Base Shuttle Template

Vars | |
admin_notes | Shuttle warnings and hazards to the admin who spawns the shuttle |
credit_cost | How much does this shuttle cost the cargo budget to purchase? Put in terms of CARGO_CRATE_VALUE to properly scale the cost with the current balance of cargo's income. |
description | Information to display on communication console about the shuttle |
emag_only | Whether or not this shuttle is locked to emags only. |
movement_force | If set, overrides default movement_force on shuttle |
occupancy_limit | The recommended occupancy limit for the shuttle (count chairs, beds, and benches then round to 5) |
port_id | Port ID is the place this template should be docking at, set on '/obj/docking_port/stationary' Because getShuttle() compares port_id to shuttle_id to find an already existing shuttle, you should set shuttle_id to be the same as port_id if you want them to be replacable. |
prerequisites | Description of the prerequisition that has to be achieved for the shuttle to be purchased |
shuttle_id | ID of the shuttle, make sure it matches port_id if necessary. |
who_can_purchase | What job accesses can buy this shuttle? If null, this shuttle cannot be bought. |
Var Details

Shuttle warnings and hazards to the admin who spawns the shuttle

How much does this shuttle cost the cargo budget to purchase? Put in terms of CARGO_CRATE_VALUE to properly scale the cost with the current balance of cargo's income.

Information to display on communication console about the shuttle

Whether or not this shuttle is locked to emags only.

If set, overrides default movement_force on shuttle

The recommended occupancy limit for the shuttle (count chairs, beds, and benches then round to 5)

Port ID is the place this template should be docking at, set on '/obj/docking_port/stationary' Because getShuttle() compares port_id to shuttle_id to find an already existing shuttle, you should set shuttle_id to be the same as port_id if you want them to be replacable.

Description of the prerequisition that has to be achieved for the shuttle to be purchased

ID of the shuttle, make sure it matches port_id if necessary.

What job accesses can buy this shuttle? If null, this shuttle cannot be bought.