
Base attachment. "_a" icons should be 5x5 pixels. See icons/obj/guns/attachment.dmi.
Vars | |
actions_list | List of actions to add to the gun when attached. See code/modules/projectiles/attachments/ for example. |
attach_verb | "You slide the attachment into place on gun." |
attachment_type | Attachments that are not exclusive i.e. attaches to the side of the barrel should have an attachment_type of 0. Otherwise, use one or many bitflags to represent the exclusive space this attachment should occuy. |
icon_state | Attached sprite adds "_a" e.g. "iconname_a" |
is_on | If the attachment can be "turned on", it will use "_on" e.g. "iconname_on_a" and "iconname_on". It is important to note that not all attachments can be turned on, so you don't have to worry about this most of the time. |
Procs | |
on_attach | Called when the attacment is attached to a weapon |
on_detach | Called when the attachment is detached from a weapon |
Var Details

List of actions to add to the gun when attached. See code/modules/projectiles/attachments/ for example.

"You slide the attachment into place on gun."

Attachments that are not exclusive i.e. attaches to the side of the barrel should have an attachment_type of 0. Otherwise, use one or many bitflags to represent the exclusive space this attachment should occuy.

Attached sprite adds "_a" e.g. "iconname_a"

If the attachment can be "turned on", it will use "_on" e.g. "iconname_on_a" and "iconname_on". It is important to note that not all attachments can be turned on, so you don't have to worry about this most of the time.
Proc Details
Called when the attacment is attached to a weapon
Called when the attachment is detached from a weapon