
Vars | |
admin_setup | Datum that will handle admin options for forcing the event. If there are no options, just leave it as an empty list. |
allowed_storytellers | If set then the type or list of types of storytellers we are restricted to being trigged by |
calculated_weight | Last calculated weight that the storyteller assigned this event |
can_run_post_roundstart | Whether a roundstart event can happen post roundstart. Very important for events which override job assignments. |
checks_antag_cap | do we check against the antag cap before attempting a spawn? |
enemy_roles | List of enemy roles, will check if x amount of these exist exist |
event_group | The typepath to the event group this event is a part of. |
map_flags | Flags dictating whether this event should be run on certain kinds of map |
max_wizard_trigger_potency | Maximum wizard rituals at which to trigger this event, inclusive |
min_wizard_trigger_potency | Minimum wizard rituals at which to trigger this event, inclusive |
required_enemies | required number of enemies in roles to exist |
roundstart | if this can only trigger on roundstart |
shared_occurences | Tags of the event List of the shared occurence types. |
title_icon | if this event is roundstart, it will set the roll credits icon to this |
Procs | |
add_occurence | Adds an occurence. Has to use the setter to properly handle shared occurences |
check_enemies | Check if our enemy_roles requirement is met, if return_players is set then we will return the list of enemy players instead |
get_href_actions | Prints the action buttons for this event. |
get_occurences | Gets occurences. Has to use the getter to properly handle shared occurences |
subtract_occurence | Subtracts an occurence. Has to use the setter to properly handle shared occurences |
valid_for_map | Returns true if event can run in current map |
Var Details

Datum that will handle admin options for forcing the event. If there are no options, just leave it as an empty list.

If set then the type or list of types of storytellers we are restricted to being trigged by

Last calculated weight that the storyteller assigned this event

Whether a roundstart event can happen post roundstart. Very important for events which override job assignments.

do we check against the antag cap before attempting a spawn?

List of enemy roles, will check if x amount of these exist exist

The typepath to the event group this event is a part of.

Flags dictating whether this event should be run on certain kinds of map

Maximum wizard rituals at which to trigger this event, inclusive

Minimum wizard rituals at which to trigger this event, inclusive

required number of enemies in roles to exist

if this can only trigger on roundstart

Tags of the event List of the shared occurence types.

if this event is roundstart, it will set the roll credits icon to this
Proc Details
Adds an occurence. Has to use the setter to properly handle shared occurences
Check if our enemy_roles requirement is met, if return_players is set then we will return the list of enemy players instead
Prints the action buttons for this event.
Gets occurences. Has to use the getter to properly handle shared occurences
Subtracts an occurence. Has to use the setter to properly handle shared occurences
Returns true if event can run in current map