Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Space Dragon

A space-faring leviathan-esque monster which breathes fire and summons carp. Spawned during its respective midround antagonist event.

A space-faring monstrosity who has the ability to breathe dangerous fire breath and uses its powerful wings to knock foes away. Normally spawned as an antagonist during the Space Dragon event, Space Dragon's main goal is to open three rifts from which to pull a great tide of carp onto the station. Space Dragon can summon only one rift at a time, and can do so anywhere a blob is allowed to spawn. In order to trigger his victory condition, Space Dragon must summon and defend three rifts while they charge. Space Dragon, when spawned, has five minutes to summon the first rift. Failing to do so will cause Space Dragon to return from whence he came. When the rift spawns, ghosts can interact with it to spawn in as space carp to help complete the mission. One carp is granted when the rift is first summoned, with an extra one every 30 seconds. Once the victory condition is met, all current rifts become invulnerable to damage, are allowed to spawn infinite sentient space carp, and Space Dragon gets unlimited rage. Alternatively, if the shuttle arrives while Space Dragon is still active, their victory condition will automatically be met and all the rifts will immediately become fully charged. If a charging rift is destroyed, Space Dragon will be incredibly slowed, and the endlag on his gust attack is greatly increased on each use. Space Dragon has the following abilities to assist him with his objective:


chosen_colorThe color of the space dragon.
devastation_damage_max_percentageMaximum devastation damage dealt coefficient based on max health
devastation_damage_min_percentageMinimum devastation damage dealt coefficient based on max health
gust_distanceThe distance Space Dragon's gust reaches
gust_tirednessThe amount of tiredness to add to Space Dragon per use of gust
small_spriteThe ability to make your sprite smaller
tearing_wallDetermines whether or not Space Dragon is currently tearing through a wall.
tirednessHow much endlag using Wing Gust should apply. Each use of wing gust increments this, and it decreases over time.
tiredness_multA multiplier to how much each use of wing gust should add to the tiredness variable. Set to 5 if the current rift is destroyed.
using_specialDetermines whether or not Space Dragon is in the middle of using wing gust. If set to true, prevents him from moving and doing certain actions.


add_dragon_overlayAdds the proper overlay to the space dragon.
color_selectionAllows space dragon to choose a color for itself.
dragon_fire_lineWhat occurs on each tile to actually create the fire.
dragon_nameAllows space dragon to choose its own name.
eatHandles consuming and storing consumed things inside Space Dragon
fire_streamSpawns fire at each position in a line from the source to the target.
line_targetDetermines a line of turfs from sources's position to the target with length range.
reset_statusResets Space Dragon's status after using wing gust.
rift_empowerHandles Space Dragon's temporary empowerment after boosting a rift.
useGustHandles wing gust from the windup all the way to the endlag at the end.

Var Details


The color of the space dragon.


Maximum devastation damage dealt coefficient based on max health


Minimum devastation damage dealt coefficient based on max health


The distance Space Dragon's gust reaches


The amount of tiredness to add to Space Dragon per use of gust


The ability to make your sprite smaller


Determines whether or not Space Dragon is currently tearing through a wall.


How much endlag using Wing Gust should apply. Each use of wing gust increments this, and it decreases over time.


A multiplier to how much each use of wing gust should add to the tiredness variable. Set to 5 if the current rift is destroyed.


Determines whether or not Space Dragon is in the middle of using wing gust. If set to true, prevents him from moving and doing certain actions.

Proc Details


Adds the proper overlay to the space dragon.

Clears the current overlay on space dragon and adds a proper one for whatever animation he's in.


Allows space dragon to choose a color for itself.

Prompts the space dragon to choose a color, from which it will then apply to itself. If an invalid color is given, will re-prompt the dragon until a proper color is chosen.


What occurs on each tile to actually create the fire.

Creates a fire on the given turf. It creates a hotspot on the given turf, damages any living mob with 30 burn damage, and damages mechs by 50. It can only hit any given target once. Arguments:


Allows space dragon to choose its own name.

Prompts the space dragon to choose a name, which it will then apply to itself. If the name is invalid, will re-prompt the dragon until a proper name is chosen.


Handles consuming and storing consumed things inside Space Dragon

Plays a sound and then stores the consumed thing inside Space Dragon. Used in AttackingTarget(), paired with a heal should it succeed. Arguments:


Spawns fire at each position in a line from the source to the target.

Spawns fire at each position in a line from the source to the target. Stops if it comes into contact with a solid wall, a window, or a door. Delays the spawning of each fire by 1.5 deciseconds. Arguments:


Determines a line of turfs from sources's position to the target with length range.

Determines a line of turfs from the source's position to the target with length range. The line will extend on past the target if the range is large enough, and not reach the target if range is small enough. Arguments:


Resets Space Dragon's status after using wing gust.

Resets Space Dragon's status after using wing gust. If it isn't dead by the time it calls this method, reset the sprite back to the normal living sprite. Also sets the using_special variable to FALSE, allowing Space Dragon to move and attack freely again.


Handles Space Dragon's temporary empowerment after boosting a rift.

Empowers and depowers Space Dragon after a successful rift charge. Empowered, Space Dragon regains all his health and becomes temporarily faster for 30 seconds, along with being tinted red. Depowered simply resets him back to his default state.


Handles wing gust from the windup all the way to the endlag at the end.

Handles the wing gust attack from start to finish, based on the timer. When intially triggered, starts at 0. Until the timer reaches 10, increase Space Dragon's y position by 2 and call back to the function in 1.5 deciseconds. When the timer is at 10, trigger the attack. Change Space Dragon's sprite. reset his y position, and push all living creatures back in a 3 tile radius and stun them for 5 seconds. Stay in the ending state for how much our tiredness dictates and add to our tiredness. Arguments: