
Vars | |
activeFor | How long the event has existed. You don't need to change this. |
announce_chance | Probability of announcing, used in prob(), 0 to 100, default 100. Called in process, and for a second time in the ion storm event. |
announce_when | When in the lifetime to call announce(). If you don't want it to announce use announce_chance, below. This is in seconds - so 1 = ~2 seconds in. |
cancel_event | Whether a admin wants this event to be cancelled |
current_players | Amount of of alive, non-AFK human players on server at the time of event start |
end_when | When in the lifetime the event should end. This is in seconds - so 1 = ~2 seconds in. |
fakeable | Can be faked by fake news event. |
has_started | Whether the event called its start() yet or not. |
oshan_blocked | canceled on oshan |
setup | have we finished setup? |
start_when | When in the lifetime to call start(). This is in seconds - so 1 = ~2 seconds in. |
Procs | |
announce_deadchat | Annouces the event name to deadchat, override this if what an event should show to deadchat is different to its event name. |
try_start | This section of event processing is in a proc because roundstart events may get their start invoked. |
Var Details

How long the event has existed. You don't need to change this.

Probability of announcing, used in prob(), 0 to 100, default 100. Called in process, and for a second time in the ion storm event.

When in the lifetime to call announce(). If you don't want it to announce use announce_chance, below. This is in seconds - so 1 = ~2 seconds in.

Whether a admin wants this event to be cancelled

Amount of of alive, non-AFK human players on server at the time of event start

When in the lifetime the event should end. This is in seconds - so 1 = ~2 seconds in.

Can be faked by fake news event.

Whether the event called its start() yet or not.

canceled on oshan

have we finished setup?

When in the lifetime to call start(). This is in seconds - so 1 = ~2 seconds in.
Proc Details
Annouces the event name to deadchat, override this if what an event should show to deadchat is different to its event name.
This section of event processing is in a proc because roundstart events may get their start invoked.