Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details




acidmodmultiplier for acid damage // yogs - Old Plant People
action_speed_coefficientbase action speed coefficient
aiminginaccuracyvalues of inaccuracy that adds to the spread of any ranged weapon
allow_numbers_in_nameCan this species use numbers in its name?
armoroverall defense for the race... or less defense, if it's negative.
attack_effectThe visual effect of the attack.
attack_soundthe melee attack sound
attack_typeType of damage attack does
attack_verbspunch-specific attack verbs
barefoot_step_soundBarefoot step sound
breathidwhat type of gas is breathed
brutemodmultiplier for brute damage
bubble_iconSpecial typing indicators
burnmodmultiplier for burn damage
changesource_flagsBitflag that controls what in game ways can select this species as a spawnable source. Think magic mirror and pride mirror, slime extract, ERT etc, see defines in __DEFINES/mobs.dm, defaults to NONE, so people actually have to think about it
clonemodmultiplier for cloneloss
coldmodmultiplier for cold damage
damage_overlay_typewhat kind of damage overlays (if any) appear on our species when wounded?
deathsoundused to set the mobs deathsound on species change
default_colorif alien colors are disabled, this is the color that will be used by that race
default_featuresDefault mutant bodyparts for this species. Don't forget to set one for every mutant bodypart you allow this species to have.
disliked_foodWhat kind of foods the species dislikes!
emp_modmultiplier for EMP severity
exotic_bloodIf your race wants to bleed something other than bog standard blood, change this to reagent id.
exotic_bloodtypeIf your race uses a non standard bloodtype (A+, O-, AB-, etc)
extra_no_equipslots the race can't equip stuff to that have been added externally that should be inherited on species change
eyes_iconIcon containing eye sprites, this is copied to the head upon updating the head
fire_overlayThe icon_state of the fire overlay added when sufficently ablaze and standing. see onfire.dmi
fixed_mut_colorto use MUTCOLOR with a fixed color that's independent of dna.feature["mcolor"]
flythe actual flying ability given to flying species
flying_speciesis a flying species, just a check for some things
generate_husk_iconShould we use the same static husk sprite or create a husk sprite on-the-fly by recoloring bodyparts
grab_soundSpecial sound for grabbing
grad_colorThe gradient color used to color the gradient.
grad_styleThe gradient style used for the mob's hair.
hair_alphathe alpha used by the hair. 255 is completely solid, 0 is transparent.
hair_colorthis allows races to have specific hair colors... if null, it uses the H's hair/facial hair colors. if "mutcolor", it uses the H's mutant_color
heatmodmultiplier for heat damage
idif the game needs to manually check your race to do something not included in a proc here, it will use this
ignored_bylist of mobs that will ignore this species
inert_mutationspecial mutation that can be found in the genepool. Dont leave empty or changing species will be a headache
inherent_biotypesbiotypes, used for viruses and the like
inherent_traitsgeneric traits tied to having the species
instantiated_abilitiesList of the created abilities, stored for the purpose of removal later, please do not touch this if you don't need to
is_dimorphicDoes this species have different sprites according to sex? A species may have sexes, but only one kind of bodypart sprite like chests
liked_foodWhat kind of foods the species loves
limbs_idthis is used if you want to use a different species limb sprites. Mainly used for angels as they look like humans.
meatWhat the species drops on gibbing
miss_soundthe swing and miss sound
mutant_bodypartsVisible CURRENT bodyparts that are unique to a species. DO NOT USE THIS AS A LIST OF ALL POSSIBLE BODYPARTS AS IT WILL FUCK SHIT UP! Changes to this list for non-species specific bodyparts (ie cat ears and tails) should be assigned at organ level if possible. Layer hiding is handled by handle_mutant_bodyparts() below.
mutant_organsInternal organs that are unique to this race.
mutantappendixReplaces default appendix with a different organ.
mutantbrainReplaces default brain with a different organ
mutantearsReplaces default ears with a different organ
mutanteyesReplaces default eyes with a different organ
mutanthandsForces an item into this species' hands. Only an honorary mutantthing because this is not an organ and not loaded in the same way, you've been warned to do your research.
mutantheartReplaces default heart with a different organ
mutantliverReplaces default liver with a different organ
mutantlungsReplaces default lungs with a different organ
mutantstomachReplaces default stomach with a different organ
mutanttailForces a species tail
mutanttongueReplaces default tongue with a different organ
namethis is the fluff name. these will be left generic (such as 'Lizardperson' for the lizard race) so servers can change them to whatever
no_equipslots the race can't equip stuff to
nojumpsuitthis is sorta... weird. it basically lets you equip stuff that usually needs jumpsuits without one, like belts and pockets and ids
offset_featuresA list that contains pixel offsets for various clothing features, if your species is a different shape
oxymodmultiplier for oxyloss
plural_formThe formatting of the name of the species in plural context. Defaults to "[name]\s" if unset. Ex "[Plasmamen] are weak", "[Mothmen] are strong", "[Lizardpeople] don't like", "[Golems] hate"
possible_gendersWhat genders can this race be?
pressuremodmultiplier for pressure damage
prevent_perspective_changeDo we try to prevent reset_perspective() from working? Useful for Dullahans to stop perspective changes when they're looking through their head.
punchdamagehighhighest possible punch damage
punchdamagelowlowest possible punch damage. if this is set to 0, punches will always miss
punchstunthresholddamage at which punches from this race will stun //yes it should be to the attacked race but it's not useful that way even if it's logical
rare_say_modWeighted list. NOTE: Picks one of the list component and then does a prob() on it, since we can't do a proper weighted pick, since we need to take into account the regular say_mod.
say_modaffects the speech message
screamsoundyogs - audio of a species' scream
siemens_coeffbase electrocution coefficient
skinned_typeWhat, if any, leather will be dropped
special_step_soundsSounds to override barefeet walking
special_step_volumeHow loud to play the step override
special_walk_soundsSounds to play while walking regardless of wearing shoes
species_abilitiesList of the type path of every ability innate to this species
species_gibsWhat kind of gibs to spawn
species_language_holderUsed if you want to give your species thier own language
species_traitsspecies-only traits. Can be found in DNA.dm
speedmodthis affects the race's speed. positive numbers make it move slower, negative numbers make it move faster
staminamodmultiplier for stun duration
static_part_body_zonesWhich body zones contain "static" sprite parts, which are independent of the rest of the sprite
stunmodmultiplier for stun duration
suicide_messagesSpecies specific suicide messages, these are added to the global list of human suicide messages
survival_box_replacementsItems to add to and remove from the survival box in backpacks
tempmodmultiplier for temperature adjustment
toxic_foodWhat kind of foods cause harm to the species
toxmodmultiplier for toxloss
use_damage_colorDoes our species have colors for its' damage overlays?
use_skintonesdoes it use skintones or not? (spoiler alert this is only used by humans)
wings_iconthe icon used for the wings + details icon of a different source colour


check_roundstart_eligibleChecks if a species is eligible to be picked at roundstart.
create_pref_biotypes_perksAdds adds any perks related to the species' inherent_biotypes flags.
create_pref_blood_perksAdds adds any perks related to the species' blood (or lack thereof).
create_pref_combat_perksAdds adds any perks related to combat. For example, the damage type of their punches.
create_pref_damage_perksAdds adds any perks related to sustaining damage. For example, brute damage vulnerability, or fire damage resistance.
create_pref_language_perkAdds in a language perk based on all the languages the species can speak by default (according to their language holder).
create_pref_temperature_perksAdds adds any perks related to how the species deals with temperature.
create_pref_traits_perksAdds adds any perks related to the species' inherent_traits list.
create_pref_unique_perksUsed to add any species specific perks to the perk list.
get_biological_stateThe human species version of /mob/living/carbon/proc/get_biological_state. Depends on the HAS_FLESH and HAS_BONE species traits, having bones lets you have bone wounds, having flesh lets you have burn, slash, and piercing wounds
get_butt_spriteSprite to show for photocopying mob butts
get_cough_soundReturns the species' cough sound.
get_cry_soundReturns the species' cry sound.
get_eyes_staticSpecies with eyes bigger than 1px may have an independent part of the eye sprite
get_featuresReturns a list of strings representing features this species has. Used by the preferences UI to know what buttons to show.
get_laugh_soundReturns the species' laugh sound
get_scream_soundReturns the species' scream sound.
get_sneeze_soundReturns the species' sneeze sound.
get_special_staticsSpecies with static sprite parts in their bodyparts, may have variant static parts. Example is the Mossy Vox skin tone, which looks much scruffier than the others
get_species_descriptionGets a short description for the specices. Should be relatively succinct. Used in the preference menu.
get_species_dietTranslate the species liked foods from bitfields into strings and returns it in the form of an associated list.
get_species_loreGets the lore behind the type of species. Can be long. Used in the preference menu.
get_species_perksGenerates a list of "perks" related to this species (Postives, neutrals, and negatives) in the format of a list of lists. Used in the preference menu.
prepare_human_for_previewGiven a human, will adjust it before taking a picture for the preferences UI. This should create a CONSISTENT result, so the icons don't randomly change.
regenerate_organsCorrects organs in a carbon, removing ones it doesn't need and adding ones it does.
survival_box_replacementProc to swap out contents of survival boxes for species with different contents, examples are Plasmamen and Vox

Var Details


multiplier for acid damage // yogs - Old Plant People


base action speed coefficient


values of inaccuracy that adds to the spread of any ranged weapon


Can this species use numbers in its name?


overall defense for the race... or less defense, if it's negative.


The visual effect of the attack.


the melee attack sound


Type of damage attack does


punch-specific attack verbs


Barefoot step sound


what type of gas is breathed


multiplier for brute damage


Special typing indicators


multiplier for burn damage


Bitflag that controls what in game ways can select this species as a spawnable source. Think magic mirror and pride mirror, slime extract, ERT etc, see defines in __DEFINES/mobs.dm, defaults to NONE, so people actually have to think about it


multiplier for cloneloss


multiplier for cold damage


what kind of damage overlays (if any) appear on our species when wounded?


used to set the mobs deathsound on species change


if alien colors are disabled, this is the color that will be used by that race


Default mutant bodyparts for this species. Don't forget to set one for every mutant bodypart you allow this species to have.


What kind of foods the species dislikes!


multiplier for EMP severity


If your race wants to bleed something other than bog standard blood, change this to reagent id.


If your race uses a non standard bloodtype (A+, O-, AB-, etc)


slots the race can't equip stuff to that have been added externally that should be inherited on species change


Icon containing eye sprites, this is copied to the head upon updating the head


The icon_state of the fire overlay added when sufficently ablaze and standing. see onfire.dmi


to use MUTCOLOR with a fixed color that's independent of dna.feature["mcolor"]


the actual flying ability given to flying species


is a flying species, just a check for some things


Should we use the same static husk sprite or create a husk sprite on-the-fly by recoloring bodyparts


Special sound for grabbing


The gradient color used to color the gradient.


The gradient style used for the mob's hair.


the alpha used by the hair. 255 is completely solid, 0 is transparent.


this allows races to have specific hair colors... if null, it uses the H's hair/facial hair colors. if "mutcolor", it uses the H's mutant_color


multiplier for heat damage


if the game needs to manually check your race to do something not included in a proc here, it will use this


list of mobs that will ignore this species


special mutation that can be found in the genepool. Dont leave empty or changing species will be a headache


biotypes, used for viruses and the like


generic traits tied to having the species


List of the created abilities, stored for the purpose of removal later, please do not touch this if you don't need to


Does this species have different sprites according to sex? A species may have sexes, but only one kind of bodypart sprite like chests


What kind of foods the species loves


this is used if you want to use a different species limb sprites. Mainly used for angels as they look like humans.


What the species drops on gibbing


the swing and miss sound


Visible CURRENT bodyparts that are unique to a species. DO NOT USE THIS AS A LIST OF ALL POSSIBLE BODYPARTS AS IT WILL FUCK SHIT UP! Changes to this list for non-species specific bodyparts (ie cat ears and tails) should be assigned at organ level if possible. Layer hiding is handled by handle_mutant_bodyparts() below.


Internal organs that are unique to this race.


Replaces default appendix with a different organ.


Replaces default brain with a different organ


Replaces default ears with a different organ


Replaces default eyes with a different organ


Forces an item into this species' hands. Only an honorary mutantthing because this is not an organ and not loaded in the same way, you've been warned to do your research.


Replaces default heart with a different organ


Replaces default liver with a different organ


Replaces default lungs with a different organ


Replaces default stomach with a different organ


Forces a species tail


Replaces default tongue with a different organ


this is the fluff name. these will be left generic (such as 'Lizardperson' for the lizard race) so servers can change them to whatever


slots the race can't equip stuff to


this is sorta... weird. it basically lets you equip stuff that usually needs jumpsuits without one, like belts and pockets and ids


A list that contains pixel offsets for various clothing features, if your species is a different shape


multiplier for oxyloss


The formatting of the name of the species in plural context. Defaults to "[name]\s" if unset. Ex "[Plasmamen] are weak", "[Mothmen] are strong", "[Lizardpeople] don't like", "[Golems] hate"


What genders can this race be?


multiplier for pressure damage


Do we try to prevent reset_perspective() from working? Useful for Dullahans to stop perspective changes when they're looking through their head.


highest possible punch damage


lowest possible punch damage. if this is set to 0, punches will always miss


damage at which punches from this race will stun //yes it should be to the attacked race but it's not useful that way even if it's logical


Weighted list. NOTE: Picks one of the list component and then does a prob() on it, since we can't do a proper weighted pick, since we need to take into account the regular say_mod.


affects the speech message


yogs - audio of a species' scream


base electrocution coefficient


What, if any, leather will be dropped


Sounds to override barefeet walking


How loud to play the step override


Sounds to play while walking regardless of wearing shoes


List of the type path of every ability innate to this species


What kind of gibs to spawn


Used if you want to give your species thier own language


species-only traits. Can be found in DNA.dm


this affects the race's speed. positive numbers make it move slower, negative numbers make it move faster


multiplier for stun duration


Which body zones contain "static" sprite parts, which are independent of the rest of the sprite


multiplier for stun duration


Species specific suicide messages, these are added to the global list of human suicide messages


Items to add to and remove from the survival box in backpacks


multiplier for temperature adjustment


What kind of foods cause harm to the species


multiplier for toxloss


Does our species have colors for its' damage overlays?


does it use skintones or not? (spoiler alert this is only used by humans)


the icon used for the wings + details icon of a different source colour

Proc Details


Checks if a species is eligible to be picked at roundstart.

Checks the config to see if this species is allowed to be picked in the character setup menu. Used by /proc/generate_selectable_species.


Adds adds any perks related to the species' inherent_biotypes flags.

Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.


Adds adds any perks related to the species' blood (or lack thereof).

Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.


Adds adds any perks related to combat. For example, the damage type of their punches.

Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.


Adds adds any perks related to sustaining damage. For example, brute damage vulnerability, or fire damage resistance.

Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.


Adds in a language perk based on all the languages the species can speak by default (according to their language holder).

Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.


Adds adds any perks related to how the species deals with temperature.

Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.


Adds adds any perks related to the species' inherent_traits list.

Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.


Used to add any species specific perks to the perk list.

Returns null by default. When overriding, return a list of perks.


The human species version of /mob/living/carbon/proc/get_biological_state. Depends on the HAS_FLESH and HAS_BONE species traits, having bones lets you have bone wounds, having flesh lets you have burn, slash, and piercing wounds


Sprite to show for photocopying mob butts


Returns the species' cough sound.


Returns the species' cry sound.


Species with eyes bigger than 1px may have an independent part of the eye sprite


Returns a list of strings representing features this species has. Used by the preferences UI to know what buttons to show.


Returns the species' laugh sound


Returns the species' scream sound.


Returns the species' sneeze sound.


Species with static sprite parts in their bodyparts, may have variant static parts. Example is the Mossy Vox skin tone, which looks much scruffier than the others


Gets a short description for the specices. Should be relatively succinct. Used in the preference menu.

Returns a string.


Translate the species liked foods from bitfields into strings and returns it in the form of an associated list.

Returns a list, or null if they have no diet.


Gets the lore behind the type of species. Can be long. Used in the preference menu.

Returns a list of strings. Between each entry in the list, a newline will be inserted, for formatting.


Generates a list of "perks" related to this species (Postives, neutrals, and negatives) in the format of a list of lists. Used in the preference menu.

"Perk" format is as followed: list( SPECIES_PERK_TYPE = type of perk (postiive, negative, neutral - use the defines) SPECIES_PERK_ICON = icon shown within the UI SPECIES_PERK_NAME = name of the perk on hover SPECIES_PERK_DESC = description of the perk on hover )

Returns a list of lists. The outer list is an assoc list of [perk type]s to a list of perks. The innter list is a list of perks. Can be empty, but won't be null.


Given a human, will adjust it before taking a picture for the preferences UI. This should create a CONSISTENT result, so the icons don't randomly change.


Corrects organs in a carbon, removing ones it doesn't need and adding ones it does.

Takes all organ slots, removes organs a species should not have, adds organs a species should have. can use replace_current to refresh all organs, creating an entirely new set.



Proc to swap out contents of survival boxes for species with different contents, examples are Plasmamen and Vox