
Vars | |
added_access | Additional accesses for the job if config.jobs_have_minimal_access is set to false |
alt_titles | Alternate titles for the job |
antag_rep | How much antag rep this job gets increase antag chances next round unless its overriden in antag_rep.txt |
auto_deadmin_role_flags | Automatic deadmin for a job. Usually head/security positions |
base_access | This job comes with these accesses by default |
base_skills | Baseline skill levels this job should have |
current_positions | How many players have this job |
department_for_prefs | If specified, this department will be used for the preferences menu. |
department_head | Who is responsible for demoting them |
departments_bitflags | Bitfield of departments this job belongs to. These get setup when adding the job into the department, on job datum creation. |
departments_list | Lazy list with the departments this job belongs to. Required to be set for playable jobs. The first department will be used in the preferences menu, unless department_for_prefs is set. TODO: Currently not used so will always be empty! Change this to department datums |
description | The description of the job, used for preferences menu. Keep it short and useful. Avoid in-jokes, these are for new players. |
display_order | Display order of the job |
exclusive_mail_goodies | If this job's mail goodies compete with generic goodies. |
exp_requirements | How many minutes are required to unlock this job |
exp_type | Which type of XP is required see EXP_TYPE_ in __DEFINES/preferences.dm |
exp_type_department | Department XP required YOGS THIS IS NOT FUCKING SET FOR EVERY JOB I HATE WHOEVER DID THIS |
head_announce | Tells the given channels that the given mob is the new department head. See communications.dm for valid channels. |
lightup_areas | A list of job-specific areas to enable lights for if this job is present at roundstart, whenever minimal access is not in effect. This will be combined with minimal_lightup_areas, so no need to duplicate entries. Areas within their department will have their lights turned on automatically, so you should really only use this for areas outside of their department. |
liver_traits | Lazylist of traits added to the liver of the mob assigned this job (used for the classic "cops heal from donuts" reaction, among others) |
mail_goodies | Goodies that can be received via the mail system. Keep the _job definition for this empty and use /obj/item/mail to define general gifts. |
mind_traits | Traits added to the mind of the mob assigned this job |
minimal_character_age | This is the IC age requirement for the players character in order to be this job. |
minimal_lightup_areas | A list of job-specific areas to enable lights for if this job is present at roundstart. Areas within their department will have their lights turned on automatically, so you should really only use this for areas outside of their department. |
minimal_player_age | If you have the use_age_restriction_for_jobs config option enabled and the database set up, this option will add a requirement for players to be at least minimal_player_age days old. (meaning they first signed in at least that many days before.) |
orbit_icon | Icons to be displayed in the orbit ui. Source: FontAwesome v5. |
outfit | Outfit of the job |
paycheck | Base pay of the job |
paycheck_department | Where to pull money to pay people |
req_admin_notify | If this is set to TRUE, a text is printed to the player when jobs are assigned, telling him that he should let admins know that he has to disconnect. |
skill_points | Number of free skill points to allocate |
smells_like | The text a person using olfaction will see for the job of the target's scent |
space_law_notify | If this is set to 1, a text is printed to the player when jobs are assigned, telling them that space law has been updated. |
spawn_positions | How many can start the round as this job |
spawn_type | What kind of mob type joining players with this job as their assigned role are spawned as. |
supervisors | Supervisors, who this person answers to directly |
title | The name of the job used for preferences, bans, etc. |
total_positions | How many max open slots for this job |
Procs | |
after_latejoin_spawn | Called after a successful latejoin spawn. Client is in the mob. This happens after after_spawn() |
after_roundstart_spawn | Called after a successful roundstart spawn. Client is not yet in the mob. This happens after after_spawn() |
get_default_roundstart_spawn_point | Returns an atom where the mob should spawn in. Handles finding and picking a valid roundstart effect landmark spawn point, in case no uncommon different spawning events occur. |
get_mail_goodies | An overridable getter for more dynamic goodies. |
get_spawn_mob | Finds a valid latejoin spawn point, checking for events and special conditions. |
Var Details

Additional accesses for the job if config.jobs_have_minimal_access is set to false

Alternate titles for the job

How much antag rep this job gets increase antag chances next round unless its overriden in antag_rep.txt

Automatic deadmin for a job. Usually head/security positions

This job comes with these accesses by default

Baseline skill levels this job should have

How many players have this job

If specified, this department will be used for the preferences menu.

Who is responsible for demoting them

Bitfield of departments this job belongs to. These get setup when adding the job into the department, on job datum creation.

Lazy list with the departments this job belongs to. Required to be set for playable jobs. The first department will be used in the preferences menu, unless department_for_prefs is set. TODO: Currently not used so will always be empty! Change this to department datums

The description of the job, used for preferences menu. Keep it short and useful. Avoid in-jokes, these are for new players.

Display order of the job

If this job's mail goodies compete with generic goodies.

How many minutes are required to unlock this job

Which type of XP is required see EXP_TYPE_
in __DEFINES/preferences.dm


Tells the given channels that the given mob is the new department head. See communications.dm for valid channels.

A list of job-specific areas to enable lights for if this job is present at roundstart, whenever minimal access is not in effect. This will be combined with minimal_lightup_areas, so no need to duplicate entries. Areas within their department will have their lights turned on automatically, so you should really only use this for areas outside of their department.

Lazylist of traits added to the liver of the mob assigned this job (used for the classic "cops heal from donuts" reaction, among others)

Goodies that can be received via the mail system. Keep the _job definition for this empty and use /obj/item/mail to define general gifts.

Traits added to the mind of the mob assigned this job

This is the IC age requirement for the players character in order to be this job.

A list of job-specific areas to enable lights for if this job is present at roundstart. Areas within their department will have their lights turned on automatically, so you should really only use this for areas outside of their department.

If you have the use_age_restriction_for_jobs config option enabled and the database set up, this option will add a requirement for players to be at least minimal_player_age days old. (meaning they first signed in at least that many days before.)

Icons to be displayed in the orbit ui. Source: FontAwesome v5.

Outfit of the job

Base pay of the job

Where to pull money to pay people

If this is set to TRUE, a text is printed to the player when jobs are assigned, telling him that he should let admins know that he has to disconnect.

Number of free skill points to allocate

The text a person using olfaction will see for the job of the target's scent

If this is set to 1, a text is printed to the player when jobs are assigned, telling them that space law has been updated.

How many can start the round as this job

What kind of mob type joining players with this job as their assigned role are spawned as.

Supervisors, who this person answers to directly

The name of the job used for preferences, bans, etc.

How many max open slots for this job
Proc Details
Called after a successful latejoin spawn. Client is in the mob. This happens after after_spawn()
Called after a successful roundstart spawn. Client is not yet in the mob. This happens after after_spawn()
Returns an atom where the mob should spawn in. Handles finding and picking a valid roundstart effect landmark spawn point, in case no uncommon different spawning events occur.
An overridable getter for more dynamic goodies.
Finds a valid latejoin spawn point, checking for events and special conditions.