
Vars | |
addIonLawChance | Chance a new ion law will be added in addition to other ion effects. |
airlockAmount | Maximum number of airlocks that can be messed with. |
airlockChance | Chance that an airlock on the station will be messed with, if there are no AIs. |
announceEvent | Should it announce? -1 = No | 0 = Random | 1 = Always. |
apcAmount | Maximum number of APCs that can be messed with. |
apcChance | Chance that an APC on the station will be messed with, if there are no AIs. |
botEmagChance | Chance that bots on the station will become emagged. |
ionAnnounceChance | If announceEvent is 0, what is the chance it is will accounce? |
ionMessage | Custom ion law, if not null. |
removeDontImproveChance | Chance the ion law will replace a random law instead of simply being added. |
removeRandomLawChance | Chance the AI has one random supplied or inherent law removed. |
replaceLawsetChance | Chance the AI's lawset is completely replaced with something else per config weights. |
shuffleLawsChance | Chance the AI's laws are shuffled afterwards. |
Procs | |
get_acceptable_airlocks | Returns acceptable airlocks that are safe to mess with that shouldn't cause excessive/extreme damage. |
get_acceptable_apcs | Returns acceptable apcs that are safe to mess with that shouldn't cause excessive/extreme damage. |
Var Details

Chance a new ion law will be added in addition to other ion effects.

Maximum number of airlocks that can be messed with.

Chance that an airlock on the station will be messed with, if there are no AIs.

Should it announce? -1 = No | 0 = Random | 1 = Always.

Maximum number of APCs that can be messed with.

Chance that an APC on the station will be messed with, if there are no AIs.

Chance that bots on the station will become emagged.

If announceEvent is 0, what is the chance it is will accounce?

Custom ion law, if not null.

Chance the ion law will replace a random law instead of simply being added.

Chance the AI has one random supplied or inherent law removed.

Chance the AI's lawset is completely replaced with something else per config weights.

Chance the AI's laws are shuffled afterwards.
Proc Details
Returns acceptable airlocks that are safe to mess with that shouldn't cause excessive/extreme damage.
Returns acceptable apcs that are safe to mess with that shouldn't cause excessive/extreme damage.