Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Martial Art

Martial Arts

Martial arts change how human unarmed attacks effect other humans, and allow for strings of attacks on the same target to have special effects Martial arts also can block melee or ranged attacks using block_chance and deflect_chance variables


allow_temp_overrideif the martial art can be overridden by temporary arts
block_chancechance for the martial art to block a melee attack when throw is on
current_targetcurrent thing being targetted for combos, switches if the user hits a different opponent
gun_exceptionsused to allow certain guns as exceptions
help_verbverb used to get a description of the art
idID, used by mind/has_martialart
martial_ownerthe mob that uses this martial art
martial_traitslist of traits given to the martial art user
max_streak_lengthlongest a streak can be before the oldest attack is forgotten
namethe name of the martial art
no_gun_messagethe message for when you try to use a gun you can't use
no_gunsforbid use of guns if martial art is active
nonlethalcheck for if the martial art can be used by pacifists
restrainingused for CQC's restrain combo
streakcurrent streak, successful attacks add to this


add_to_streakmartial art add to streak proc
basic_hitmartial art basic hit
can_usemartial art can_use proc
disarm_actmartial art specific disarm attacks
grab_actmartial art specific grab attacks
handle_countermartial art handle counter proc
handle_throwmartial arts handle_throw proc
harm_actmartial art specific harm attacks
on_removemartial art on_remove handler proc
removemartial art removal proc
storemartial art store proc
teachmartial art learn proc

Var Details


if the martial art can be overridden by temporary arts


chance for the martial art to block a melee attack when throw is on


current thing being targetted for combos, switches if the user hits a different opponent


used to allow certain guns as exceptions


verb used to get a description of the art


ID, used by mind/has_martialart


the mob that uses this martial art


list of traits given to the martial art user


longest a streak can be before the oldest attack is forgotten


the name of the martial art


the message for when you try to use a gun you can't use


forbid use of guns if martial art is active


check for if the martial art can be used by pacifists


used for CQC's restrain combo


current streak, successful attacks add to this

Proc Details


martial art add to streak proc

used to add a character to a streak, up to the maximum streak size. forgets the oldest character in the streak if it would go above the maximum size. streaks are on a per person basis, and streaks will be lost if a new target is hit


martial art basic hit

used for basic punch attacks


martial art can_use proc

used to checks specific information regarding whether or not someone can use the martial art, returns TRUE if they can, FALSE if they can't


martial art specific disarm attacks

used to give a martial art a unique attack on disarm, returns FALSE if a basic hit should be done afterwards, TRUE if it should only do the unique stuff


martial art specific grab attacks

used to give a martial art a unique attack on grab, returns FALSE if a basic hit should be done afterwards, TRUE if it should only do the unique stuff


martial art handle counter proc

handles unique stuff on a martial art melee counter activating


martial arts handle_throw proc

does stuff for hitting people while thrown returns TRUE if the default throw impact shouldn't do anything, FALSE if you still slam into something at mach 20 and eat a stun


martial art specific harm attacks

used to give a martial art a unique attack on harm, returns FALSE if a basic hit should be done afterwards, TRUE if it should only do the unique stuff


martial art on_remove handler proc

handles specific things that are to be done on a martial art being removed


martial art removal proc

used to remove a martial art, will replace it with the base martial art or default martial art lacking a base


martial art store proc

used to store the martial art as the basic art if another art would temporarily override it


martial art learn proc

gives the user the martial art, if it's a temporary one it will only temporarily override an older martial art rather than replacing it unless the current art won't allow a temporary override