Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



boundsOffset bounds. Same as parsed_bounds until load().
expanded_xIf we've expanded world.maxy
expanded_yIf we've expanded world.maxx
key_lenThe length of a key in this file. This is promised by the standard to be static
line_lenThe length of a line in this file. Not promised by dmm but standard dmm uses it, so we can trust it
loaded_areasList of area types we've loaded AS A PART OF THIS MAP We do this to allow non unique areas, so we'll only load one per map
loadingIf we are currently loading this map
matches_tgmMatches key formats in TMG (IE: newline after the ()
model_pathPulls out model paths for DMM
parsed_boundsUnoffset bounds. Null on parse failure.
turf_blacklistany turf in this list is skipped inside of build_coordinate
var_edits_tgmPulls out key value pairs for TGM


NewParse a map, possibly cropping it.
_dmm_loadStanrdard loading, not used in production Doesn't take advantage of any tgm optimizations, which makes it slower but also more general Use this if for some reason your map format is messy
check_for_errorsCheck a parsed but not yet loaded map for errors.
dmm_build_cacheBuilds key caches for general formats Slower then the proc above, tho it could still be optimized slightly. it's just not a priority Since we don't run DMM maps, ever.
filter_grid_sets_based_on_z_boundsIterates over all grid sets and returns ones with z values within the given bounds. Inclusive
loadLoad the parsed map into the world. You probably want /proc/load_map. Keep the signature the same.

Var Details


Offset bounds. Same as parsed_bounds until load().


If we've expanded world.maxy


If we've expanded world.maxx


The length of a key in this file. This is promised by the standard to be static


The length of a line in this file. Not promised by dmm but standard dmm uses it, so we can trust it


List of area types we've loaded AS A PART OF THIS MAP We do this to allow non unique areas, so we'll only load one per map


If we are currently loading this map


Matches key formats in TMG (IE: newline after the ()


Pulls out model paths for DMM


Unoffset bounds. Null on parse failure.


any turf in this list is skipped inside of build_coordinate


Pulls out key value pairs for TGM

Proc Details


Parse a map, possibly cropping it.


Stanrdard loading, not used in production Doesn't take advantage of any tgm optimizations, which makes it slower but also more general Use this if for some reason your map format is messy


Check a parsed but not yet loaded map for errors.

Returns a /datum/map_report if there are errors or FALSE otherwise.


Builds key caches for general formats Slower then the proc above, tho it could still be optimized slightly. it's just not a priority Since we don't run DMM maps, ever.


Iterates over all grid sets and returns ones with z values within the given bounds. Inclusive


Load the parsed map into the world. You probably want /proc/load_map. Keep the signature the same.