Song datum

These are the actual backend behind instruments. They attach to an atom and provide the editor + playback functionality.
Vars | |
allowed_instrument_ids | What instruments our built in picker can use. The picker won't show unless this is longer than one. |
cached_exponential_dropoff | Do not directly set, use update_sustain() |
cached_legacy_dir | Cached legacy dir for legacy instruments |
cached_legacy_ext | Cached legacy ext for legacy instruments |
cached_linear_dropoff | /////// DO NOT DIRECTLY SET THESE! Do not directly set, use update_sustain() |
cached_samples | Cached list of samples, referenced directly from the instrument for synthesized instruments |
channels_idle | List of channels that aren't being used, as text. This is to prevent unnecessary freeing and reallocations from SSsounds/SSinstruments. |
channels_playing | Channel as text = current volume percentage but it's 0 to 100 instead of 0 to 1. |
compiled_chords | Playing variables Build by compile_chords() Must be rebuilt on instrument switch. Compilation happens when we start playing and is cleared after we finish playing. Format: list of chord lists, with chordlists having (key1, key2, key3, tempodiv) |
current_chord | Current chord we're on. |
debug_mode | If this is enabled, some things won't be strictly cleared when they usually are (liked compiled_chords on play stop) |
delay_by | Amount of delay to wait before playing the next chord |
editing | Are we currently editing? |
elapsed_delay | Current section of a long chord we're on, so we don't need to make a billion chords, one for every unit ticklag. |
full_sustain_held_note | Should we not decay our last played note? |
hearing_mobs | The list of mobs that can hear us |
help | Is the help screen open? |
instrument_range | How far we can be heard |
last_channel_played | Last channel to play. text. |
last_hearcheck | Last world.time we checked for who can hear us |
legacy | Are we operating in legacy mode (so if the instrument is a legacy instrument) |
lines | Our song lines |
max_repeats | Maximum times we can repeat |
max_sound_channels | Max sound channels to occupy |
max_volume | Max volume |
min_volume | Min volume - This is so someone doesn't decide it's funny to set it to 0 and play invisible songs. |
name | Name of the song |
note_shift | ////////// !!FUN!! - Only works in synthesized mode! ///////////////// Note numbers to shift. |
octave_min | DO NOT TOUCH THESE |
parent | The atom we're attached to/playing from |
playing | Are we currently playing? |
repeat | Repeats left |
sustain_dropoff_volume | When a note is considered dead if it is below this in volume |
sustain_exponential_dropoff | Exponential sustain dropoff rate per decisecond |
sustain_linear_duration | Total duration of linear sustain for 100 volume note to get to SUSTAIN_DROPOFF |
sustain_mode | The kind of sustain we're using |
tempo | delay between notes in deciseconds |
user_playing | Person playing us |
using_instrument | ///////// Cached instrument variables ///////////// Instrument we are currently using |
using_sound_channels | Current channels, so we can save a length() call. |
volume | Our volume |
Procs | |
ParseSong | Parses a song the user has input into lines and stores them. |
compile_chords | Compiles chords. |
compile_legacy | Compiles our lines into "chords" with filenames for legacy playback. This makes there have to be a bit of lag at the beginning of the song, but repeats will not have to parse it again, and overall playback won't be impacted by as much lag. |
compile_synthesized | Compiles our lines into "chords" with numbers. This makes there have to be a bit of lag at the beginning of the song, but repeats will not have to parse it again, and overall playback won't be impacted by as much lag. |
do_hearcheck | Checks and stores which mobs can hear us. Terminates sounds for mobs that leave our range. |
get_bpm | Gets our beats per minute based on our tempo. |
instrument_status_ui | Returns the HTML for the status UI for this song datum. |
play_chord | Plays a chord. |
playkey_legacy | Proc to play a legacy note. Just plays the sound to hearing mobs (and does hearcheck if necessary), no fancy channel/sustain/management. |
playkey_synth | Plays a specific numerical key from our instrument to anyone who can hear us. Does a hearing check if enough time has passed. |
pop_channel | Pops a channel we have reserved so we don't have to release and re-request them from SSsounds every time we play a note. This is faster. |
process_decay | Decays our channels and updates their volumes to mobs who can hear us. |
process_song | Processes our song. |
sanitize_tempo | Sanitizes tempo to a value that makes sense and fits the current world.tick_lag. |
set_bpm | Sets our tempo from a beats-per-minute, sanitizing it to a valid number first. |
set_dropoff_volume | Setter for setting how low the volume has to get before a note is considered "dead" and dropped |
set_exponential_drop_rate | Setter for setting exponential falloff factor. |
set_instrument | Sets our instrument, caching anything necessary for faster accessing. Accepts an ID, typepath, or instantiated instrument datum. |
set_linear_falloff_duration | Setter for setting linear falloff duration. |
set_volume | Setter for setting output volume. |
should_stop_playing | Checks if we should halt playback. |
start_playing | Attempts to start playing our song. |
stop_playing | Stops playing, terminating all sounds if in synthesized mode. Clears hearing_mobs. |
tempodiv_to_delay | Converts a tempodiv to ticks to elapse before playing the next chord, taking into account our tempo. |
terminate_all_sounds | Stops all sounds we are "responsible" for. Only works in synthesized mode. |
terminate_sound_mob | Stops all sounds we are responsible for in a given person. Only works in synthesized mode. |
updateDialog | Updates the window for our users. Override down the line. |
update_sustain | Updates our cached linear/exponential falloff stuff, saving calculations down the line. |
Var Details

What instruments our built in picker can use. The picker won't show unless this is longer than one.

Do not directly set, use update_sustain()

Cached legacy dir for legacy instruments

Cached legacy ext for legacy instruments

/////// DO NOT DIRECTLY SET THESE! Do not directly set, use update_sustain()

Cached list of samples, referenced directly from the instrument for synthesized instruments

List of channels that aren't being used, as text. This is to prevent unnecessary freeing and reallocations from SSsounds/SSinstruments.

Channel as text = current volume percentage but it's 0 to 100 instead of 0 to 1.

Playing variables Build by compile_chords() Must be rebuilt on instrument switch. Compilation happens when we start playing and is cleared after we finish playing. Format: list of chord lists, with chordlists having (key1, key2, key3, tempodiv)

Current chord we're on.

If this is enabled, some things won't be strictly cleared when they usually are (liked compiled_chords on play stop)

Amount of delay to wait before playing the next chord

Are we currently editing?

Current section of a long chord we're on, so we don't need to make a billion chords, one for every unit ticklag.

Should we not decay our last played note?

The list of mobs that can hear us

Is the help screen open?

How far we can be heard

Last channel to play. text.

Last world.time we checked for who can hear us

Are we operating in legacy mode (so if the instrument is a legacy instrument)

Our song lines

Maximum times we can repeat

Max sound channels to occupy

Max volume

Min volume - This is so someone doesn't decide it's funny to set it to 0 and play invisible songs.

Name of the song

////////// !!FUN!! - Only works in synthesized mode! ///////////////// Note numbers to shift.


The atom we're attached to/playing from

Are we currently playing?

Repeats left

When a note is considered dead if it is below this in volume

Exponential sustain dropoff rate per decisecond

Total duration of linear sustain for 100 volume note to get to SUSTAIN_DROPOFF

The kind of sustain we're using

delay between notes in deciseconds

Person playing us

///////// Cached instrument variables ///////////// Instrument we are currently using

Current channels, so we can save a length() call.

Our volume
Proc Details
Parses a song the user has input into lines and stores them.
Compiles chords.
Compiles our lines into "chords" with filenames for legacy playback. This makes there have to be a bit of lag at the beginning of the song, but repeats will not have to parse it again, and overall playback won't be impacted by as much lag.
Compiles our lines into "chords" with numbers. This makes there have to be a bit of lag at the beginning of the song, but repeats will not have to parse it again, and overall playback won't be impacted by as much lag.
Checks and stores which mobs can hear us. Terminates sounds for mobs that leave our range.
Gets our beats per minute based on our tempo.
Returns the HTML for the status UI for this song datum.
Plays a chord.
Proc to play a legacy note. Just plays the sound to hearing mobs (and does hearcheck if necessary), no fancy channel/sustain/management.
- note is a number from 1-7 for A-G
- acc is either "b", "n", or "#"
- oct is 1-8 (or 9 for C)
Plays a specific numerical key from our instrument to anyone who can hear us. Does a hearing check if enough time has passed.
Pops a channel we have reserved so we don't have to release and re-request them from SSsounds every time we play a note. This is faster.
Decays our channels and updates their volumes to mobs who can hear us.
- wait_ds - the deciseconds we should decay by. This is to compensate for any lag, as otherwise songs would get pretty nasty during high time dilation.
Processes our song.
Sanitizes tempo to a value that makes sense and fits the current world.tick_lag.
Sets our tempo from a beats-per-minute, sanitizing it to a valid number first.
Setter for setting how low the volume has to get before a note is considered "dead" and dropped
Setter for setting exponential falloff factor.
Sets our instrument, caching anything necessary for faster accessing. Accepts an ID, typepath, or instantiated instrument datum.
Setter for setting linear falloff duration.
Setter for setting output volume.
Checks if we should halt playback.
Attempts to start playing our song.
Stops playing, terminating all sounds if in synthesized mode. Clears hearing_mobs.
Converts a tempodiv to ticks to elapse before playing the next chord, taking into account our tempo.
Stops all sounds we are "responsible" for. Only works in synthesized mode.
Stops all sounds we are responsible for in a given person. Only works in synthesized mode.
Updates the window for our users. Override down the line.
Updates our cached linear/exponential falloff stuff, saving calculations down the line.