
Datum that represents one "group" of plane masters So all the main window planes would be in one, all the spyglass planes in another Etc
Vars | |
active_offset | The visual offset we are currently using |
key | Our key in the group list on /datum/hud Should be unique for any group of plane masters in the world |
map | What, if any, submap we render onto |
our_hud | Our parent hud |
plane_masters | List in the form "[plane]" = object, the plane masters we own |
relay_loc | Controls the screen_loc that owned plane masters will use when generating relays. Due to a Byond bug, relays using the CENTER positional loc Will be improperly offset |
Procs | |
attach_to | Display a plane master group to some viewer, so show all our planes to it |
build_plane_masters | Actually generate our plane masters, in some offset range (where offset is the z layers to render to, because each "layer" in a multiz stack gets its own plane master cube) |
get_plane | Nice wrapper for the "[]"ing |
get_plane_types | Returns a list of all the plane master types we want to create |
prep_plane_instance | Similarly, exists so subtypes can do unique behavior to planes on creation |
rebuild_hud | Fully regenerate our group, resetting our planes to their compile time values |
rebuild_plane_masters | Regenerate our plane masters, this is useful if we don't have a mob but still want to rebuild. Such in the case of changing the screen_loc of relays |
refresh_hud | Well, refresh our group, mostly useful for plane specific updates |
show_plane | This is mostly a proc so it can be overriden by popups, since they have unique behavior they want to do |
Var Details

The visual offset we are currently using

Our key in the group list on /datum/hud Should be unique for any group of plane masters in the world

What, if any, submap we render onto

Our parent hud

List in the form "[plane]" = object, the plane masters we own

Controls the screen_loc that owned plane masters will use when generating relays. Due to a Byond bug, relays using the CENTER positional loc Will be improperly offset
Proc Details
Display a plane master group to some viewer, so show all our planes to it
Actually generate our plane masters, in some offset range (where offset is the z layers to render to, because each "layer" in a multiz stack gets its own plane master cube)
Nice wrapper for the "[]"ing
Returns a list of all the plane master types we want to create
Similarly, exists so subtypes can do unique behavior to planes on creation
Fully regenerate our group, resetting our planes to their compile time values
Regenerate our plane masters, this is useful if we don't have a mob but still want to rebuild. Such in the case of changing the screen_loc of relays
Well, refresh our group, mostly useful for plane specific updates
This is mostly a proc so it can be overriden by popups, since they have unique behavior they want to do