Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Department goal

Goals that a department can complete for monetary (or other) rewards.

Can be either do-once-and-complete goals that you just need to do once, or continuous goals that check every specified interval, and reward the department if they're still true. You shouldn't make direct subtypes of /datum/department_goal, instead make subtypes of each subtype, IE /datum/department_goal/sec or /datum/department_goal/eng.

Each subtype is already preset to payout and show to the correct accounts, if you want to add more, you need to update /datum/controller/subsystem/Yogs/proc/getDepartmentFromAccount.


accountThe account that the goal is tied to. Should probably not be fiddled with as most things rely on it.
completedWhether its already been completed. If true, SSYogs won't check it again
continuousWhether the goal can be completed multiple times with multiple payouts, or just once. Will be 0 if it's completed-once, otherwise it'll be the amount of time inbetween checks
descThe description of the goal - Describe how to accomplish it
endroundIf true, this goal will only be checked at round-end, otherwise it'll get checked every time SSYogs fires
fail_if_failedIf false, it'll stop checking once failed, otherwise it'll keep checking but only reward when it's completed
nameThe name of the goal - Should be kept short
rewardIf defined, this will be paid in to the given account on completion. Otherwise, define your own reward in /datum/department_goal/proc/complete


DestroyDestroys the goal.
NewCreates the new goal.
check_completeWhether the goal is completed. On subtypes, contains all the logic for determining whether it's complete.
completeCalled to complete the goal. If a reward is set, it doles it out automatically. Otherwise, put your own reward in it.
continuingIf the goal is continuous, this will set the timer to now + how-ever-long-the-timer-is
get_nameReturns a string containing the name and the description of the goal
get_resultCalled at the end of the round, returns a string saying either completed or not completed
is_availableReturns true if the goal is available to be run, returns false otherwise. Used for conditional goals. See /datum/department_goal/eng/additional_singularity
message_playersMessages the players of the goal's department, dependent on input

Var Details


The account that the goal is tied to. Should probably not be fiddled with as most things rely on it.


Whether its already been completed. If true, SSYogs won't check it again


Whether the goal can be completed multiple times with multiple payouts, or just once. Will be 0 if it's completed-once, otherwise it'll be the amount of time inbetween checks


The description of the goal - Describe how to accomplish it


If true, this goal will only be checked at round-end, otherwise it'll get checked every time SSYogs fires


If false, it'll stop checking once failed, otherwise it'll keep checking but only reward when it's completed


The name of the goal - Should be kept short


If defined, this will be paid in to the given account on completion. Otherwise, define your own reward in /datum/department_goal/proc/complete

Proc Details


Destroys the goal.

Removes the goal from the list of goals in SSYogs, and if the game is currently running, messages players. See: /datum/department_goal/proc/message_players


Creates the new goal.

Adds the goal to the list of goals in SSYogs, and if the game is currently running, messages players. See: /datum/department_goal/proc/message_players


Whether the goal is completed. On subtypes, contains all the logic for determining whether it's complete.


Called to complete the goal. If a reward is set, it doles it out automatically. Otherwise, put your own reward in it.



If the goal is continuous, this will set the timer to now + how-ever-long-the-timer-is


Returns a string containing the name and the description of the goal


Called at the end of the round, returns a string saying either completed or not completed


Returns true if the goal is available to be run, returns false otherwise. Used for conditional goals. See /datum/department_goal/eng/additional_singularity


Messages the players of the goal's department, dependent on input
