Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Tiny machines made by an ancient civilization, they seek only to consume materials and replicate.

Tiny robots which, while not lethal, seek to destroy station components in order to recycle them into more swarmers. Sentient player swarmers spawn from a beacon spawned in maintenance and they can spawn melee swarmers to protect them. Swarmers have the following abilities:


dronelistList used for player swarmers to keep track of their drones
last_alertPrevents alert spam
max_resourcesMaximum amount of resources a swarmer can store
resourcesResource points, generated by consuming metal/glass
swarmer_flagsBitflags to store boolean conditions, such as whether the light is on or off.


FabricateCalled when a swarmer creates a structure or drone
IntegrateCalled when a swarmer attempts to consume an object
contact_swarmersProc which is used for inputting a swarmer message
create_barricadeCalled when a swarmer attempts to create a barricade
create_swarmerCalled when a swarmer attempts to create a drone
create_trapCalled when a swarmer attempts to create a trap
dis_integrateCalled when a swarmer attempts to destroy a structure
dismantle_machineCalled when a swarmer attempts to disassemble a machine
environment_check/END CTRL CLICK FOR SWARMERS//// Checks whether a target atom is safe to deconstruct.
prepare_targetCalled when a swarmer attempts to teleport a living entity away
remove_droneRemoves a drone from the swarmer's list.
repair_selfCalled when a swarmer attempts to repair itself
swarmer_chatProc which is used for swarmer comms
swarmer_type_to_createUsed to determine what type of swarmer a swarmer should create
toggle_lightCalled when a swarmer toggles its light

Var Details


List used for player swarmers to keep track of their drones


Prevents alert spam


Maximum amount of resources a swarmer can store


Resource points, generated by consuming metal/glass


Bitflags to store boolean conditions, such as whether the light is on or off.

Proc Details




Called when a swarmer creates a structure or drone

Proc called whenever a swarmer creates a structure or drone Arguments:


Called when a swarmer attempts to consume an object

Proc which determines interaction between a swarmer and whatever it is attempting to consume Arguments:


Proc which is used for inputting a swarmer message

Proc which is used for a swarmer to input a message on a pop-up box, then attempt to send that message to the other swarmers


Called when a swarmer attempts to create a barricade

Proc used to allow a swarmer to create a barricade. Checks if a barricade is on the tile, then if the swarmer can afford it, and then will attempt to create a barricade after a second delay.


Called when a swarmer attempts to create a drone

Proc used to allow a swarmer to create a drone. Checks if the swarmer can afford the drone, then creates it after 5 seconds, and also registers it to the creating swarmer so it can command it


Called when a swarmer attempts to create a trap

Proc used to allow a swarmer to create a trap. Checks if a trap is on the tile, then if the swarmer can afford, and then places the trap.


Called when a swarmer attempts to destroy a structure

Proc which determines interaction between a swarmer and a structure it is destroying Arguments:


Called when a swarmer attempts to disassemble a machine

Proc called when a swarmer attempts to disassemble a machine. Destroys the machine, and gives the swarmer metal. Arguments:


/END CTRL CLICK FOR SWARMERS//// Checks whether a target atom is safe to deconstruct.


Called when a swarmer attempts to teleport a living entity away

Proc which finds a safe location to teleport a living entity to when a swarmer teleports it away. Also energy handcuffs carbons. Arguments:


Removes a drone from the swarmer's list.

Removes the drone from our list. Called specifically when a drone is about to be destroyed, so we don't have any null references. Arguments:


Called when a swarmer attempts to repair itself

Proc used to allow a swarmer self-repair. If the swarmer does not move after a period of time, then it will heal fully


Proc which is used for swarmer comms

Proc called which sends a message to all other swarmers. Arugments:


Used to determine what type of swarmer a swarmer should create

Returns the type of the swarmer to be created


Called when a swarmer toggles its light

Proc used to allow a swarmer to toggle its light on and off. If a swarmer has any drones, change their light settings to match their master's.