Badly coded storyteller

The storyteller datum. He operates with the SSgamemode data to run events
Vars | |
always_votable | is a storyteller always able to be voted for(also does not count for the amount of storytellers to pick from) |
cost_variance | Variance in cost of the purchased events. Effectively affects frequency of events |
desc | Description of our storyteller. |
disable_distribution | Whether the storyteller has the distributions disabled. Important for ghost storytellers |
event_repetition_multiplier | This is the multiplier for repetition penalty in event weight. The lower the harsher it is |
guarantees_roundstart_roleset | Whether the storyteller guaranteed a roleset roll (antag) on roundstart. (Still needs to pass pop check) |
ignores_roundstart | do we ignore ran_roundstart |
name | Name of our storyteller. |
point_gains_multipliers | Multipliers for point gains. |
population_max | If defined, it will not be votable if exceeding the population |
population_min | If defined, will need a minimum of population to be votable |
restricted | Whether a storyteller is pickable/can be voted for |
round_started | has the round gotten to the point where jobs are pre-created? |
roundstart_checks | have we done roundstart checks? |
roundstart_points_variance | Variance in the budget of roundstart points. |
roundstart_prob | prob of roundstart antag |
starting_point_multipliers | Multipliers for starting points. |
tag_multipliers | Multipliers of weight to apply for each tag of an event. |
weight | weight this has of being picked for random storyteller/showing up in the vote if not always_votable |
welcome_text | Text that the players will be greeted with when this storyteller is chosen. |
Procs | |
add_points | Add points to all tracks while respecting the multipliers. |
buy_event | Dont check any prerequisites, it has been forced by an admin If we didn't get any events, remove the points inform admins and dont do anything Find and buy a valid event from a track. |
calculate_weights | Calculates the weights of the events from a passed track. |
find_and_buy_event_from_track | Find and buy a valid event from a track. |
handle_tracks | Goes through every track of the gamemode and checks if it passes a threshold to buy an event, if does, buys one. |
Var Details

is a storyteller always able to be voted for(also does not count for the amount of storytellers to pick from)

Variance in cost of the purchased events. Effectively affects frequency of events

Description of our storyteller.

Whether the storyteller has the distributions disabled. Important for ghost storytellers

This is the multiplier for repetition penalty in event weight. The lower the harsher it is

Whether the storyteller guaranteed a roleset roll (antag) on roundstart. (Still needs to pass pop check)

do we ignore ran_roundstart

Name of our storyteller.

Multipliers for point gains.

If defined, it will not be votable if exceeding the population

If defined, will need a minimum of population to be votable

Whether a storyteller is pickable/can be voted for

has the round gotten to the point where jobs are pre-created?

have we done roundstart checks?

Variance in the budget of roundstart points.

prob of roundstart antag

Multipliers for starting points.

Multipliers of weight to apply for each tag of an event.

weight this has of being picked for random storyteller/showing up in the vote if not always_votable

Text that the players will be greeted with when this storyteller is chosen.
Proc Details
Add points to all tracks while respecting the multipliers.
Dont check any prerequisites, it has been forced by an admin If we didn't get any events, remove the points inform admins and dont do anything Find and buy a valid event from a track.
Calculates the weights of the events from a passed track.
Find and buy a valid event from a track.
Goes through every track of the gamemode and checks if it passes a threshold to buy an event, if does, buys one.