venus human trap

Venus Human Trap
The result of a kudzu flower bud, these enemies use vines to drag prey close to them for attack.
A carnivorious plant which uses vines to catch and ensnare prey. Spawns from kudzu flower buds. Each one has a maximum of four vines, which can be attached to a variety of things. Carbons are stunned when a vine is attached to them, and movable entities are pulled closer over time. Attempting to attach a vine to something with a vine already attached to it will pull all movable targets closer on command. Once the prey is in melee range, melee attacks from the venus human trap heals itself for 10% of its max health, assuming the target is alive. Akin to certain spiders, venus human traps can also be possessed and controlled by ghosts.
Vars | |
max_vines | The maximum amount of vines a plant can have at one time |
playable_plant | Whether or not this plant is ghost possessable |
vine_duration | how long does a vine attached to something last (and its leash) (lasts twice as long on nonliving things) |
vine_grab_distance | How far away a plant can attach a vine to something |
vines | A list of all the plant's vines |
Procs | |
humanize_plant | Sets a ghost to control the plant if the plant is eligible |
kudzu_need | Damages the human trap if they're >3 tiles away from a kudzu |
pull_vines | Manages how the vines should affect the things they're attached to. |
remove_vine | Removes a vine from the list. |
Var Details

The maximum amount of vines a plant can have at one time

Whether or not this plant is ghost possessable

how long does a vine attached to something last (and its leash) (lasts twice as long on nonliving things)

How far away a plant can attach a vine to something

A list of all the plant's vines
Proc Details
Sets a ghost to control the plant if the plant is eligible
Asks the interacting ghost if they would like to control the plant. If they answer yes, and another ghost hasn't taken control, sets the ghost to control the plant. Arguments:
- mob/user - The ghost to possibly control the plant
Damages the human trap if they're >3 tiles away from a kudzu
Checks if there is a kudzu within 3 tiles Damages the mob if not
Manages how the vines should affect the things they're attached to.
Pulls all movable targets of the vines closer to the plant If the target is on the same tile as the plant, destroy the vine Removes any QDELETED vines from the vines list.
Removes a vine from the list.
Removes the vine from our list. Called specifically when the vine is about to be destroyed, so we don't have any null references. Arguments:
- datum/beam/vine - The vine to be removed from the list.