
Holder for a bunch of /datum/reagent
Vars | |
addiction_list | currently addicted reagents |
addiction_tick | see /datum/reagents/proc/metabolize for usage |
chem_temp | Current temp of the holder volume |
flags | various flags, see code__DEFINES\reagents.dm |
maximum_volume | Max volume of this holder |
my_atom | The atom this holder is attached to |
reagent_list | The reagents being held |
total_volume | Current volume of all the reagents |
Procs | |
add_reagent | Adds a reagent to this holder |
add_reagent_list | Like add_reagent but you can enter a list. Format it like this: list(/datum/reagent/toxin = 10, "beer" = 15) |
clear_reagents | Removes all reagents |
conditional_update | Calls /datum/reagent/proc/on_update on every reagent in this holder |
conditional_update_move | Calls /datum/reagent/proc/on_move on every reagent in this holder |
copy_data | Shallow copies (deep copy of viruses) data from the provided reagent into our copy of that reagent |
copy_to | Copies the reagents to the target object |
del_reagent | Fuck this one reagent |
end_metabolization | Removes addiction to a specific reagent on /datum/reagents/var/my_atom Signals that metabolization has stopped, triggering the end of trait-based effects |
expose_temperature | Applies heat to this holder |
generate_taste_message | Returns what this holder's reagents taste like |
get_data | helper function to preserve data across reactions (needed for xenoarch) |
get_master_reagent | Get a reference to the reagent there is the most of in this holder |
get_master_reagent_id | Get the id of the reagent there is the most of in this holder |
get_master_reagent_name | Get the name of the reagent there is the most of in this holder |
get_reagent | Get a reference to the reagent if it exists |
get_reagent_amount | Get the amount of this reagent |
get_reagents | Get a comma separated string of every reagent name in this holder |
handle_reactions | Handle any reactions possible in this holder |
has_reagent | Check if this holder contains this reagent |
holder_full | Same as /datum/reagents/proc/reaction but only for one reagent Is this holder full or not |
isolate_reagent | Remove every reagent except this one |
log_list | Used in attack logs for reagents in pills and such |
metabolize | Triggers metabolizing the reagents in this holder |
reaction | Applies the relevant reaction_ proc for every reagent in this holder |
remove_all | Removes all reagents from this holder |
remove_all_type | Removes all reagent of X type. @strict set to 1 determines whether the childs of the type are included. |
remove_any | Remove an amount of reagents without caring about what they are |
remove_reagent | Remove a specific reagent |
set_data | helper function to preserve data across reactions (needed for xenoarch) |
specific_heat | Returns the average specific heat for all reagents currently in this holder. |
trans_id_to | Transfer a specific reagent id to the target object |
trans_to | Transfer some stuff from this holder to a target object |
update_total | Updates /datum/reagents/var/total_volume |
Var Details

currently addicted reagents

see /datum/reagents/proc/metabolize for usage

Current temp of the holder volume

various flags, see code__DEFINES\reagents.dm

Max volume of this holder

The atom this holder is attached to

The reagents being held

Current volume of all the reagents
Proc Details
Adds a reagent to this holder
- reagent - The reagent id to add
- amount - Amount to add
- list/data - Any reagent data for this reagent, used for transferring data with reagents
- reagtemp - Temperature of this reagent, will be equalized
- no_react - prevents reactions being triggered by this addition
Like add_reagent but you can enter a list. Format it like this: list(/datum/reagent/toxin = 10, "beer" = 15)
Removes all reagents
Calls /datum/reagent/proc/on_update on every reagent in this holder
- atom/A - passed to on_update
Calls /datum/reagent/proc/on_move on every reagent in this holder
- atom/A - passed to on_move
- Running - passed to on_move
Shallow copies (deep copy of viruses) data from the provided reagent into our copy of that reagent
Copies the reagents to the target object
Fuck this one reagent
Removes addiction to a specific reagent on /datum/reagents/var/my_atom Signals that metabolization has stopped, triggering the end of trait-based effects
Applies heat to this holder
Returns what this holder's reagents taste like
- minimum_percent - the lower the minimum percent, the more sensitive the message is.
helper function to preserve data across reactions (needed for xenoarch)
Get a reference to the reagent there is the most of in this holder
Get the id of the reagent there is the most of in this holder
Get the name of the reagent there is the most of in this holder
Get a reference to the reagent if it exists
Get the amount of this reagent
Get a comma separated string of every reagent name in this holder
Handle any reactions possible in this holder
Check if this holder contains this reagent
Same as /datum/reagents/proc/reaction but only for one reagent Is this holder full or not
Remove every reagent except this one
Used in attack logs for reagents in pills and such
Triggers metabolizing the reagents in this holder
- mob/living/carbon/C - The mob to metabolize in, if null it uses /datum/reagents/var/my_atom
- can_overdose - Allows overdosing
- liverless - Stops reagents that aren't set as /datum/reagent/var/self_consuming from metabolizing
Applies the relevant reaction_ proc for every reagent in this holder
Removes all reagents from this holder
Removes all reagent of X type. @strict set to 1 determines whether the childs of the type are included.
Remove an amount of reagents without caring about what they are
Remove a specific reagent
helper function to preserve data across reactions (needed for xenoarch)
Returns the average specific heat for all reagents currently in this holder.
Transfer a specific reagent id to the target object
Transfer some stuff from this holder to a target object
- obj/target - Target to attempt transfer to
- amount - amount of reagent volume to transfer
- multiplier - multiplies amount of each reagent by this number
- preserve_data - if preserve_data=0, the reagents data will be lost. Usefull if you use data for some strange stuff and don't want it to be transferred.
- no_react - passed through to /datum/reagents/proc/add_reagent
- mob/transfered_by - used for logging
- remove_blacklisted - skips transferring of reagents with can_synth = FALSE
- methods - passed through to [/datum/reagents/proc/react_single] and /datum/reagent/proc/on_transfer
- show_message - passed through to [/datum/reagents/proc/react_single]
- round_robin - if round_robin=TRUE, so transfer 5 from 15 water, 15 sugar and 15 plasma becomes 10, 15, 15 instead of 13.3333, 13.3333 13.3333. Good if you hate floating point errors
Updates /datum/reagents/var/total_volume