Slashing (Cut) Wound

Vars | |
clot_rate | How much our blood_flow will naturally decrease per tick, not only do larger cuts bleed more blood faster, they clot slower (higher number = clot quicker, negative = opening up) |
demotes_to | Once the blood flow drops below minimum_flow, we demote it to this type of wound. If there's none, we're all better |
highest_flow | The maximum flow we've had so far |
highest_scar | A bad system I'm using to track the worst scar we earned (since we can demote, we want the biggest our wound has been, not what it was when it was cured (probably moderate)) |
initial_flow | How much blood we start losing when this wound is first applied |
minimum_flow | When we have less than this amount of flow, either from treatment or clotting, we demote to a lower cut or are healed of the wound |
Procs | |
las_cauterize | If someone's putting a laser gun up to our cut to cauterize it |
suture | If someone is using a suture to close this cut |
tool_cauterize | If someone is using either a cautery tool or something with heat to cauterize this cut |
Var Details

How much our blood_flow will naturally decrease per tick, not only do larger cuts bleed more blood faster, they clot slower (higher number = clot quicker, negative = opening up)

Once the blood flow drops below minimum_flow, we demote it to this type of wound. If there's none, we're all better

The maximum flow we've had so far

A bad system I'm using to track the worst scar we earned (since we can demote, we want the biggest our wound has been, not what it was when it was cured (probably moderate))

How much blood we start losing when this wound is first applied

When we have less than this amount of flow, either from treatment or clotting, we demote to a lower cut or are healed of the wound
Proc Details
If someone's putting a laser gun up to our cut to cauterize it
If someone is using a suture to close this cut
If someone is using either a cautery tool or something with heat to cauterize this cut