it 1 and continue. this is only a problem for bad configs |
admin_panel | Panel containing information, variables and controls about the gamemode and scheduled event |
calculate_ready_players | We need to calculate ready players for the sake of roundstart events becoming eligible. |
can_inject_antags | Whether events can inject more antagonists into the round |
event_panel | Panel containing information and actions regarding events |
fire | Seeding events into track event pools needs to happen after event config vars are loaded |
get_all_by_department | Gets all crewmembers for a department including dead ones |
get_all_silicon | Gets all silicon members including dead ones |
get_antag_cap | Handle scheduled events Alert admins 1 minute before running and allow them to cancel or refund the event, once again. Gets the number of antagonists the antagonist injection events will stop rolling after. |
get_candidates | Gets candidates for antagonist roles. |
get_correct_popcount | Gets the correct popcount, returning READY people if roundstart, and active people if not. |
get_living_by_department | Gets all living crewmembers for a department |
get_living_silicon | Gets all living silicon members |
get_valid_storytellers | return a weighted list of all storytellers that are currently valid to roll, if return_types is set then we will return types instead of instances |
handle_post_setup_points | Distribute points If the storyteller guarantees an antagonist roll, add points to make it so. If we have any forced events, ensure we get enough points for them At this point we've rolled roundstart events and antags and we handle leftover points here. |
handle_post_setup_roundstart_events | Second step of handlind roundstart events, happening after people spawn. |
handle_pre_setup_roundstart_events | Because roundstart events need 2 steps of firing for purposes of antags, here is the first step handled, happening before occupation division. |
load_config_vars | Loads config values from game_options.txt |
load_event_config_vars | Loads json event config values from events.txt |
make_antag_chance | Handles late-join antag assignments |
post_setup | Everyone should now be on the station and have their normal gear. This is the place to give the special roles extra things |
pre_setup | Attempts to select players for special roles the mode might have. |
refund_scheduled_event | Refunds and removes a scheduled event. |
remove_antag_for_borging | Used to remove antag status on borging for some gamemodes |
remove_scheduled_event | Removes a scheduled event. |
resetFrequency | Resets frequency multiplier. |
roll_pre_setup_points | We roll points to be spent for roundstart events, including antagonists. |
schedule_event | Start all roundstart events on post_setup immediately Schedules an event to run later. |
Var Details

Whether we allow pop scaling. This is configured by config, or the storyteller UI

Associative list of current players, in order: living players, living antagonists, dead players and observers.

Associative list of active multipliers from pop scale penalty.

What is our currently desired/selected roundstart event

Event frequency multiplier, it exists because wizard, eugh.

Associative list of control events by their track category. Compiled in Init

Associative list of even track points.

List of our event tracks for fast access during for loops.

Associative list of tracks to forced event controls. For admins to force events (though they can still invoke them freely outside of the track system)

Whether the storyteller has been halted

Last point amount gained of each track. Those are recorded for purposes of estimating how long until next event.

Next process for our storyteller. The wait time is STORYTELLER_WAIT_TIME

Page of the UI panel.

Configurable multipliers for point gain over time.

Point thresholds at which the events are supposed to be rolled, it is also the base cost for events.

Associative list of pop scale penalties.

Associative list of pop scale thresholds.

Ready players for roundstart events.

List of new player minds we currently want to give our roundstart antag to

Whether we are viewing the roundstart events or not

Configurable multipliers for roundstart points.

Events that we have scheduled to run in the nearby future

Is storyteller secret or not

Result of the storyteller vote/pick. Defaults to the guide.

Current preview page for the statistics UI.

Our storyteller. They progresses our trackboards and picks out events

List of all the storytellers. Populated at init. Associative from type

The name of the icon shown during credit roll (only set if the roundstart antag has an icon)

List of all uncategorized events, because they were wizard or holiday events
Proc Details
Create event info and stats table
If the bounds are equal, we'd be dividing by zero or worse, if upper is smaller than lower, we'd be increasing the factor, just make it 1 and continue. this is only a problem for bad configs
Panel containing information, variables and controls about the gamemode and scheduled event
We need to calculate ready players for the sake of roundstart events becoming eligible.
Whether events can inject more antagonists into the round
Panel containing information and actions regarding events
Seeding events into track event pools needs to happen after event config vars are loaded
Gets all crewmembers for a department including dead ones
Gets all silicon members including dead ones
Handle scheduled events Alert admins 1 minute before running and allow them to cancel or refund the event, once again. Gets the number of antagonists the antagonist injection events will stop rolling after.
Gets candidates for antagonist roles.
Gets the correct popcount, returning READY people if roundstart, and active people if not.
Gets all living crewmembers for a department
Gets all living silicon members
return a weighted list of all storytellers that are currently valid to roll, if return_types is set then we will return types instead of instances
Distribute points If the storyteller guarantees an antagonist roll, add points to make it so. If we have any forced events, ensure we get enough points for them At this point we've rolled roundstart events and antags and we handle leftover points here.
Second step of handlind roundstart events, happening after people spawn.
Because roundstart events need 2 steps of firing for purposes of antags, here is the first step handled, happening before occupation division.
Loads config values from game_options.txt
Loads json event config values from events.txt
Handles late-join antag assignments
Everyone should now be on the station and have their normal gear. This is the place to give the special roles extra things
Attempts to select players for special roles the mode might have.
Refunds and removes a scheduled event.
Used to remove antag status on borging for some gamemodes
Removes a scheduled event.
Resets frequency multiplier.
We roll points to be spent for roundstart events, including antagonists.
Start all roundstart events on post_setup immediately Schedules an event to run later.