
Vars | |
nation_department | checked by the department revolt event to prevent trying to make a nation that is already independent... double independent. |
potential_recruits | a list of ranks that can join this nation. |
Procs | |
generate_nation_objectives | Called by department revolt event to give the team some objectives. |
new_possible_separatist | Signal for adding new crewmembers (players joining the game) to the revolution. |
Var Details

checked by the department revolt event to prevent trying to make a nation that is already independent... double independent.

a list of ranks that can join this nation.
Proc Details
Called by department revolt event to give the team some objectives.
Arguments: dangerous_nation: whether this nation will get objectives that are very very bloodthirsty, like killing other departments. target_nation: string of the nation they need to destroy/befriend
Signal for adding new crewmembers (players joining the game) to the revolution.
Arguments: source: global signal, so this is SSdcs. crewmember: new onboarding crewmember. rank: new crewmember's rank.