Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


scars are cosmetic datums that are assigned to bodyparts once they recover from wounds. Each wound type and severity have their own descriptions for what the scars look like, and then each body part has a list of "specific locations" like your elbow or wrist or wherever the scar can appear, to make it more interesting than "right arm"



biologyObviously, scars that describe damaged flesh wouldn't apply to a skeleton (in some cases like bone wounds, there can be different descriptions for skeletons and fleshy humanoids)
coverableWhether this scar can actually be covered up by clothing
descriptionThe description of the scar for examining
fakeThese scars are assumed to come from changeling disguises, rather than from persistence or wounds. As such, they are deleted by dropping changeling disguises, and are ignored by persistence
persistent_character_slotIf we're a persistent scar or may become one, we go in this character slot
precise_locationA string detailing the specific part of the bodypart the scar is on, for fluff purposes. See /datum/scar/proc/generate
severityThe severity of the scar, derived from the worst severity a wound was at before it was healed (see: slashes), determines how visible/bold the scar description is
visibilityHow many tiles away someone can see this scar, goes up with severity. Clothes covering this limb will decrease visibility by 1 each, except for the head/face which is a binary "is mask obscuring face" check


formatUsed to format a scar to save for either persistent scars, or for changeling disguises
format_amputatedUsed to format a scar to save in preferences for persistent scars
generategenerate() is used to actually fill out the info for a scar, according to the limb and wound it is provided.
get_examine_descriptionWhat will show up in examine_more() if this scar is visible
is_visibleWhether a scar can currently be seen by the viewer
lazy_attachUsed when we finalize a scar from a healing cut
loadUsed to "load" a persistent scar

Var Details


Obviously, scars that describe damaged flesh wouldn't apply to a skeleton (in some cases like bone wounds, there can be different descriptions for skeletons and fleshy humanoids)


Whether this scar can actually be covered up by clothing


The description of the scar for examining


These scars are assumed to come from changeling disguises, rather than from persistence or wounds. As such, they are deleted by dropping changeling disguises, and are ignored by persistence


If we're a persistent scar or may become one, we go in this character slot


A string detailing the specific part of the bodypart the scar is on, for fluff purposes. See /datum/scar/proc/generate


The severity of the scar, derived from the worst severity a wound was at before it was healed (see: slashes), determines how visible/bold the scar description is


How many tiles away someone can see this scar, goes up with severity. Clothes covering this limb will decrease visibility by 1 each, except for the head/face which is a binary "is mask obscuring face" check

Proc Details


Used to format a scar to save for either persistent scars, or for changeling disguises


Used to format a scar to save in preferences for persistent scars


generate() is used to actually fill out the info for a scar, according to the limb and wound it is provided.

After creating a scar, call this on it while targeting the scarred bodypart with a given wound to apply the scar.



What will show up in examine_more() if this scar is visible


Whether a scar can currently be seen by the viewer


Used when we finalize a scar from a healing cut


Used to "load" a persistent scar