
Vars | |
all_scars | All of the scars a carbon has afflicted throughout their limbs |
all_wounds | All of the wounds a carbon has afflicted throughout their limbs |
dreaming | How many dream images we have left to send |
external | "External" air tank. Never set this manually. Not required to stay directly equipped on the mob (i.e. could be a machine or MOD suit module). |
handcuffed | A reference to the current handcuff on this carbon if one is equipped. |
internal | Equipped air tank. Never set this manually. |
internal_organs | List of /obj/item/organ in the mob. They don't go in the contents for some reason I don't want to know. |
internal_organs_slot | List of /obj/item/organ in the mob by slot ID for easy access. They don't go in the contents for some reason I don't want to know. |
legcuffed | A reference to the current legcuff on this carbon if one is equipped. Bear traps use this. |
silent | Can't talk. Value goes down every life proc. NOTE TO FUTURE CODERS: DO NOT INITIALIZE NUMERICAL VARS AS NULL OR I WILL MURDER YOU. |
transformation_timer | Timer id of any transformation |
visual_only_organs | Only load in visual organs |
Procs | |
adjustOrganLoss | |
adjustPlasma | Adjusts the plasma level of the carbon's plasma vessel if they have one |
bleed_warn | bleed_warn() is used to for carbons with an active client to occasionally receive messages warning them about their bleeding status (if applicable) |
can_breathe_helmet | Returns TRUE if an air tank compatible helmet is equipped. |
can_breathe_internals | Returns TRUE if an air tank compatible mask or breathing tube is equipped. |
can_breathe_mask | Returns TRUE if an air tank compatible mask is equipped. |
can_breathe_tube | Returns TRUE if a breathing tube is equipped. |
check_virus | Medical HUD! Basic mode needs suit sensors on. |
clear_stamina_regen | Clears dynamic stamina regeneration on all limbs, typically used for continuous buildup like chems. |
close_all_airtanks | Quickly/lazily close all airtanks without any returns or notifications. |
close_externals | Close the the currently open external (that's EX-ternal) air tank. Returns TREUE if successful. |
close_internals | Actually closes the active internal or external air tank. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened successfully. |
cutoff_internals | Prepares emergency disconnect from open air tanks and notifies in chat. Usually called after mob suddenly unequips breathing apparatus. |
embed_object | Embeds an object into this carbon |
generate_fake_scars | generate_fake_scars()- for when you want to scar someone, but you don't want to hurt them first. These scars don't count for temporal scarring (hence, fake) |
getOrganLoss | |
getPlasma | Gets the plasma level of this carbon's plasma vessel, or -1 if they don't have one |
get_biological_state | get_biological_state is a helper used to see what kind of wounds we roll for. By default we just assume carbons (read:monkeys) are flesh and bone, but humans rely on their species datums |
get_bleed_rate | A helper to see how much blood we're losing per tick |
get_blood_dna_list | Get the mobs dna list |
get_embedded_objects | Returns a list of all embedded objects |
get_embedded_part | Returns the bodypart that the item is embedded in or returns false if it is not currently embedded |
get_total_bleed_rate | get our total bleedrate |
get_wounded_bodyparts | Returns a list of bodyparts with wounds (in case someone has a wound on an otherwise fully healed limb) |
handle_breath_temperature | Fourth and final link in a breath chain |
handle_liver | Decides if the liver is failing or not. |
humanize | Humanize |
immortality | For the Wishgranter |
invalid_internals | Returns truthy if air tank is open and mob lacks apparatus, or if the tank moved away from the mob. |
is_bleeding | if any of our bodyparts are bleeding |
open_internals | Open the internal air tank without checking for any breathing apparatus. Returns TRUE if the air tank was opened successfully. Closes any existing tanks before opening another one. |
remove_embedded_object | Removes the given embedded object from this carbon |
setOrganLoss | |
should_electrocute | Returns whether or not the carbon should be able to be shocked |
spray_blood | This proc is a helper for spraying blood for things like slashing/piercing wounds and dismemberment. |
toggle_close_internals | Prepares to close the currently open internal air tank and notifies in chat. Handles displaying messages to the user before doing the actual closing. Returns TRUE if |
toggle_externals | Toggles the given external (that's EX-ternal) air tank open, or close the currently open one, if a compatible breathing apparatus is found. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened successfully. |
toggle_internals | Toggles the given internal air tank open, or close the currently open one, if a compatible breathing apparatus is found. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened successfully. |
toggle_open_internals | Prepares to open the internal air tank and notifies the mob in chat. Handles displaying messages to the user before doing the actual opening. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened/closed successfully. |
try_open_internals | Opens the given internal air tank if a breathing apparatus is found. Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened successfully. |
try_remove_embedded_object | Called when a mob tries to remove an embedded object from this carbon |
wearing_shock_proof_gloves | Returns if the carbon is wearing shock proof gloves |
Var Details

All of the scars a carbon has afflicted throughout their limbs

All of the wounds a carbon has afflicted throughout their limbs

How many dream images we have left to send

"External" air tank. Never set this manually. Not required to stay directly equipped on the mob (i.e. could be a machine or MOD suit module).

A reference to the current handcuff on this carbon if one is equipped.

Equipped air tank. Never set this manually.

List of /obj/item/organ in the mob. They don't go in the contents for some reason I don't want to know.

List of /obj/item/organ in the mob by slot ID for easy access. They don't go in the contents for some reason I don't want to know.

A reference to the current legcuff on this carbon if one is equipped. Bear traps use this.


Timer id of any transformation

Only load in visual organs
Proc Details
- adjustOrganLoss
- inputs: slot (organ slot, like ORGAN_SLOT_HEART), amount (damage to be done), and maximum (currently an arbitrarily large number, can be set so as to limit damage)
- outputs:
- description: If an organ exists in the slot requested, and we are capable of taking damage (we don't have GODMODE on), call the damage proc on that organ.
Adjusts the plasma level of the carbon's plasma vessel if they have one
bleed_warn() is used to for carbons with an active client to occasionally receive messages warning them about their bleeding status (if applicable)
- bleed_amt- When we run this from [/mob/living/carbon/human/proc/handle_blood] we already know how much blood we're losing this tick, so we can skip tallying it again with this
- forced-
Returns TRUE if an air tank compatible helmet is equipped.
Returns TRUE if an air tank compatible mask or breathing tube is equipped.
Returns TRUE if an air tank compatible mask is equipped.
Returns TRUE if a breathing tube is equipped.
Medical HUD! Basic mode needs suit sensors on.
Clears dynamic stamina regeneration on all limbs, typically used for continuous buildup like chems.
Make sure it's used AFTER stamina damage is applied.
Quickly/lazily close all airtanks without any returns or notifications.
Close the the currently open external (that's EX-ternal) air tank. Returns TREUE if successful.
Actually closes the active internal or external air tank. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened successfully.
- is_external - A boolean which indicates if the air tank must be equipped, or stored elsewhere.
Prepares emergency disconnect from open air tanks and notifies in chat. Usually called after mob suddenly unequips breathing apparatus.
Embeds an object into this carbon
generate_fake_scars()- for when you want to scar someone, but you don't want to hurt them first. These scars don't count for temporal scarring (hence, fake)
If you want a specific wound scar, pass that wound type as the second arg, otherwise you can pass a list like WOUND_LIST_SLASH to generate a random cut scar.
- num_scars- A number for how many scars you want to add
- forced_type- Which wound or category of wounds you want to choose from, WOUND_LIST_BLUNT, WOUND_LIST_SLASH, or WOUND_LIST_BURN (or some combination). If passed a list, picks randomly from the listed wounds. Defaults to all 3 types
- getOrganLoss
- inputs: slot (organ slot, like ORGAN_SLOT_HEART)
- outputs: organ damage
- description: If an organ exists in the slot requested, return the amount of damage that organ has
Gets the plasma level of this carbon's plasma vessel, or -1 if they don't have one
get_biological_state is a helper used to see what kind of wounds we roll for. By default we just assume carbons (read:monkeys) are flesh and bone, but humans rely on their species datums
go look at the species def for more info /datum/species/proc/get_biological_state
A helper to see how much blood we're losing per tick
Get the mobs dna list
Returns a list of all embedded objects
Returns the bodypart that the item is embedded in or returns false if it is not currently embedded
get our total bleedrate
Returns a list of bodyparts with wounds (in case someone has a wound on an otherwise fully healed limb)
Fourth and final link in a breath chain
Decides if the liver is failing or not.
For the Wishgranter
Returns truthy if air tank is open and mob lacks apparatus, or if the tank moved away from the mob.
if any of our bodyparts are bleeding
Open the internal air tank without checking for any breathing apparatus. Returns TRUE if the air tank was opened successfully. Closes any existing tanks before opening another one.
- tank - The given tank to open and start breathing from.
- is_external - A boolean which indicates if the air tank must be equipped, or stored elsewhere.
Removes the given embedded object from this carbon
- setOrganLoss
- inputs: slot (organ slot, like ORGAN_SLOT_HEART), amount(damage to be set to)
- outputs:
- description: If an organ exists in the slot requested, and we are capable of taking damage (we don't have GODMODE on), call the set damage proc on that organ, which can
set or clear the failing variable on that organ, making it either cease or start functions again, unlike adjustOrganLoss.
Returns whether or not the carbon should be able to be shocked
This proc is a helper for spraying blood for things like slashing/piercing wounds and dismemberment.
The strength of the splatter in the second argument determines how much it can dirty and how far it can go
- splatter_direction: Which direction the blood is flying
- splatter_strength: How many tiles it can go, and how many items it can pass over and dirty
Prepares to close the currently open internal air tank and notifies in chat. Handles displaying messages to the user before doing the actual closing. Returns TRUE if
- is_external - A boolean which indicates if the air tank must be equipped, or stored elsewhere.
Toggles the given external (that's EX-ternal) air tank open, or close the currently open one, if a compatible breathing apparatus is found. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened successfully.
- tank - The given tank to toggle open and start breathing from externally.
Toggles the given internal air tank open, or close the currently open one, if a compatible breathing apparatus is found. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened successfully.
- tank - The given tank to toggle open and start breathing from internally.
Prepares to open the internal air tank and notifies the mob in chat. Handles displaying messages to the user before doing the actual opening. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened/closed successfully.
- tank - The given tank to toggle open and start breathing from.
- is_external - A boolean which indicates if the air tank must be equipped, or stored elsewhere.
Opens the given internal air tank if a breathing apparatus is found. Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. Returns TRUE if the tank was opened successfully.
- tank - The given tank we will attempt to toggle open and start breathing from.
- is_external - A boolean which indicates if the air tank must be equipped, or stored elsewhere.
Called when a mob tries to remove an embedded object from this carbon
Returns if the carbon is wearing shock proof gloves