Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



attempt_looking_directionThe current direction the player is trying to look.
body_positionVariable to track the body position of a mob, regardgless of the actual angle of rotation (usually matching it, but not necessarily).
body_position_pixel_x_offsetThe x amount a mob's sprite should be offset due to the current position they're in
body_position_pixel_y_offsetThe y amount a mob's sprite should be offset due to the current position they're in or size (e.g. lying down moves your sprite down)
body_temp_changesList of changes to body temperature, used by desease symtoms like fever
default_num_handsHow many hands does this mob have by default. This shouldn't change at runtime.
gravity_stateWhat our current gravity state is. Used to avoid duplicate animates and such
life_tickrateHow often biological functions tick. For example, 3 would be a 1/3 of every tick
looking_directionThe current direction the player is ACTUALLY looking, regardless of intent.
looking_verticallyIs the mob looking vertically
num_handsHow many hands hands does this mob currently have. Should only be changed through set_num_hands()
startDeadThis var, if true, kills the mob on initalize
usable_handsHow many usable hands does this mob currently have. Should only be changed through set_usable_hands()
voice_typeThe talk chime set to use when speaking.


StakeCanKillMeYou can't go to sleep in a coffin with a stake in you.
_cause_hallucinationUnless you need this for an explicit reason, use the cause_hallucination wrapper.
add_body_temperature_changeadd_body_temperature_change Adds modifications to the body temperature
add_stun_absorptionSTUN ABSORPTION
adjust_drunk_effectAdjust the "drunk value" the mob is currently experiencing, or applies a drunk effect if the mob isn't currently drunk (or tipsy)
adjust_fire_stacksAdjust the amount of fire stacks on a mob
adjust_status_effects_on_shake_upCLEAR STATUS
adjust_timed_status_effectAdjusts a timed status effect on the mob,taking into account any existing timed status effects. This can be any status effect that takes into account "duration" with their initialize arguments.
am_stakedDo I have a stake in my heart?
appears_aliveHelper to check if we seem to be alive or not
apply_prefs_jobApplies the preference options to the spawning mob, taking the job into account. Assumes the client has the proper mind.
bleedDragAmountReturns how much blood we're losing from being dragged a tile, from [mob/living/proc/makeTrail]
can_be_stakedCan this target be staked? If someone stands up before this is complete, it fails. Best used on someone stationary.
can_look_directionChecks if the user is incapacitated and cannot look up/down
canfaceChecks mobility move as well as parent checks
clear_saypopupPlay a sound to indicate we just spoke
cure_blindTRAIT PROCS
do_jitter_animationHelper proc that causes the mob to do a jittering animation by jitter_amount. jitter_amount will only apply up to 300 (maximum jitter effect).
dustThis is the proc for turning a mob into ash. Dusting robots does not eject the MMI, so it's a bit more powerful than gib()
extinguish_mobExtinguish all fire on the mob
get_blood_dna_listreturns the mob's dna info as a list, to be inserted in an object's blood_DNA list
get_body_temp_normalget_body_temp_normal Returns the mobs normal body temperature with any modifications applied
get_body_temp_normal_changeget_body_temp_normal_change Returns the aggregate change to body temperature
get_butt_spriteSprite to show for photocopying mob butts
get_drunk_amountHelper to get the amount of drunkness the mob's currently experiencing.
get_status_effect_examinationsShows any and all examine text related to any status effects the user has.
get_timed_status_effect_durationGets how many deciseconds are remaining in the duration of the passed status effect on this mob.
hud_set_nanite_indicatorDiagnostic HUDs!
is_face_visibleOnly defined for carbons who can wear masks and helmets, we just assume other mobs have visible faces
look_downlook_down Changes the perspective of the mob to any openspace turf below the mob lock: If it should continue to try looking even if there is no seethrough turf
look_resetHelper, resets from looking up or down, and unlocks the view.
look_uplook_up Changes the perspective of the mob to any openspace turf above the mob lock: If it should continue to try looking even if there is no seethrough turf
move_into_ventMoves living mob directly into the vent as a ventcrawler
on_deathcoma_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_DEATHCOMA is added to the mob.
on_deathcoma_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_DEATHCOMA is removed from the mob.
on_fallCalled when mob changes from a standing position into a prone while lacking the ability to stand up at the moment.
on_fire_stackHandles effects happening when mob is on normal fire
on_floored_endProc to append behavior to the condition of being floored. Called when the condition ends.
on_floored_startProc to append behavior to the condition of being floored. Called when the condition starts.
on_floored_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_FLOORED is added to the mob.
on_floored_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_FLOORED is removed from the mob.
on_force_gravityCalled when TRAIT_FORCED_GRAVITY is gained or lost
on_forced_standing_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_FORCED_STANDING is added to the mob.
on_forced_standing_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_FORCED_STANDING is removed from the mob.
on_handsblocked_endProc to append behavior to the condition of being handsblocked. Called when the condition ends.
on_handsblocked_startProc to append behavior to the condition of being handsblocked. Called when the condition starts.
on_handsblocked_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_HANDS_BLOCKED is added to the mob.
on_handsblocked_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_HANDS_BLOCKED is removed from the mob.
on_ignore_gravityCalled when TRAIT_IGNORING_GRAVITY is gained or lost
on_immobilized_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_IMMOBILIZED is added to the mob.
on_immobilized_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_IMMOBILIZED is removed from the mob.
on_incapacitated_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_INCAPACITATED is added to the mob.
on_incapacitated_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_INCAPACITATED is removed from the mob.
on_knockedout_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_KNOCKEDOUT is added to the mob.
on_knockedout_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_KNOCKEDOUT is removed from the mob.
on_loc_force_gravityCalled when our loc's TRAIT_FORCED_GRAVITY is gained or lost
on_movement_type_flag_disabledFrom [element/movetype_handler/on_movement_type_trait_loss()]
on_movement_type_flag_enabledFrom [element/movetype_handler/on_movement_type_trait_gain()]
on_negate_gravityCalled when TRAIT_NEGATES_GRAVITY is gained or lost
on_pull_blocked_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_PULL_BLOCKED is added to the mob.
on_pull_blocked_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_PULL_BLOCKED is removed from the mob.
on_restrained_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_RESTRAINED is added to the mob.
on_restrained_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_RESTRAINED is removed from the mob.
on_skittish_trait_gainCalled when [TRAIT_SKITTISH] is added to the mob.
on_skittish_trait_lossCalled when [TRAIT_SKITTISH] is removed from the mob.
on_ui_blocked_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_UI_BLOCKED is added to the mob.
on_ui_blocked_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_UI_BLOCKED is removed from the mob.
register_init_signalsCalled on /mob/living/Initialize(mapload), for the mob to register to relevant signals.
remove_body_temperature_changeremove_body_temperature_change Removes the modifications to the body temperature
set_attempted_looking_directionTell the mob to attempt to look this direction until it's set back to NONE
set_drunk_effectDirectly sets the "drunk value" the mob is currently experiencing to the passed value, or applies a drunk effect with the passed value if the mob isn't currently drunk
set_fire_stacksSet the fire stacks on a mob
set_healthSets the current mob's health value. Do not call directly if you don't know what you are doing, use the damage procs, instead.
set_look_directionActually sets the looking direction, but it won't try to stay that way if we move out of range
set_timed_status_effectSets a timed status effect of some kind on a mob to a specific value. If only_if_higher is TRUE, it will only set the value up to the passed duration, so any pre-existing status effects of the same type won't be reduced down
status_effect_examinesThe first 1-FLAVOR_PREVIEW_LIMIT characters in the mob's "flavor_text" DNA feature. FLAVOR_PREVIEW_LIMIT is defined in flavor_defines.dm.
transfer_blood_toBLOOD TRANSFERS
update_fire_overlaySets fire overlay of the mob.
update_fullscreenProc used to handle the fullscreen overlay updates, realistically meant for the reset_perspective() proc.
update_looking_moveCalled by /mob/living/Moved(), checks if we can continue looking
update_succumb_actionCalled when traits that alter succumbing are added/removed.
wear_mask_updateHandle stuff to update when a mob equips/unequips a mask.
whisperLiving level whisper.
zMoveWe want to relay the zmovement to the buckled atom when possible and only run what we can't have on buckled.zMove() or buckled.can_z_move() here. This way we can avoid esoteric bugs, copypasta and inconsistencies.

Var Details


The current direction the player is trying to look.


Variable to track the body position of a mob, regardgless of the actual angle of rotation (usually matching it, but not necessarily).


The x amount a mob's sprite should be offset due to the current position they're in


The y amount a mob's sprite should be offset due to the current position they're in or size (e.g. lying down moves your sprite down)


List of changes to body temperature, used by desease symtoms like fever


How many hands does this mob have by default. This shouldn't change at runtime.


What our current gravity state is. Used to avoid duplicate animates and such


How often biological functions tick. For example, 3 would be a 1/3 of every tick


The current direction the player is ACTUALLY looking, regardless of intent.


Is the mob looking vertically


How many hands hands does this mob currently have. Should only be changed through set_num_hands()


This var, if true, kills the mob on initalize


How many usable hands does this mob currently have. Should only be changed through set_usable_hands()


The talk chime set to use when speaking.

Proc Details


















You can't go to sleep in a coffin with a stake in you.


Unless you need this for an explicit reason, use the cause_hallucination wrapper.


add_body_temperature_change Adds modifications to the body temperature

This collects all body temperature changes that the mob is experiencing to the list body_temp_changes the aggrogate result is used to derive the new body temperature for the mob







Adjust the "drunk value" the mob is currently experiencing, or applies a drunk effect if the mob isn't currently drunk (or tipsy)

The drunk effect doesn't have a set duration, like dizziness or drugginess, but instead relies on a value that decreases every status effect tick (2 seconds) by: 4% the current drunk_value + 0.01

A "drunk value" of 6 is the border between "tipsy" and "drunk".

amount - the amount of "drunkness" to apply to the mob. down_to - the lower end of the clamp, when adding the value up_to - the upper end of the clamp, when adding the value


Adjust the amount of fire stacks on a mob

This modifies the fire stacks on a mob.





Adjusts a timed status effect on the mob,taking into account any existing timed status effects. This can be any status effect that takes into account "duration" with their initialize arguments.

Positive durations will add deciseconds to the duration of existing status effects or apply a new status effect of that duration to the mob.

Negative durations will remove deciseconds from the duration of an existing version of the status effect, removing the status effect entirely if the duration becomes less than zero (less than the current world time).

duration - the duration, in deciseconds, to add or remove from the effect effect - the type of status effect being adjusted on the mob max_duration - optional - if set, positive durations will only be added UP TO the passed max duration


Do I have a stake in my heart?


Helper to check if we seem to be alive or not


Applies the preference options to the spawning mob, taking the job into account. Assumes the client has the proper mind.


Returns how much blood we're losing from being dragged a tile, from [mob/living/proc/makeTrail]


Can this target be staked? If someone stands up before this is complete, it fails. Best used on someone stationary.


Checks if the user is incapacitated and cannot look up/down


Checks mobility move as well as parent checks


Play a sound to indicate we just spoke




Helper proc that causes the mob to do a jittering animation by jitter_amount. jitter_amount will only apply up to 300 (maximum jitter effect).


This is the proc for turning a mob into ash. Dusting robots does not eject the MMI, so it's a bit more powerful than gib()



Extinguish all fire on the mob

This removes all fire stacks, fire effects, alerts, and moods Signals the extinguishing.


returns the mob's dna info as a list, to be inserted in an object's blood_DNA list


get_body_temp_normal Returns the mobs normal body temperature with any modifications applied

This applies the result from proc/get_body_temp_normal_change() against the BODYTEMP_NORMAL and returns the result



get_body_temp_normal_change Returns the aggregate change to body temperature

This aggregates all the changes in the body_temp_changes list and returns the result


Sprite to show for photocopying mob butts


Helper to get the amount of drunkness the mob's currently experiencing.


Shows any and all examine text related to any status effects the user has.


Gets how many deciseconds are remaining in the duration of the passed status effect on this mob.

If the mob is unaffected by the passed effect, returns 0.


Diagnostic HUDs!


Only defined for carbons who can wear masks and helmets, we just assume other mobs have visible faces


look_down Changes the perspective of the mob to any openspace turf below the mob lock: If it should continue to try looking even if there is no seethrough turf


Helper, resets from looking up or down, and unlocks the view.


look_up Changes the perspective of the mob to any openspace turf above the mob lock: If it should continue to try looking even if there is no seethrough turf


Moves living mob directly into the vent as a ventcrawler



Called when TRAIT_DEATHCOMA is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_DEATHCOMA is removed from the mob.


Called when mob changes from a standing position into a prone while lacking the ability to stand up at the moment.


Handles effects happening when mob is on normal fire



Proc to append behavior to the condition of being floored. Called when the condition ends.


Proc to append behavior to the condition of being floored. Called when the condition starts.


Called when TRAIT_FLOORED is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_FLOORED is removed from the mob.


Called when TRAIT_FORCED_GRAVITY is gained or lost


Called when TRAIT_FORCED_STANDING is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_FORCED_STANDING is removed from the mob.


Proc to append behavior to the condition of being handsblocked. Called when the condition ends.


Proc to append behavior to the condition of being handsblocked. Called when the condition starts.


Called when TRAIT_HANDS_BLOCKED is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_HANDS_BLOCKED is removed from the mob.


Called when TRAIT_IGNORING_GRAVITY is gained or lost


Called when TRAIT_IMMOBILIZED is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_IMMOBILIZED is removed from the mob.


Called when TRAIT_INCAPACITATED is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_INCAPACITATED is removed from the mob.


Called when TRAIT_KNOCKEDOUT is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_KNOCKEDOUT is removed from the mob.


Called when our loc's TRAIT_FORCED_GRAVITY is gained or lost


From [element/movetype_handler/on_movement_type_trait_loss()]


From [element/movetype_handler/on_movement_type_trait_gain()]


Called when TRAIT_NEGATES_GRAVITY is gained or lost


Called when TRAIT_PULL_BLOCKED is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_PULL_BLOCKED is removed from the mob.


Called when TRAIT_RESTRAINED is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_RESTRAINED is removed from the mob.


Called when [TRAIT_SKITTISH] is added to the mob.


Called when [TRAIT_SKITTISH] is removed from the mob.


Called when TRAIT_UI_BLOCKED is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_UI_BLOCKED is removed from the mob.


Called on /mob/living/Initialize(mapload), for the mob to register to relevant signals.


remove_body_temperature_change Removes the modifications to the body temperature

This removes the recorded change to body temperature from the body_temp_changes list



Tell the mob to attempt to look this direction until it's set back to NONE


Directly sets the "drunk value" the mob is currently experiencing to the passed value, or applies a drunk effect with the passed value if the mob isn't currently drunk

set_to - the amount of "drunkness" to set on the mob.


Set the fire stacks on a mob

This sets the fire stacks on a mob, stacks are clamped between -20 and 20. If the fire stacks are reduced to 0 then we will extinguish the mob.



Sets the current mob's health value. Do not call directly if you don't know what you are doing, use the damage procs, instead.


Actually sets the looking direction, but it won't try to stay that way if we move out of range


Sets a timed status effect of some kind on a mob to a specific value. If only_if_higher is TRUE, it will only set the value up to the passed duration, so any pre-existing status effects of the same type won't be reduced down

duration - the duration, in deciseconds, of the effect. 0 or lower will either remove the current effect or do nothing if none are present effect - the type of status effect given to the mob only_if_higher - if TRUE, we will only set the effect to the new duration if the new duration is longer than any existing duration



Distance versus interaction check.

required src_object atom/movable The object which owns the UI.

return UI_state The state of the UI.


The first 1-FLAVOR_PREVIEW_LIMIT characters in the mob's "flavor_text" DNA feature. FLAVOR_PREVIEW_LIMIT is defined in flavor_defines.dm.




Sets fire overlay of the mob.


This should return last_icon_state for the fire status efect


Proc used to handle the fullscreen overlay updates, realistically meant for the reset_perspective() proc.


Called by /mob/living/Moved(), checks if we can continue looking


Called when traits that alter succumbing are added/removed.

Will show or hide the succumb alert prompt.


Handle stuff to update when a mob equips/unequips a mask.


Living level whisper.

Living mobs which whisper have their message only appear to people very close.

message - the message to display bubble_type - the type of speech bubble that shows up when they speak (currently does nothing) spans - a list of spans to apply around the message sanitize - whether we sanitize the message language - typepath language to force them to speak / whisper in ignore_spam - whether we ignore the spam filter forced - string source of what forced this speech to happen, also bypasses spam filter / mutes if supplied filterproof - whether we ignore the word filter


We want to relay the zmovement to the buckled atom when possible and only run what we can't have on buckled.zMove() or buckled.can_z_move() here. This way we can avoid esoteric bugs, copypasta and inconsistencies.