
Vars | |
blocked_languages | A list of blocked languages. Used to prevent understanding and speaking certain languages, ie for certain mobs, mutations etc. |
language_menu | Handles displaying the language menu UI. |
omnitongue | If true, overrides tongue limitations. |
owner | Tracks the entity that owns the holder. |
selected_language | Currently spoken language |
spoken_languages | A list of languages that can be spoken. Tongue organ may also set limits beyond this list. |
understood_languages | Understood languages. |
Procs | |
New | Initializes, and copies in the languages from the current atom if available. |
add_blocked_language | Adds a single language or list of languages to the blocked language list. |
can_speak_language | Checks if you can speak the language. Tongue limitations should be supplied as an argument. |
copy_languages | Copies all languages from the supplied atom/language holder. Source should be overridden when you do not want the language overwritten by later atom updates or want to avoid blocked languages. |
get_atom | Gets the atom, since we some times need to check if the tongue has limitations. |
get_random_spoken_language | Gets a random spoken language, useful for forced speech and such. |
get_random_understood_language | Gets a random understood language, useful for hallucinations and such. |
get_selected_language | Returns selected language if it can be spoken, or decides, sets and returns a new selected language if possible. |
grant_all_languages | Grants every language to understood and spoken, and gives omnitongue. |
grant_language | Grants the supplied language. |
has_language | Checks if you have the language. If spoken is true, only checks if you can speak the language. |
open_language_menu | Opens a language menu reading from the language holder. |
remove_all_languages | Removes every language and optionally sets omnitongue false. If a non default source is supplied, only removes that source. |
remove_blocked_language | Removes a single language or list of languages from the blocked language list. |
remove_language | Removes a single language or source, removing all sources returns the pre-removal state of the language. |
update_atom_languages | Empties out the atom specific languages and updates them according to the supplied atoms language holder. |
Var Details

A list of blocked languages. Used to prevent understanding and speaking certain languages, ie for certain mobs, mutations etc.

Handles displaying the language menu UI.

If true, overrides tongue limitations.

Tracks the entity that owns the holder.

Currently spoken language

A list of languages that can be spoken. Tongue organ may also set limits beyond this list.

Understood languages.
Proc Details
Initializes, and copies in the languages from the current atom if available.
Adds a single language or list of languages to the blocked language list.
Checks if you can speak the language. Tongue limitations should be supplied as an argument.
Copies all languages from the supplied atom/language holder. Source should be overridden when you do not want the language overwritten by later atom updates or want to avoid blocked languages.
Gets the atom, since we some times need to check if the tongue has limitations.
Gets a random spoken language, useful for forced speech and such.
Gets a random understood language, useful for hallucinations and such.
Returns selected language if it can be spoken, or decides, sets and returns a new selected language if possible.
Grants every language to understood and spoken, and gives omnitongue.
Grants the supplied language.
Checks if you have the language. If spoken is true, only checks if you can speak the language.
Opens a language menu reading from the language holder.
Removes every language and optionally sets omnitongue false. If a non default source is supplied, only removes that source.
Removes a single language or list of languages from the blocked language list.
Removes a single language or source, removing all sources returns the pre-removal state of the language.
Empties out the atom specific languages and updates them according to the supplied atoms language holder.