Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



admin_emergency_no_recallDid admins force-prevent the recall of the shuttle?
arrivalsThe mobile docking port of the arrivals shuttle.
assoc_mobileNow it's only for ID generation in /obj/docking_port/mobile/register()
assoc_stationaryNow it's only for ID generation in /obj/docking_port/stationary/register()
backup_shuttleThe mobile docking port of the backup emergency shuttle.
beacon_listA list of all the beacons that can be docked to.
centcom_messageRemarks from CentCom on how well you checked the last order.
chef_groceriesQueued supplies to be purchased for the chef.
discovered_plantsTypepaths for unusual plants we've already sent CentCom, associated with their potencies.
emergencyEmergency shuttle stuff The mobile docking port of the emergency shuttle.
emergencyCallAmountHow many times was the escape shuttle called?
emergency_call_timeTime taken for emergency shuttle to reach the station when called (in deciseconds).
emergency_dock_timeTime taken for emergency shuttle to leave again once it has docked (in deciseconds).
emergency_escape_timeTime taken for emergency shuttle to reach a safe distance after leaving station (in deciseconds).
emergency_last_call_locWhere was the emergency shuttle last called from?
emergency_no_escapeIs the departure of the shuttle currently prevented? FALSE for no, any other number for yes (thanks shuttle code).
emergency_no_recallDo we prevent the recall of the shuttle?
existing_shuttleThe existing shuttle associated with the selected shuttle map_template.
has_purchase_shuttle_accessA list of job accesses that are able to purchase any shuttles.
hidden_shuttle_turf_imagesOnly the images from the /datum/controller/subsystem/shuttle/hidden_shuttle_turfs list.
hidden_shuttle_turfsAll turfs hidden from navigation computers associated with a list containing the image hiding them and the type of the turf they are pretending to be
hostile_environmentsThings blocking escape shuttle from leaving.
mobile_docking_portsA list of all the mobile docking ports.
order_numberOrder number given to next order.
pointsNumber of trade-points we have (basically money).
preview_reservationThe turf reservation for the current previewed shuttle.
preview_shuttleThe docking port associated to the preview_template that's currently being previewed.
preview_templateThe shuttle map_template of the shuttle we want to preview.
request_listWishlist items made by crew for cargo to purchase at their leisure.
selectedThe currently selected shuttle map_template in the shuttle manipulator's template viewer.
shopping_listQueued supply packs to be purchased.
shuttle_insuranceIf the event happens where the crew can purchase shuttle insurance, catastrophe can't run.
shuttle_loadingAre we currently in the process of loading a shuttle? Useful to ensure we don't load more than one at once, to avoid weird inconsistencies and possible runtimes.
shuttle_loanThe current shuttle loan event, if any.
shuttle_purchase_requirements_metFor keeping track of ingame events that would unlock new shuttles, such as defeating a boss or discovering a secret item.
stationary_docking_portsA list of all the stationary docking ports.
supermatter_cascadeDid the supermatter start a cascade event?
supplySupply shuttle stuff The current cargo shuttle's mobile docking port.
supply_blockedIs the cargo shuttle currently blocked from leaving?
supply_packsAll of the possible supply packs that can be purchased by cargo.
trade_blockadeThings blocking the cargo shuttle from leaving.
transit_docking_portsA list of all the transit docking ports.
transit_request_failuresAn associative list of the mobile docking ports that have failed a transit request, with the amount of times they've actually failed that transit request, up to MAX_TRANSIT_REQUEST_RETRIES
transit_requestersA list of all the mobile docking ports currently requesting a spot in hyperspace.
transit_utilizedHow many turfs our shuttles are currently utilizing in reservation space


action_loadLoads a shuttle template and sends it to a given destination port, optionally replacing the existing shuttle
canEvacCheck if we can call the evac shuttle. Returns TRUE if we can. Otherwise, returns a string detailing the problem.
load_templateLoads a shuttle template into the transit Z level, usually referred to elsewhere in the code as a shuttle preview. Does not register the shuttle so it can't be used yet, that's handled in action_load()
moveShuttleMoves a shuttle to a new location
transit_space_clearingGotta manage our space brother
unload_previewRemoves the preview_shuttle from the transit Z-level

Var Details


Did admins force-prevent the recall of the shuttle?


The mobile docking port of the arrivals shuttle.


Now it's only for ID generation in /obj/docking_port/mobile/register()


Now it's only for ID generation in /obj/docking_port/stationary/register()


The mobile docking port of the backup emergency shuttle.


A list of all the beacons that can be docked to.


Remarks from CentCom on how well you checked the last order.


Queued supplies to be purchased for the chef.


Typepaths for unusual plants we've already sent CentCom, associated with their potencies.


Emergency shuttle stuff The mobile docking port of the emergency shuttle.


How many times was the escape shuttle called?


Time taken for emergency shuttle to reach the station when called (in deciseconds).


Time taken for emergency shuttle to leave again once it has docked (in deciseconds).


Time taken for emergency shuttle to reach a safe distance after leaving station (in deciseconds).


Where was the emergency shuttle last called from?


Is the departure of the shuttle currently prevented? FALSE for no, any other number for yes (thanks shuttle code).


Do we prevent the recall of the shuttle?


The existing shuttle associated with the selected shuttle map_template.


A list of job accesses that are able to purchase any shuttles.


Only the images from the /datum/controller/subsystem/shuttle/hidden_shuttle_turfs list.


All turfs hidden from navigation computers associated with a list containing the image hiding them and the type of the turf they are pretending to be


Things blocking escape shuttle from leaving.


A list of all the mobile docking ports.


Order number given to next order.


Number of trade-points we have (basically money).


The turf reservation for the current previewed shuttle.


The docking port associated to the preview_template that's currently being previewed.


The shuttle map_template of the shuttle we want to preview.


Wishlist items made by crew for cargo to purchase at their leisure.


The currently selected shuttle map_template in the shuttle manipulator's template viewer.


Queued supply packs to be purchased.


If the event happens where the crew can purchase shuttle insurance, catastrophe can't run.


Are we currently in the process of loading a shuttle? Useful to ensure we don't load more than one at once, to avoid weird inconsistencies and possible runtimes.


The current shuttle loan event, if any.


For keeping track of ingame events that would unlock new shuttles, such as defeating a boss or discovering a secret item.


A list of all the stationary docking ports.


Did the supermatter start a cascade event?


Supply shuttle stuff The current cargo shuttle's mobile docking port.


Is the cargo shuttle currently blocked from leaving?


All of the possible supply packs that can be purchased by cargo.


Things blocking the cargo shuttle from leaving.


A list of all the transit docking ports.


An associative list of the mobile docking ports that have failed a transit request, with the amount of times they've actually failed that transit request, up to MAX_TRANSIT_REQUEST_RETRIES


A list of all the mobile docking ports currently requesting a spot in hyperspace.


How many turfs our shuttles are currently utilizing in reservation space

Proc Details


Loads a shuttle template and sends it to a given destination port, optionally replacing the existing shuttle



Check if we can call the evac shuttle. Returns TRUE if we can. Otherwise, returns a string detailing the problem.


Loads a shuttle template into the transit Z level, usually referred to elsewhere in the code as a shuttle preview. Does not register the shuttle so it can't be used yet, that's handled in action_load()



Moves a shuttle to a new location



Gotta manage our space brother


Removes the preview_shuttle from the transit Z-level