
Vars | |
applied | Whether we have applied our light yet or not. |
effect_str | List used to store how much we're affecting corners. |
light_angle | How many degrees of a circle should our light show. 360 is all of it, 180 is half, etc |
light_color | The colour of the light, string, decomposed by parse_light_color() |
light_dir | What direction our angled light is pointed |
light_height | The height of the light. The larger this is, the dimmer we'll start |
light_power | Intensity of the emitter light. |
light_range | The range of the emitted light. |
needs_update | whether we are to be added to SSlighting's sources_queue list for an update |
offset_x | How much to x shift our light by when displaying it |
offset_y | How much to y shift our light by when displaying it |
source_atom | The atom that we belong to. |
source_turf | The turf under the source atom. |
top_atom | The atom we're emitting light from (for example a mob if we're from a flashlight that's being held). |
visual_offset | How much larger our light sheet should be, based off offset_x and y We clamp to at least 1, so if offset_x is 0.1, then this'll be 1 |
Procs | |
add_to_light_sources | add this light source to new_atom_host's light_sources list. updating movement registrations as needed |
falloff_at_coord | Takes x y and z offsets from the source as input, alongside our source's range Returns a value between 0 and 1, 0 being dark on that tile, 1 being fully lit |
generate_sheet | Returns a list of lists that encodes the light falloff of our source Takes anything that impacts our generation as input This function should be "pure", no side effects or reads from the source object |
generate_sheet_multiz | Returns a THREE dimensional list of lists that encodes the lighting falloff of our source Takes anything that impacts our generation as input This function should be "pure", no side effects or reads from the passed object |
get_sheet | Returns a list of lists, indexed with ints, that can be read to get the lighting multiplier at any one point If the requested sheet is multiz, this will be 3 lists deep, first handling z level then x and y otherwise it's just two, x then y |
impacted_corners | Returns a list of lighting corners this source impacts |
print_sheet | Dumps the content of a lighting sheet to chat, for debugging |
refresh_values | Refreshes our lighting source to match its parent atom Returns TRUE if an update is needed, FALSE otherwise |
remove_from_light_sources | remove this light source from old_atom_host's light_sources list, unsetting movement registrations |
remove_lum | This is the define used to calculate falloff. |
update | This proc will cause the light source to update the top atom, and add itself to the update queue. |
update_host_lights | signal handler for when our host atom moves and we need to update our effects |
Var Details

Whether we have applied our light yet or not.

List used to store how much we're affecting corners.

How many degrees of a circle should our light show. 360 is all of it, 180 is half, etc

The colour of the light, string, decomposed by parse_light_color()

What direction our angled light is pointed

The height of the light. The larger this is, the dimmer we'll start

Intensity of the emitter light.

The range of the emitted light.

whether we are to be added to SSlighting's sources_queue list for an update

How much to x shift our light by when displaying it

How much to y shift our light by when displaying it

The atom that we belong to.

The turf under the source atom.

The atom we're emitting light from (for example a mob if we're from a flashlight that's being held).

How much larger our light sheet should be, based off offset_x and y We clamp to at least 1, so if offset_x is 0.1, then this'll be 1
Proc Details
add this light source to new_atom_host's light_sources list. updating movement registrations as needed
Takes x y and z offsets from the source as input, alongside our source's range Returns a value between 0 and 1, 0 being dark on that tile, 1 being fully lit
Returns a list of lists that encodes the light falloff of our source Takes anything that impacts our generation as input This function should be "pure", no side effects or reads from the source object
Returns a THREE dimensional list of lists that encodes the lighting falloff of our source Takes anything that impacts our generation as input This function should be "pure", no side effects or reads from the passed object
Returns a list of lists, indexed with ints, that can be read to get the lighting multiplier at any one point If the requested sheet is multiz, this will be 3 lists deep, first handling z level then x and y otherwise it's just two, x then y
Returns a list of lighting corners this source impacts
Dumps the content of a lighting sheet to chat, for debugging
Refreshes our lighting source to match its parent atom Returns TRUE if an update is needed, FALSE otherwise
remove this light source from old_atom_host's light_sources list, unsetting movement registrations
This is the define used to calculate falloff.
This proc will cause the light source to update the top atom, and add itself to the update queue.
signal handler for when our host atom moves and we need to update our effects