Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Datum used for instantiating and using a TGUI-controlled modal that prompts the user with a message and has buttons for responses.


autofocusThe bool that controls if this modal should grab window focus
buttonsThe list of buttons (responses) provided on the TGUI window
choiceThe button that the user has pressed, null if no selection has been made
closedBoolean field describing if the tgui_modal was closed by the user.
messageThe textual body of the TGUI window
start_timeThe time at which the tgui_modal was created, for displaying timeout progress.
timeoutThe lifespan of the tgui_modal, after which the window will close and delete itself.
titleThe title of the TGUI window


waitWaits for a user's response to the tgui_modal's prompt before returning. Returns early if the window was closed by the user.

Var Details


The bool that controls if this modal should grab window focus


The list of buttons (responses) provided on the TGUI window


The button that the user has pressed, null if no selection has been made


Boolean field describing if the tgui_modal was closed by the user.


The textual body of the TGUI window


The time at which the tgui_modal was created, for displaying timeout progress.


The lifespan of the tgui_modal, after which the window will close and delete itself.


The title of the TGUI window

Proc Details


Waits for a user's response to the tgui_modal's prompt before returning. Returns early if the window was closed by the user.