
Vars | |
alert_coeff | Speed multiplier based on station alert level |
callTime | time spent in transit (deciseconds). Should not be lower then 10 seconds without editing the animation of the hyperspace ripples. |
can_move_docking_ports | if this shuttle can move docking ports other than the one it is docked at |
current_engines | How many engines the shuttle currently has. |
engine_coeff | How fast the shuttle should be, taking engine thrust into account. |
engine_list | List of all currently used engines that propels us. |
ignitionTime | time spent "starting the engines". Also rate limits how often we try to reserve transit space if its ever full of transiting shuttles. |
initial_engines | How many engines the shuttle starts with at mapload. |
mode | current shuttle mode |
movement_force | Whether or not you want your ship to knock people down, and also whether it will throw them several tiles upon launching. |
port_direction | relative direction of the docking port from the front of the shuttle NORTH is towards front, EAST would be starboard side, WEST port, etc. |
prearrivalTime | time spent after transit 'landing' before actually arriving |
preferred_direction | The direction the shuttle prefers to travel in, ie what direction the animation will cause it to appear to be traveling in |
rechargeTime | time spent after arrival before being able to begin ignition |
shuttle_areas | List of all areas our shuttle holds. |
timer | used as a timer (if you want time left to complete move, use timeLeft proc) |
Procs | |
beforeShuttleMove | Misc move procs |
calculate_docking_port_information | Calculated and populates the information used for docking and some internal vars. This can also be used to calculate from shuttle_areas so that you can expand/shrink shuttles! |
get_status_text_tgui | Gets shuttle location status in a form of string for tgui interfaces |
initiate_docking | This is the main proc. It instantly moves our mobile port to stationary port new_dock . |
postregister | Actions to be taken after shuttle is loaded and has been moved to its final location |
preflight_check | Both lists are associative with a turf:bitflag structure. (new_turfs bitflag space unused currently) The bitflag contains the data for what inhabitants of that coordinate should be moved to the new location The bitflags can be found in __DEFINES/ |
register | Actions to be taken after shuttle is loaded but before it has been moved out of transit z-level to its final location |
Var Details

Speed multiplier based on station alert level

time spent in transit (deciseconds). Should not be lower then 10 seconds without editing the animation of the hyperspace ripples.

if this shuttle can move docking ports other than the one it is docked at

How many engines the shuttle currently has.

How fast the shuttle should be, taking engine thrust into account.

List of all currently used engines that propels us.

time spent "starting the engines". Also rate limits how often we try to reserve transit space if its ever full of transiting shuttles.

How many engines the shuttle starts with at mapload.

current shuttle mode

Whether or not you want your ship to knock people down, and also whether it will throw them several tiles upon launching.

relative direction of the docking port from the front of the shuttle NORTH is towards front, EAST would be starboard side, WEST port, etc.

time spent after transit 'landing' before actually arriving

The direction the shuttle prefers to travel in, ie what direction the animation will cause it to appear to be traveling in

time spent after arrival before being able to begin ignition

List of all areas our shuttle holds.

used as a timer (if you want time left to complete move, use timeLeft proc)
Proc Details
Misc move procs
Calculated and populates the information used for docking and some internal vars. This can also be used to calculate from shuttle_areas so that you can expand/shrink shuttles!
- loading_from - The template that the shuttle was loaded from, if not given we iterate shuttle_areas to calculate information instead
Gets shuttle location status in a form of string for tgui interfaces
This is the main proc. It instantly moves our mobile port to stationary port new_dock
Actions to be taken after shuttle is loaded and has been moved to its final location
- replace - TRUE if this shuttle is replacing an existing one. FALSE by default.
Both lists are associative with a turf:bitflag structure. (new_turfs bitflag space unused currently) The bitflag contains the data for what inhabitants of that coordinate should be moved to the new location The bitflags can be found in __DEFINES/
Hiding turfs if necessary
Unhiding turfs if necessary
Actions to be taken after shuttle is loaded but before it has been moved out of transit z-level to its final location
- replace - TRUE if this shuttle is replacing an existing one. FALSE by default.