
Vars | |
belt_icon_state | Icon state for the belt overlay, if null the normal icon_state will be used. |
cryo_preserve | Should the cryo console preserve this item |
drop_sound | Sound uses when dropping the item, or when its thrown. |
dye_color | Used as the dye color source in the washing machine only (at the moment). Can be a hex color or a key corresponding to a registry entry, see |
dying_key | What dye registry should be looked at when dying this item; see |
equip_sound | Sound used when equipping the item into a valid slot |
fryable | Is this item fryable without a syndicate frying pan |
greyscale_config_belt | The config type to use for greyscaled belt overlays. Both this and greyscale_colors must be assigned to work. |
greyscale_config_inhand_left | The config type to use for greyscaled left inhand sprites. Both this and greyscale_colors must be assigned to work. |
greyscale_config_inhand_right | The config type to use for greyscaled right inhand sprites. Both this and greyscale_colors must be assigned to work. |
greyscale_config_worn | The config type to use for greyscaled worn sprites. Both this and greyscale_colors must be assigned to work. |
item_state | icon state name for inhand overlays |
lefthand_file | Icon file for left hand inhand overlays |
mob_throw_hit_sound | Used when yate into a mob |
outline_filter | item hover FX |
pickup_sound | Sound uses when picking the item up (into your hands) |
range_cooldown_mod | multiplier to increase/decrease effects of range on attack cooldown, 0 to ignore range |
righthand_file | Icon file for right inhand overlays |
sharpness | All items with sharpness of SHARP_EDGED or higher will automatically get the butchering component. |
sound_vary | Do the drop and pickup sounds vary? |
syndicate | Does this item have syndicate only functionality via hud buttons? Needs to be in this scope to encompass all Chameleon items - Hopek |
undyeable | Whether the item is unaffected by standard dying. |
weapon_stats | A list of statistics used when a weapon hits someone, swing speed = multiplier for melee attack cd, encumbrance = slowdown, encumbrance_time = slowdown length, reach = reach, embed chance = chance for applicable weapons to embed on hit, damage_low/high = range of damage the weapon takes on hitting a mob |
worn_icon | Icon file for mob worn overlays. |
worn_icon_state | Icon state for mob worn overlays, if null the normal icon_state will be used. |
Procs | |
Adjacent | Yog code for spacepods I guess??? |
GetAccess | Get the accesses on the item |
GetID | Get the ID in the object, used for PDAs |
GetJobName | Gets the name of a job from the ID |
add_item_action | Adds an item action to our list of item actions. Item actions are actions linked to our item, that are granted to mobs who equip us. This also ensures that the actions are properly tracked in the actions list and removed if they're deleted. Can be be passed a typepath of an action or an instance of an action. |
afterattack_secondary | Called at the end of the attack chain if the user right-clicked. |
attack | Called from [/mob/living/proc/attackby] |
attack_secondary | The equivalent of /obj/item/proc/attack but for alternate attacks, AKA right clicking |
attack_self_secondary | Called when the item is in the active hand, and right-clicked. Intended for alternate or opposite functions, such as lowering reagent transfer amount. At the moment, there is no verb or hotkey. |
cyborg_equip | Parent proc - triggers when an item/module is equipped from a cyborg. |
cyborg_unequip | Parent proc - triggers when an item/module is unequipped from a cyborg. |
get_temperature | Returns the temperature of src. If you want to know if an item is hot use this proc. |
give_item_action | Gives one of our item actions to a mob, when equipped to a certain slot |
item_action_slot_check | Sometimes we only want to grant the item's action if it's equipped in a specific slot. |
mark_target | Used to mark a target for the demo system during a melee attack chain, call this before return |
on_action_deleted | Called when an action associated with our item is deleted |
pre_attack_secondary | Called on the item before it hits something, when right clicking. |
remove_item_action | Removes an instance of an action from our list of item actions. |
update_greyscale | Checks if this atom uses the GAGS system and if so updates the worn and inhand icons |
update_item_action_buttons | Updates all action buttons associated with this item |
Var Details

Icon state for the belt overlay, if null the normal icon_state will be used.

Should the cryo console preserve this item

Sound uses when dropping the item, or when its thrown.

Used as the dye color source in the washing machine only (at the moment). Can be a hex color or a key corresponding to a registry entry, see

What dye registry should be looked at when dying this item; see

Sound used when equipping the item into a valid slot

Is this item fryable without a syndicate frying pan

The config type to use for greyscaled belt overlays. Both this and greyscale_colors must be assigned to work.

The config type to use for greyscaled left inhand sprites. Both this and greyscale_colors must be assigned to work.

The config type to use for greyscaled right inhand sprites. Both this and greyscale_colors must be assigned to work.

The config type to use for greyscaled worn sprites. Both this and greyscale_colors must be assigned to work.

icon state name for inhand overlays

Icon file for left hand inhand overlays

Used when yate into a mob

item hover FX

Sound uses when picking the item up (into your hands)

multiplier to increase/decrease effects of range on attack cooldown, 0 to ignore range

Icon file for right inhand overlays

All items with sharpness of SHARP_EDGED or higher will automatically get the butchering component.

Do the drop and pickup sounds vary?

Does this item have syndicate only functionality via hud buttons? Needs to be in this scope to encompass all Chameleon items - Hopek

Whether the item is unaffected by standard dying.

A list of statistics used when a weapon hits someone, swing speed = multiplier for melee attack cd, encumbrance = slowdown, encumbrance_time = slowdown length, reach = reach, embed chance = chance for applicable weapons to embed on hit, damage_low/high = range of damage the weapon takes on hitting a mob

Icon file for mob worn overlays.

Icon state for mob worn overlays, if null the normal icon_state will be used.
Proc Details
Yog code for spacepods I guess???
Get the accesses on the item
Get the ID in the object, used for PDAs
Gets the name of a job from the ID
Adds an item action to our list of item actions. Item actions are actions linked to our item, that are granted to mobs who equip us. This also ensures that the actions are properly tracked in the actions list and removed if they're deleted. Can be be passed a typepath of an action or an instance of an action.
Called at the end of the attack chain if the user right-clicked.
- atom/target - The thing that was hit
- mob/user - The mob doing the hitting
- proximity_flag - is 1 if this afterattack was called on something adjacent, in your square, or on your person.
- click_parameters - is the params string from byond [/atom/proc/Click] code, see that documentation.
Called from [/mob/living/proc/attackby]
- mob/living/target - The mob being hit by this item
- mob/living/user - The mob hitting with this item
- params - Click params of this attack
The equivalent of /obj/item/proc/attack but for alternate attacks, AKA right clicking
Called when the item is in the active hand, and right-clicked. Intended for alternate or opposite functions, such as lowering reagent transfer amount. At the moment, there is no verb or hotkey.
Parent proc - triggers when an item/module is equipped from a cyborg.
Parent proc - triggers when an item/module is unequipped from a cyborg.
Returns the temperature of src. If you want to know if an item is hot use this proc.
Gives one of our item actions to a mob, when equipped to a certain slot
Sometimes we only want to grant the item's action if it's equipped in a specific slot.
Used to mark a target for the demo system during a melee attack chain, call this before return
Called when an action associated with our item is deleted
Called on the item before it hits something, when right clicking.
- atom/target - The atom about to be hit
- mob/living/user - The mob doing the htting
- params - click params such as alt/shift etc
See: [/obj/item/proc/melee_attack_chain]
Removes an instance of an action from our list of item actions.
Checks if this atom uses the GAGS system and if so updates the worn and inhand icons
Updates all action buttons associated with this item
- update_flags - Which flags of the action should we update
- force - Force buttons update even if the given button icon state has not changed